Papers by Lucio Marinsalda Pastor

Argentina: 40 años en democracia, 2024
La incorporación de Argentina a los Acuerdos de Escazú nos conduce a observar dos asuntos de que ... more La incorporación de Argentina a los Acuerdos de Escazú nos conduce a observar dos asuntos de que consideramos de importancia: (i) el desarrollo en democracia ha incorporado demandas de desarrollo de ciudadanía, esto es, el reconocimiento y ejercicio de un conjunto amplio y creciente de derechos ante desafíos emergentes; (ii) y que este desarrollo ha guardado relación con dinámicas de escala internacional, pudiéndose resaltar esfuerzos por la generación de prácticas compartidas por la región latinoamericana ante la problemática ambiental. Nos proponemos explorar los posibles vínculos que unen estos dos elementos. A partir de una exploración crítica de la bibliografía y principales referentes en estas temáticas, el texto se divide en dos apartados principales: en primer lugar, se discute aspectos de democracia y ciudadanía insertos en un contexto regional; y luego se identifica características de la emergente democracia ambiental. Por último, se propone algunas reflexiones transitorias sobre las relaciones entre estas temáticas y los nuevos interrogantes que estas nos plantean.

Journal of Political Ecology
Rural territories in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, particularly those located in the Uco Va... more Rural territories in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, particularly those located in the Uco Valley, have been affected by severe transformations connected to two key factors: first, the national state's (de)regulation of water use and, second, the dramatic expansion of capital into winemaking and tourism. These activities have been developed on former livestock farming areas, turning them into fresh produce lands where food production is carried out in a "natural landscape" of unquestionable beauty: the iconic scenery of Mendoza. This article deploys the concept of extractivism to analyze "enclaves of commodity landscapes" associated with high-end wine tourism. Its purpose is to show the extent to which high-end wine tourism requires a sleek and highly aestheticized enclave landscape in order to enable the commodification of singular experiences. This article suggests that: 1) The development of tourism enclaves commodifies the landscape so as to provide t...

Journal of Political Ecology
Rural territories in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, particularly those located in the Uco Va... more Rural territories in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, particularly those located in the Uco Valley, have been affected by severe transformations connected to two key factors: first, the national state's (de)regulation of water use and, second, the dramatic expansion of capital into winemaking and tourism. These activities have been developed on former livestock farming areas, turning them into fresh produce lands where food production is carried out in a "natural landscape" of unquestionable beauty: the iconic scenery of Mendoza. This article deploys the concept of extractivism to analyze "enclaves of commodity landscapes" associated with high-end wine tourism. Its purpose is to show the extent to which high-end wine tourism requires a sleek and highly aestheticized enclave landscape in order to enable the commodification of singular experiences. This article suggests that: 1) The development of tourism enclaves commodifies the landscape so as to provide t...
Books by Lucio Marinsalda Pastor

The book "Políticas públicas comparadas en América Latina: discusiones teóricas y acción gubernam... more The book "Políticas públicas comparadas en América Latina: discusiones teóricas y acción gubernamental en tiempos turbulentos" is the result of the First Conference on Comparative Public Policies in Latin America, organized by the Comparative Public Policy Research Group (GIPPC-ALACIP) of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at the National University of Rosario, Argentina in 2021.
The book includes 16 works, written by 31 authors from 9 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, United States, Mexico and Uruguay). The work is divided into two main sections.
Part I "Comparative Public Policy Analysis: History, Methods, Theories and Teaching" addresses theoretical and methodological issues in comparative public policy analysis, with a special focus on Latin America. The articles include reflections on the history of the field, the most commonly used theoretical approaches, research methods, the profession of policy analysis and teaching in the area.
Part II "Comparative Public Policies in Latin America: Empirical Studies on Public Action in Turbulent Times" presents research conducted on sectoral policies in Latin America using a comparative perspective. The works analyze state social interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic, issues related to app-based workers, perceptions of family care, health policies, and relations between levels of government in pandemic management, among other empirical topics.
Papers by Lucio Marinsalda Pastor
Books by Lucio Marinsalda Pastor
The book includes 16 works, written by 31 authors from 9 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, United States, Mexico and Uruguay). The work is divided into two main sections.
Part I "Comparative Public Policy Analysis: History, Methods, Theories and Teaching" addresses theoretical and methodological issues in comparative public policy analysis, with a special focus on Latin America. The articles include reflections on the history of the field, the most commonly used theoretical approaches, research methods, the profession of policy analysis and teaching in the area.
Part II "Comparative Public Policies in Latin America: Empirical Studies on Public Action in Turbulent Times" presents research conducted on sectoral policies in Latin America using a comparative perspective. The works analyze state social interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic, issues related to app-based workers, perceptions of family care, health policies, and relations between levels of government in pandemic management, among other empirical topics.
The book includes 16 works, written by 31 authors from 9 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, United States, Mexico and Uruguay). The work is divided into two main sections.
Part I "Comparative Public Policy Analysis: History, Methods, Theories and Teaching" addresses theoretical and methodological issues in comparative public policy analysis, with a special focus on Latin America. The articles include reflections on the history of the field, the most commonly used theoretical approaches, research methods, the profession of policy analysis and teaching in the area.
Part II "Comparative Public Policies in Latin America: Empirical Studies on Public Action in Turbulent Times" presents research conducted on sectoral policies in Latin America using a comparative perspective. The works analyze state social interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic, issues related to app-based workers, perceptions of family care, health policies, and relations between levels of government in pandemic management, among other empirical topics.