Books by Matías I Zarlenga
Papers by Matías I Zarlenga

EURE - Revista de Estudios Urbano Regionales, 48(144), 2022
Hacia comienzos de la década de los noventa, numerosas ciudades latinoamericanas empezaron a impl... more Hacia comienzos de la década de los noventa, numerosas ciudades latinoamericanas empezaron a implementar políticas públicas en pos de revitalizar los deteriorados centros históricos, así como las antiguas zonas portuarias e industriales. En la mayoría de estas intervenciones la cultura ha desempeñado un papel relevante como instrumento de la revitalización. Sin embargo, esta clase de políticas públicas no ha sido analizada dentro del marco de los procesos de regeneración cultural urbana, quedando numerosos estudios por fuera de los debates internacionales sobre el tema. El objetivo central del presente artículo es desarrollar una tipología que pretende caracterizar las distintas orientaciones y modalidades que adquirieron las políticas de regeneración cultural urbana en Latinoamérica desde la década de los noventa hasta la actualidad. Sostenemos la existencia de tres tipos de procesos de políticas de transformación urbana a través de la cultura en Latinoamérica: la revitalización patrimonialista, la transformación cívica, y la regeneración creativa.
GECUN: Red Argentina de Carreras de Gestión Cultural de Universidades , 2022
El artículo tiene por finalidad exponer los principales conceptos y dimensiones de análisis usada... more El artículo tiene por finalidad exponer los principales conceptos y dimensiones de análisis usadas en el Proyecto UNTREF “Análisis socio-territorial y valorativo de los procesos de creatividad cultural urbanos en grupos de creadores” para analizar los procesos de creatividad desarrollados por grupos de creadores en los ámbitos de la literatura, las artes escénicas, la arquitectura y el diseño software en la ciudad de Buenos Aires en la actualidad. En el artículo se abordan investigaciones en psicología,sociología y territorialidad que han analizado la creatividad;se argumenta como la noción de creatividad se ha visto reducida en sus sentidos y alcances;y se dan cuenta de algunas nociones y conceptos para repensar las prácticas creativas desde la sociología pragmática.
Industrias culturales, territorios y convergencia digital, 2022
En los últimos años, en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales ha crecido el interés por el estudio d... more En los últimos años, en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales ha crecido el interés por el estudio de los llamados clústeres culturales, áreas urbanas caracterizados por la concentración territorial de personas, espacios e industrias dedicadas a actividades creativas y culturales (barrios artísticos, escenas culturales y/o distritos culturales). El presente artículo se propone definir qué es un clúster cultual a partir de comprender los factores histórico-sociales que hacen a su emergencia y las características que los definen. Hacia el final, el artículo elabora una tipología de clústeres culturales a partir de las dinámicas sociales que hacen a su funcionamiento, distinguiendo entre clúster culturales asociativos, comunitarios y burocráticos.

Sociedad Futura, 2020
El presente artículo tiene por finalidad explorar las implicancias de la Renta Básica Universal (... more El presente artículo tiene por finalidad explorar las implicancias de la Renta Básica Universal (RBU) en el sector artístico-cultural. Especialmente, se mostrarán los efectos positivos que la RBU tendría en las condiciones laborales y de existencia de los/as trabajadores/as artístico-culturales, acompañados de políticas público-culturales universalistas (PPCU) de fomento a la creación, producción y programación cultural. Para esta finalidad, el artículo presenta un recorrido por las condiciones histórico-sociales de la producción artístico-cultural modernas -sobre todo, la contradicción entre autonomía artística y mercado-, las políticas públicas culturales tendientes a la desmercantilización de la creación y producción artístico-cultural en el marco de los Estados de bienestar y los procesos de precarización laboral de los/as productores/as culturales en el marco de políticas de austeridad neoliberales. Hacia el final del artículo, se explicita la necesidad de una RBU para crear las condiciones de igualdad sustantiva para garantizar una libertad creativa sin condiciones.

The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, 2019
The concepts heritage tourism and urban conservation relate to the preservation and conservation ... more The concepts heritage tourism and urban conservation relate to the preservation and conservation strategies of buildings or urban areas. They differ from each other because of the historical contexts in which they emerge and the purposes and uses that are given to the buildings and urban areas conserved. Interest in urban conservation emerged during the twentieth century and expanded in the postwar period, especially during the 1960s. It relates to the reuse and enhancement of certain areas of the city. Heritage tourism appears to be associated with the contemporary phase of conservation. It assumes a connection between the preservation of the past and its intrinsic value as a resource for the modern community as a commercial activity. The emergence and proliferation of heritage tourism is related to social, economic, political, and cultural transformations that have occurred in Western societies since the 1980s.
