Hey everyone! If you don't already know, this weekend "The Menaechmi" is playing at the CFPA. Here's all the information you need to know. Take care!
"The Menaechmi"
"The Menaechmi" is a comedy written by Plautus. It's similar to Shakepeare's "Comedy of Errors" because it deals with a set of long-lost twins and mistaken identities.
"The Menaechmi" plot summary, taken from this page:
MOSCHUS, a merchant of Syracuse, had twin sons who were like as two peas. When the boys were seven years old, Moschus took one of them, Menaechmus, with him on a business trip to Tarentum. There the boy became separated from his father and lost in the crowd. He was found later and adopted by a wealthy merchant of Epidamnus. In this city he grew to manhood and married a rich wife.
Meanwhile, so great was the grief of parents and grandparents for the lost boy that the remaining twin whose name was Sosicles was renamed Menaechmus. When the latter reached young manhood he set out with his slave, Messenio, to cover the known world in search of his twin. At the opening of the action, Menaechmus Sosicles and Messenio have just arrived at Epidamnus after six years of wandering.
Just prior to their appearance on the street where Menaechmus of Epidamnus lives, the latter has as usual been quarreling with his wife. To spite her he has stolen a rich mantle of hers to give to the courtesan, Erotium. He requests this lady to prepare a feast for himself and his Parasite, Peniculus, while they go to the market place to transact some business.
When she sees Menaechmus Sosicles, Erotium insists that he come in and eat the feast she has prepared. When he leaves she gives him the mantle along with a gold bracelet and requests that he have them repaired. Meanwhile, the wife of Menaechmus of Epidamnus discovers the loss of the mantle and makes such a scene that her husband attempts to recover the mantle from Erotium. That lady believes that her patron is trying to put something over on her and retires into her house in a rage leaving Menaechmus dinnerless without.
About this time the wife spies the visiting Menaechmus with her mantle and starts berating him loudly. When he disclaims all knowledge of her she calls her father and some servants to take him in custody, believing he has gone suddenly mad. This impression increases when, with the help of Messenio, Menaechmus spiritly resists.
Finally the twin brothers are brought face to face but it never seems to occur to Menaechmus Sosicles that here is the twin he has been seeking. It is left for Messenio to unravel the tangle and thus win the gift of freedom. The comedy closes with plans for an auction of all the property of Menaechmus of Epidamnus, including his wife, that he may return with his brother to Syracuse.
Performances: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 8:00 PM (Free Preview Performance)
Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:00 PM
Friday, November 19, 2004 8:00 PM
Saturday, November 20, 2004 2:00 PM 8:00 PM
Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:00 PM
Children & Students (with ID): $5.00 Senior Citizens: $10.00 General Admission: $15.00
"The Menaechmi" Cast List In Order of Appearance:
Peniculus, a parasite - Dave Coupe Menaechmus I - Matt Landry Erotium, a lady of pleasure - Molly Allendorf Cylindrus, a cook in Erotium's employ - Sarah Littmann Menaechmus II, Menaechmus I's twin brother (born Sosicles) - Chris Ferreira Messenio, slave to Menaechmus II - Kevin Whipkey Maid, also in Erotium's employ - Melissa Marine Wife, of Menaechmus I - Dahiana Torres Old Man, father-in-law of Menaechmus I - Bruce Durand Doctor - Brian Fagone
Chief Actors - Katie Curley, Bruce Durand, Brian Fagone, Melissa Marine, Katie Messinger
Ensemble - Katie Curley, Alex Goldsmith, Amanda Heimbecker, Shannah Kane, Sarah Littmann, Brittany Louie, Melissa Marine, Heather McMahon, Katie Messinger, Natasha Mogilevskaya, Steven Yerardi
Ladies of Pleasure - Katie Curley, Alex Goldsmith, Katie Messinger
Technical Side
Director - James T. Beauregard Technical Director - James T. Beauregard Stage Manager - Meghan Quigley Assistant Stage Manager - Brittany Louie Box Office - Jo-Ann McLaughlin Costumes - Daniel B. Kozar Costume Shop Manager - Lynn Pisano Costume Shop Staff - Sarah Aldrich & Candace Crosby House Manager - Lucas Bourgeois Light Board - Freya Grunden Make-Up Design - Daniel B. Kozar Make-Up - Jenifer Dear & Lauren Perry Musicians - Sean Horan & Justin Poirier Poster Design & Program Cover - Red Dog Studio Program - Jo-Ann McLaughlin Props - Molly Allendorf Set Design - James T. Beauregard Ushers - Lindsay Astles & Jude Coraldi Technical Teatre Class & Crew - Molly Allendorf, Shatiera Blevines, Justin Cohen, Dave Coupe, Katie Curley, Bruce Durand, Alex Goldsmith, Mark Ketchen, Charles King, Matt Landry, Brittany Louie, Melissa Marine, Meghan Quigley, Dahiana Torres
All shows are performed at:
Dean College's Center for Performing Arts 61 School Street Franklin, MA 02038
For more information, call the box office at (508) 541-1606 or click here.
For directions to Dean College, click here.