Post a topic worthy of discussion define the terms present a point of view on the subject.
You may post essays, as long as the argument is coherent, relevant and appropriate.
Posts deemed inappropriate by the Moderator will be deleted at his leisure.
The Rules
• Don't rant about personal issues unless they're anecdotal in support of a debatable issue. Penalty: Post will be deleted without warning.
• No advertising of anything except political events, actual gatherings related to a debate issue, debate forums of like interest, and the community itself. Penalty: Bannable Offense.
• Any post in violation of's Terms of Service will be deleted immediately without warning. Penalty: Bannable Offense.
• All posts must have comments enabled, and be un-screened. This is, after all, a discussion forum. Penalty: Post will be deleted without warning.
• Do not delete any comments if they aren't your own. Penalty: Bannable Offense.
• Posts containing hate speech, or remarks encouraging harassment of other users (as defined in LJ's TOS) will be deleted without warning. If you are unsure whether or not you are using hate speech, you may consult a list of examples provided in debate_mods. Penalty: warning, and deletion if necessary.
• Individual threads are under exemption (save deletion, non-work safe material, hate speech and spamming). Maintainers may delete comments that are deemed to be spamming a thread.
• Any journal that violates these rules will be banned at the moderator's discretion.
By posting an entry to the community, asking to join the community, or commenting on already existing entries, you have stated that you have read and accepted the rules.
Disclaimer: Ask an ex-member of Debate about this forum: What you will be likely to hear are horror stories. Debate is not a nice place; It has been likened a den of hungry lions. Please have your arguments, logic and nerve ready in advance or your position will be ridiculed.
You have been warned of the hostile nature of this forum. Please do not act surprised when you are flamed.
Additional Information
Community creator is absolutcalm. He reserves the right to do nothing, because he gave the community to zippo138 and was banned!