International Journal of Cultural Policy , 2018
This article examines cultural policy strategies supporting urban regeneration, focusing on its p... more This article examines cultural policy strategies supporting urban regeneration, focusing on its particular characteristics in the Ibero-American context. We start by developing a systematic contrast between the different circumstances that have led to the emergence of these strategies in the Ibero-American sphere and in other parts of the world. Our examination of the Ibero-American regenerative experience also includes a consideration of the paradigmatic cases that arose initially in the Iberian Peninsula and the typological analysis of subsequent Latin American experiences. The consideration of all these different elements ends up providing a global vision of the specificity of the phenomenon in its Ibero-American context.

Géographie, Économie, Société, 2018
The multiple scales and urban dynamics of creativity and innovation. The double creative reality ... more The multiple scales and urban dynamics of creativity and innovation. The double creative reality of the Poblenou district in Barcelona. Urban creativity processes do not only take place within organizations; there are external actors (as individuals and communities) that play an important role on those processes. This article considers a multi-scale perspective to take into account the interactions between different levels of the urban dynamics of creativity and innovation. To this end, the article focuses on social interactions and their relationship with the territory, considering Creative Rituals and Creative Scenarios from a situational perspective. From the analysis of the case of the Poblenou / 22@ district in the city of Barcelona, the article explores the tensions in the coexistence between, on the one hand, the public-private dynamics for the economic development of the district through the creation of a district centered on the development of creative and knowledge-based industries; and on the other hand, the emerging dynamics of local communities of artists, that are far from an economic exploitation of creativity. According to the model developed by Cohendet et al. (2010), the article argues that in the case of Poblenou, there is a disconnection between the “upperground” (or formal organizations) and the “underground” (or creative communities) which represents an important short circuit in the creative dynamics of the district.

Journal of Strategy and Management, 2015
– In recent years, the term “smart city” has attracted a lot of attention from policy ma... more Purpose
– In recent years, the term “smart city” has attracted a lot of attention from policy makers, business leaders and citizenship in general. Although there is not a unique definition of what a smart city is, it is generally accepted that “smart” urban policies refer to local governments’ initiatives that use information and communication technologies in order to increase the quality of life of their inhabitants while contributing to a sustainable development. So far, “smart city” approaches have generally been related to top-down processes of technology diffusion. The purpose of this paper is to present a broader view on “smart” initiatives to analyze both top-down and bottom-up dynamics in a smart city. The authors argue that these two perspectives are complementary and its combination can reinforce the collaboration between different city stakeholders. Top-down and bottom-up initiatives are not opposed forces but, on the contrary, can have a synergistic effect on the innovation capacity of the city. Both perspectives are illustrated by providing examples of different “smart” aspects in the city of Barcelona: smart districts, open collaborative spaces, infrastructures and open data.
– To illustrate the arguments, the authors analyze the case of the city of Barcelona providing examples of top-down and bottom-up initiatives in four different smart city aspects: smart districts, open collaborative spaces, infrastructures and open data. The research method is based on a case study (Yin, 1984). The primary data consisted on interviews to city council representatives as well as managers of local public institutions, like economic development offices, and local organizations like for instance coworking spaces. The authors interviewed also specialists on the innovation history of the city in order to validate the data. In addition, the authors used secondary data such as reports on the 22@, and documentation on the Barcelona innovation policies, as well as doing a compilation of press articles and the online content of the institutional webpages. All together, the authors have followed a data triangulation strategy to seek data validation based on the cross-verification of the analyzed data sources.
– The analysis suggests that the top-down and bottom-up perspectives are complementary and their combination can reinforce the collaboration between different city stakeholders. Top-down and bottom-up initiatives are not opposed forces but, on the contrary, can have a synergistic effect on the innovation capacity of the city. Both perspectives are illustrated by providing examples of different “smart” aspects in the city of Barcelona: smart districts, open collaborative spaces, infrastructures and open data.
Research limitations/implications
– Nevertheless, the analysis has its limitations. Even if the authors have emphasized the importance of the bottom-up initiatives, citizens do not have often the resources to act without governmental intervention. This is the case of services that require high-cost infrastructures or regulatory changes. Also, as it usually happens in the case of disruptive technology, it is hard for citizens to understand the possibilities of its use. In these cases, firms and institutions must play an important role in the first phases of the diffusion of innovations, by informing and incentivizing its use. It is also important to note that some of the emerging usages of technology are confronted to legal or regulatory issues. For instance, distributed and shared Wi-Fi networks might be in opposition to economic interests of internet providers, that often difficult its expansion. It is also the case of services of the sharing economy that represent a menace to established institutions (like the tensions between Uber and taxi companies, or Airbnb and hotels). In these cases, city halls like it is the case in Barcelona, tend to respond to these emergent uses of technology by regulating to ensure protection to existing corporate services.
Practical implications
– In conclusion, the transformational process that leads a city to become a smart city has to take in consideration the complexity and the plurality of the urban reality. Beyond considering citizens as being users, testers or consumers of technology, local administrations that are able to identify, nourish and integrate the emerging citizens’ initiatives would contribute to the reinforcement of a smart city reality.
– The contribution of the paper is to go beyond the generalized technologic discourse around smart cities by adding the layer of the citizens’ initiatives.
Cultural Base , 2016
The purpose of this Vision Document is to go beyond the prevailing view of cultural creativity as... more The purpose of this Vision Document is to go beyond the prevailing view of cultural creativity as one dominated by economic considerations and to look for emergent alternatives. In the present instance, we would like to consider new institutional and practical frameworks of cultural creativity, which are also situated far from an economic way of thinking. In this Vision Document, firstly, we point out the limits and negative effects of the current context of cultural creativity dominated by the economistic paradigm. Secondly, we explore new frameworks, narratives and policies of cultural creativity beyond the economistic paradigm, highlighting challenges, future scenarios, key areas of change and possible ways forward.

In this paper, we want to examine, in a general and exploratory way, what academic literature has... more In this paper, we want to examine, in a general and exploratory way, what academic literature has contributed so far to the clarification of the relationship between cultural diversity and creativity in Europe, highlighting the main aspects and the main problems that in this respect have been addressed. In the first part of the article, we identify studies addressing the issue of diversity and cultural encounters as a specific cultural phenomenon linked to processes of hybridization in different areas of cultural creation. In the second part of our analysis we identified academic and non-academic literature addressing the issue of diversity and cultural creativity in two specific territorial frameworks: the city and Europe. The contrast between the two types of inquiry -the first one about the more theoretically inspired knowledge and the second one about the more practically and politically connected knowledge- reveal some major gaps and some unexplored potential of the research on the subject.

European Urban and Regional Studies, 2016
Analysing the territorial dynamics of culture, particularly its tendency to form clusters, has be... more Analysing the territorial dynamics of culture, particularly its tendency to form clusters, has become a study area that draws the attention of various social science disciplines. It has grown steadily in importance over the last 20 years alongside the increasing interest in creative industries and cultural institutions as factors in socio-economic development and urban regeneration. Most of today’s literature on the subject takes cultural clusters as a single type and focuses on aspects linked to their urban planning or economic impact. However, there is a growing awareness of the importance of the social dimension of cultural clusters. This paper aims to differentiate between various cultural clusters in the city of Barcelona by constructing models or types of cluster, taking into account the predominant interaction dynamics and the type of social ties generated between the cultural agents participating in these groupings. Following these criteria we distinguish three types of cultural cluster according to whether a bureaucratic, associative or community dynamic predominates. These social dynamics enable us to understand the success or failure of a cluster policy
Revista Mexicana de Sociología, Jul 2014
El presente artículo analiza los institutos de enseñanza artística formal y pública de la ciudad ... more El presente artículo analiza los institutos de enseñanza artística formal y pública de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, durante el último cuarto del siglo xix, en su relación espe-
cífica con el proceso de institucionalización de lo estético y la formación de la institución-arte en Buenos Aires como parte del proceso de modernización cultural. Con este fin, se estudia el caso de la Academia de Bellas Artes y Escuela de Artes Decorativas e Industriales en el momento de su nacionalización (1905), en tanto articulación-realización del proyecto estético-artístico y cultural de la formación de artistas reunidos en torno a la Sociedad Estímulo de Bellas Artes.

Revista Española de Sociología , Apr 2014
En los últimos veinte años ha ido creciendo en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales el interés por ... more En los últimos veinte años ha ido creciendo en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales el interés por el análisis de la dinámica territorial de la cultura y en particular su tendencia a la clusterización. La mayor parte de la literatura sobre el tema analiza los clústeres culturales entendiéndolos como un sólo tipo y desde la dimensión de la planificación urbana o los impactos económicos. No obstante, cada vez se toma más consciencia de la importancia de la naturaleza de la actividad y de las dinámicas de interacción sociales de los clústeres culturales. Un análisis a fondo de estas dos dimensiones nos revela que es necesario distinguir entre cuatro tipos de clústeres: clústeres de industrias culturales, agrupaciones de instituciones culturales, distritos culturales y escenas artísticas. El presente artículo mostrará cómo esta tipología nos permite distinguir entre las diferentes dinámicas de clusterización cultural presentes en la ciudad de Barcelona y, de este modo, comprender porque algunas dinámicas de clusterización resultan más creativas en términos de innovación cultural.

Working Papers Centre for German and European Studies, 2013
The relationship between creativity and territory has become a research study that draws the atte... more The relationship between creativity and territory has become a research study that draws the attention of various social science disciplines. Currently literature on the subject tend to pay attention only to hard or soft factors of the cities or the importance of cultural cluster to explain the impact of place in creativity processes in art, creative industries and knowledge firms. However this kind of studies giving little attention to social dimension of the phenomenon and the different scales of place. With the help of theoretical tool of the sociology, especially the concept of interaction ritual and frame, the main aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of place in cultural creative processes in visual arts from a sociological point of view. For this purpose, I analyze the impact of place (at micro, meso and macro scale) in artistic creativity processes of visual artists of Poblenou District in Barcelona city. This paper argues that place has a specific function in creative processes: model and guide the creativity.

European Urban and Regional Studies, Dec 30, 2013
Analysing the territorial dynamics of culture, particularly its tendency to form clusters, has be... more Analysing the territorial dynamics of culture, particularly its tendency to form clusters, has become a study area that draws the attention of various social science disciplines. It has grown steadily in importance over the last 20 years alongside the increasing interest in creative industries and cultural institutions as factors in socio-economic development and urban regeneration. Most of today’s literature on the subject takes cultural clusters as a single type and focuses on aspects linked to their urban planning or economic impact. However, there is a growing awareness of the importance of the social dimension of cultural clusters. This paper aims to differentiate between various cultural clusters in the city of Barcelona by constructing models or types of cluster, taking into account the predominant interaction dynamics and the type of social ties generated between the cultural agents participating in these groupings. Following these criteria we distinguish three types of cultural cluster according to whether a bureaucratic, associative or community dynamic predominates. These social dynamics enable us to understand the success or failure of a cluster policy.
![Research paper thumbnail of ¿Ciudad creativa y ciudad sostenible?: Un análisis crítico del modelo Barcelona de políticas culturales [Creative and sustainable city?: A critical analysis of the Barcelona model of cultural policy]](
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 2012
La cultura se ha convertido en uno de los elementos decisivos en el desarrollo económico, social ... more La cultura se ha convertido en uno de los elementos decisivos en el desarrollo económico, social y de la identidad de las ciudades. En este sentido, las políticas culturales han efectuado un giro local y emprendedor, lo que se ha descrito como la ciudad creativa. No obstante, de forma creciente han aparecido voces que propugnan nuevos paradigmas en el que la cultura contribuya a un desarrollo más sostenible. En este contexto, Barcelona ha desarrollado un modelo de política cultural que se ha presentado como una síntesis equilibrada del modelo de ciudad creativa y ciudad sostenible. En este sentido, el gobierno local ha liderando el movimiento de ciudades a favor de una política cultural sostenible y participativa. No obstante, algunas medidas de la política cultural en la planificación de los equipamientos culturales, la participación cultural o la generación de grandes eventos nos indican que la estrategia implementada se enfrenta con grandes contradicciones y limitaciones en cuanto a la participación de la comunidad artística y la comunidad local.
![Research paper thumbnail of Sociología de la cultura y educación artística. Un análisis de propuestas pedagógicas en cultura visual [Sociology of culture and arts education. An analysis of educational theories in visual culture]](
Instrumento - Revista de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educação, 2012
El presente artículo analiza, desde una perspectiva cercana a la sociología de la cultura, una se... more El presente artículo analiza, desde una perspectiva cercana a la sociología de la cultura, una serie de prácticas pedagógicas desarrolladas en ámbitos formales de enseñanza en España, Estados Unidos y Canadá que se inscriben dentro de la propuesta educativa en cultura visual. Para este propósito se da cuenta de: (1) Las herramientas teórico-metodológicas empleadas para el análisis (2) La manera en que los profesores y/o investigadores que desarrollaron estas prácticas pedagógicas interpretaron y usaron diferentes referentes teóricos y educativos en los que fundamentan sus propuestas. (3) El tipo de prácticas pedagógicas realizadas (fundamentos, perspectivas, objetivos, desarrollo y alcances) y la comprensión y uso que dentro de éstas prácticas se le dan a las imágenes (criterio de selección, sentido atribuido, modos de utilización).
![Research paper thumbnail of Preservación de la obra de arte y autonomía en la Teoría Estética de Theodor W. Adorno [Preservation of the artwork and autonomy in the Aesthetic Theory of Theodor W. Adorno]](
Boletín de Estética , 2011
La monografía pretende entender algunos de los argumentos esgrimidos por el filósofo alemán Theod... more La monografía pretende entender algunos de los argumentos esgrimidos por el filósofo alemán Theodor W. Adorno en torno a la defensa de la obra de arte y su autonomía. Para esta tarea se realiza una lectura atenta de los tres primeros apartados de su Teoría Estética. La guía que delimita este recorrido se circunscribe a comprender los pasajes claves en los que se sostiene la necesidad de ubicar el momento de verdad estética en la obra de arte como salvaguarda de su autonomía. Para esta finalidad se revisan algunas nociones claves como constelación, desartifización, lo nuevo, construcción, mímesis y racionalidad, y las categorías de lo bello y lo feo. Hacia el final se sostiene que la autonomía y centralidad de la obra de arte, en Adorno, representan un momento verdadero en el espacio temporal abierto entre los movimientos históricos de vanguardia y la emergencia del arte contemporáneo.
Palabras clave: Arte – Autonomía – Adorno – Teoría Estética"
"This monograph seeks to understand some of the arguments put forward by the German philosopher Theodor W. Adorno about the defense of the art work and its autonomy. For this task, it carries out a close reading of the first three paragraphs of his Aesthetic Theory. The outlines that define the reading are limited to understanding the key passages in those which Adorno argues the need to locate the moment of aesthetic truth in the artwork, as a safeguard of autonomy. To do this it review some key concepts as constellation, desartifización, new, construction, mimesis and rationality, and the categories of beauty and ugliness. Towards the end it argues that autonomy and centrality of the art work in Adorno represents a true moment in time opened between historical avant-garde movements and the emergence of contemporary art.
Keywords: Art – Autonomy – Adorno – Aesthetic Theory
Book Sections by Matías I Zarlenga

Sociología(s) del arte y las políticas culturales, 2022
Sociología(s) de las Artes y de las políticas culturales de Tomás Peters es un libro que delimita... more Sociología(s) de las Artes y de las políticas culturales de Tomás Peters es un libro que delimita y define la especificidad de la sociología del arte, su particular devenir y su conexión con las políticas culturales. La importancia del libro de Peters radica en reposicionar a la sociología no solo como una herramienta útil para comprender el sector artístico cultural (sus agentes, grupos, organizaciones, relaciones y prácticas), sino que, además, apela a recuperar e incorporar una mirada crítica, posicionando a la obra de arte y la interpretación sociológica como herramientas indispensables para repensar las políticas culturales. En este sentido, Peters posiciona a la sociología como una perspectiva clave en los estudios sobre gestión y políticas culturales. El libro es muy bienvenido para el público argentino, tanto para sociólogos y sociólogas (y otros/as cientistas sociales) interesados en el estudio del sector artístico-cultural y las políticas culturales, como también para gestores y gestoras culturales que buscan herramientas para una reflexión e intervención crítica en el campo cultural.
Books by Matías I Zarlenga
Papers by Matías I Zarlenga
– In recent years, the term “smart city” has attracted a lot of attention from policy makers, business leaders and citizenship in general. Although there is not a unique definition of what a smart city is, it is generally accepted that “smart” urban policies refer to local governments’ initiatives that use information and communication technologies in order to increase the quality of life of their inhabitants while contributing to a sustainable development. So far, “smart city” approaches have generally been related to top-down processes of technology diffusion. The purpose of this paper is to present a broader view on “smart” initiatives to analyze both top-down and bottom-up dynamics in a smart city. The authors argue that these two perspectives are complementary and its combination can reinforce the collaboration between different city stakeholders. Top-down and bottom-up initiatives are not opposed forces but, on the contrary, can have a synergistic effect on the innovation capacity of the city. Both perspectives are illustrated by providing examples of different “smart” aspects in the city of Barcelona: smart districts, open collaborative spaces, infrastructures and open data.
– To illustrate the arguments, the authors analyze the case of the city of Barcelona providing examples of top-down and bottom-up initiatives in four different smart city aspects: smart districts, open collaborative spaces, infrastructures and open data. The research method is based on a case study (Yin, 1984). The primary data consisted on interviews to city council representatives as well as managers of local public institutions, like economic development offices, and local organizations like for instance coworking spaces. The authors interviewed also specialists on the innovation history of the city in order to validate the data. In addition, the authors used secondary data such as reports on the 22@, and documentation on the Barcelona innovation policies, as well as doing a compilation of press articles and the online content of the institutional webpages. All together, the authors have followed a data triangulation strategy to seek data validation based on the cross-verification of the analyzed data sources.
– The analysis suggests that the top-down and bottom-up perspectives are complementary and their combination can reinforce the collaboration between different city stakeholders. Top-down and bottom-up initiatives are not opposed forces but, on the contrary, can have a synergistic effect on the innovation capacity of the city. Both perspectives are illustrated by providing examples of different “smart” aspects in the city of Barcelona: smart districts, open collaborative spaces, infrastructures and open data.
Research limitations/implications
– Nevertheless, the analysis has its limitations. Even if the authors have emphasized the importance of the bottom-up initiatives, citizens do not have often the resources to act without governmental intervention. This is the case of services that require high-cost infrastructures or regulatory changes. Also, as it usually happens in the case of disruptive technology, it is hard for citizens to understand the possibilities of its use. In these cases, firms and institutions must play an important role in the first phases of the diffusion of innovations, by informing and incentivizing its use. It is also important to note that some of the emerging usages of technology are confronted to legal or regulatory issues. For instance, distributed and shared Wi-Fi networks might be in opposition to economic interests of internet providers, that often difficult its expansion. It is also the case of services of the sharing economy that represent a menace to established institutions (like the tensions between Uber and taxi companies, or Airbnb and hotels). In these cases, city halls like it is the case in Barcelona, tend to respond to these emergent uses of technology by regulating to ensure protection to existing corporate services.
Practical implications
– In conclusion, the transformational process that leads a city to become a smart city has to take in consideration the complexity and the plurality of the urban reality. Beyond considering citizens as being users, testers or consumers of technology, local administrations that are able to identify, nourish and integrate the emerging citizens’ initiatives would contribute to the reinforcement of a smart city reality.
– The contribution of the paper is to go beyond the generalized technologic discourse around smart cities by adding the layer of the citizens’ initiatives.
cífica con el proceso de institucionalización de lo estético y la formación de la institución-arte en Buenos Aires como parte del proceso de modernización cultural. Con este fin, se estudia el caso de la Academia de Bellas Artes y Escuela de Artes Decorativas e Industriales en el momento de su nacionalización (1905), en tanto articulación-realización del proyecto estético-artístico y cultural de la formación de artistas reunidos en torno a la Sociedad Estímulo de Bellas Artes.
Palabras clave: Arte – Autonomía – Adorno – Teoría Estética"
"This monograph seeks to understand some of the arguments put forward by the German philosopher Theodor W. Adorno about the defense of the art work and its autonomy. For this task, it carries out a close reading of the first three paragraphs of his Aesthetic Theory. The outlines that define the reading are limited to understanding the key passages in those which Adorno argues the need to locate the moment of aesthetic truth in the artwork, as a safeguard of autonomy. To do this it review some key concepts as constellation, desartifización, new, construction, mimesis and rationality, and the categories of beauty and ugliness. Towards the end it argues that autonomy and centrality of the art work in Adorno represents a true moment in time opened between historical avant-garde movements and the emergence of contemporary art.
Keywords: Art – Autonomy – Adorno – Aesthetic Theory
Book Sections by Matías I Zarlenga
– In recent years, the term “smart city” has attracted a lot of attention from policy makers, business leaders and citizenship in general. Although there is not a unique definition of what a smart city is, it is generally accepted that “smart” urban policies refer to local governments’ initiatives that use information and communication technologies in order to increase the quality of life of their inhabitants while contributing to a sustainable development. So far, “smart city” approaches have generally been related to top-down processes of technology diffusion. The purpose of this paper is to present a broader view on “smart” initiatives to analyze both top-down and bottom-up dynamics in a smart city. The authors argue that these two perspectives are complementary and its combination can reinforce the collaboration between different city stakeholders. Top-down and bottom-up initiatives are not opposed forces but, on the contrary, can have a synergistic effect on the innovation capacity of the city. Both perspectives are illustrated by providing examples of different “smart” aspects in the city of Barcelona: smart districts, open collaborative spaces, infrastructures and open data.
– To illustrate the arguments, the authors analyze the case of the city of Barcelona providing examples of top-down and bottom-up initiatives in four different smart city aspects: smart districts, open collaborative spaces, infrastructures and open data. The research method is based on a case study (Yin, 1984). The primary data consisted on interviews to city council representatives as well as managers of local public institutions, like economic development offices, and local organizations like for instance coworking spaces. The authors interviewed also specialists on the innovation history of the city in order to validate the data. In addition, the authors used secondary data such as reports on the 22@, and documentation on the Barcelona innovation policies, as well as doing a compilation of press articles and the online content of the institutional webpages. All together, the authors have followed a data triangulation strategy to seek data validation based on the cross-verification of the analyzed data sources.
– The analysis suggests that the top-down and bottom-up perspectives are complementary and their combination can reinforce the collaboration between different city stakeholders. Top-down and bottom-up initiatives are not opposed forces but, on the contrary, can have a synergistic effect on the innovation capacity of the city. Both perspectives are illustrated by providing examples of different “smart” aspects in the city of Barcelona: smart districts, open collaborative spaces, infrastructures and open data.
Research limitations/implications
– Nevertheless, the analysis has its limitations. Even if the authors have emphasized the importance of the bottom-up initiatives, citizens do not have often the resources to act without governmental intervention. This is the case of services that require high-cost infrastructures or regulatory changes. Also, as it usually happens in the case of disruptive technology, it is hard for citizens to understand the possibilities of its use. In these cases, firms and institutions must play an important role in the first phases of the diffusion of innovations, by informing and incentivizing its use. It is also important to note that some of the emerging usages of technology are confronted to legal or regulatory issues. For instance, distributed and shared Wi-Fi networks might be in opposition to economic interests of internet providers, that often difficult its expansion. It is also the case of services of the sharing economy that represent a menace to established institutions (like the tensions between Uber and taxi companies, or Airbnb and hotels). In these cases, city halls like it is the case in Barcelona, tend to respond to these emergent uses of technology by regulating to ensure protection to existing corporate services.
Practical implications
– In conclusion, the transformational process that leads a city to become a smart city has to take in consideration the complexity and the plurality of the urban reality. Beyond considering citizens as being users, testers or consumers of technology, local administrations that are able to identify, nourish and integrate the emerging citizens’ initiatives would contribute to the reinforcement of a smart city reality.
– The contribution of the paper is to go beyond the generalized technologic discourse around smart cities by adding the layer of the citizens’ initiatives.
cífica con el proceso de institucionalización de lo estético y la formación de la institución-arte en Buenos Aires como parte del proceso de modernización cultural. Con este fin, se estudia el caso de la Academia de Bellas Artes y Escuela de Artes Decorativas e Industriales en el momento de su nacionalización (1905), en tanto articulación-realización del proyecto estético-artístico y cultural de la formación de artistas reunidos en torno a la Sociedad Estímulo de Bellas Artes.
Palabras clave: Arte – Autonomía – Adorno – Teoría Estética"
"This monograph seeks to understand some of the arguments put forward by the German philosopher Theodor W. Adorno about the defense of the art work and its autonomy. For this task, it carries out a close reading of the first three paragraphs of his Aesthetic Theory. The outlines that define the reading are limited to understanding the key passages in those which Adorno argues the need to locate the moment of aesthetic truth in the artwork, as a safeguard of autonomy. To do this it review some key concepts as constellation, desartifización, new, construction, mimesis and rationality, and the categories of beauty and ugliness. Towards the end it argues that autonomy and centrality of the art work in Adorno represents a true moment in time opened between historical avant-garde movements and the emergence of contemporary art.
Keywords: Art – Autonomy – Adorno – Aesthetic Theory
focusing on its particular characteristics in the Ibero-American
context. We start by developing a systematic contrast between the
different circumstances that have led to the emergence of these strategies
in the Ibero-American sphere and in other parts of the world. Our
examination of the Ibero-American regenerative experience also includes
a consideration of the paradigmatic cases that arose initially in the
Iberian Peninsula and the typological analysis of subsequent Latin
American experiences. The consideration of all these different elements
ends up providing a global vision of the specificity of the phenomenon
in its Ibero-American context.
Palabras Clave: Rituales de Creatividad, Lugar, Sociología, Poblenou
"The main aim of this chapter is understand the concept of visual culture. For this propose: (1) we analyze the emergence of the visual studies and their object: the visual culture. (2) We postulate some hypothesis related to the visual culture phenomenon. (3) We distinguish different visual studies point of view. (4) We discuss some critics that have been made to visual studies. (5) We analyze the main transformations in the way of production, communication and consume in the last few years that allow us to explain the emergence of visual culture.
The main aim of this chapter is understand the relationship between Argentinian’s film schools (e.g. FUC and ENERC) and the emergence of the so-called NAC (New Argentine Cinema) in the 90s. For this propose: (1º) we realize the history of Argentinian’s film schools to understand what it meant and how it was possible the emergence of these kinds of institutions. (2º) We explain the struggles generated inside of Argentinian’s film schools caused by the increasing complexity of the Argentine cinematography field."
The framework of this chapter is a collective Project which studies the transformation of subjectivity in Buenos Aires city. The book analyzes the changes in temporal perception in three different dimensions: (a) Auto-perception; (b) socials relationships (affectionate, working, politics); and (c) institutional relationships (civil society and Sate). The main hypothesis of this book affirms the existence of an historical mutation that has been happening since 70s in Argentina. This historical mutation refers the transformation from a disciplinarily society to a pos-disciplinary society and the consequent changes in the time perception. For this research we have done 25 deep interviews to habitants of Buenos Aires and have consulted a lot of bibliography and documents. In this chapter we analyze the changes in time perception in communitary relationships in Buenos Aires. We focus on the influence of time perception changes in the possibilities and impossibilities to generate communitarian and social projects.
A partir de los aportes de Randall Collins (2009; 2005; 2012), Erving Goffman (Goffman 2006; 2009) y Thomas Gieryn (2006; 2002), en la primera parte de la Tesis, se elaboran los conceptos de Rituales de Creatividad (RC), Marcos Creativos (MC) y Escenarios Creativos (EC). Por RC se entienden a las interacciones sociales cara a cara (co-presencia física) que tienen por foco de atención algún aspecto (técnico, estético, conceptual o valorativo) de los procesos de creatividad que están en la base de la innovación cultural. La noción de EC funciona como un concepto bisagra que permite articular la realidad espacial y social de los procesos creativos desde una perspectiva situacional. Por MC se entienden las percepciones, reglas, límites y orientaciones creativas que son el efecto de la relación entre los RC y EC.
A partir del análisis empírico de los sectores de arte, diseño y producción audiovisual de los barrios de Poblenou de la ciudad de Barcelona y de Palermo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires a la luz las categorías de RC, MC y EC, en la segunda parte de la Tesis, se construye una tipología de Escenarios Creativos (EC) que permite explicar la incidencia del lugar en los procesos de creatividad cultural desde una perspectiva sociológica y situacional. De este modo, se distinguen tres tipos ideales de EC: abiertos, cerrados y disonantes.
Los EC-abiertos se definen por ser lugares con límites difusos, la existencia de un medio híbrido (que combina recursos de diverso tipo) y una baja orientación y finalidad creativa en los RC que allí se celebran. Estas características convierten a los EC-abiertos en un tipo de escenario proclive a la experimentación, pero con dificultades para el logro de un producto cultural definido de acuerdo a convenciones específicas de un determinado sector de la producción cultural. Los EC-cerrados, por el contrario, se caracterizan por ser lugares con una clara delimitación espacial, la existencia de un medio homogéneo (que dispone de recursos materiales y humanos de un solo tipo) y con una orientación y finalidad creativa claramente definida. Estas características convierten a los EC-cerrados en un espacio donde los productos culturales convencionales. Finalmente, los EC-disonantes son lugares donde conviven simultáneamente orientaciones y finalidades creativas divergentes, lo que puede generar conflictos y contradicciones entre creadores, pero también potencialidades a nivel de contenidos y formas de los productos culturales elaborados.
El tópico de “Políticas y Dinámicas Culturales Urbanas” está abierto a la recepción de ponencias de carácter empírico y/o teórico que indaguen sobre la compleja relación entre el sector público, privado y socio-comunitario en las actuaciones e intervenciones culturales en la ciudad. Se esperan ponencias que trabajen temas como: procesos de transformación urbanas liderados por la cultura; diseño y planificación de festivales y eventos culturales en relación a la ciudad; planificación de distritos culturales y conformación de escenas culturales y barrios artísticos; acciones, modos de organización y proyectos de organizaciones culturales de base socio-comunitaria de carácter urbano; procesos de conservación y patrimonialización urbana; creatividad cultural urbana; innovación social urbana; entre otros.