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Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to test a model of cooperation between internationalising businesses and local and host country governments in the context of Australian companies internationalising to China.... more
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      International BusinessPoliticsChinaApplied Economics
We focus on cross-cultural team effectiveness for MBA students involved in an immersion program, examining the development of knowledge about cultural traits, the challenges associated with teamwork, and factors that promote or hinder... more
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      Immersion Programs and Language LearningMBA Students
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to test a model of cooperation between internationalising businesses and local and host country governments in the context of Australian companies internationalising to China.... more
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    • Internationalisation
Background: Mentoring provides a range of benefits and one of them is social support. The number of students in transnational education has been increasing, and their transition into university is often fraught with difficulties.... more
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Over the last 40 years, China has developed laws for the protection of intellectual property rights. Unfortunately, these laws have not been uniformly enforced, making such protection problematic for Australian and other foreign... more
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This paper examines the influences on entry modes for Australian service organisations internationalising to China. A conceptual model was developed utilising past research in the field and internationalisation theory. The model... more
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    • Business
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      EntrepreneurshipPolitical ScienceChinaAustralian Business Law
This article examines how employee voice arrangements and managerial attitudes to unions shape employees' perceptions of the industrial relations climate, using data from the 2007 Australian Worker Representation and Participation Survey... more
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      SociologyIndustrial RelationsBritishApplied Economics
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      EconomicsCanadianBusiness ProcessPrivate Sector
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This paper analyses free-riding on Australian unions. It draws on the Australian Worker Representation and Participation Survey 2004. We find high levels of free-riding in Australian workplaces and the motives of non-members to be mixed.... more
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      SociologyIndustrial RelationsApplied EconomicsBusiness and Management
This study examines the relationship between employee voice arrangements and employees' trust in management using data from the 2007 Australian Worker Representation and Participation Survey of 1,022 employees. Drawing on social exchange... more
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      Human Resource ManagementBusiness and Management
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      EconomicsIndustrial RelationsMultiple Regression
A lcohol and illicit substance abuse in the workplace is an important human resource and industrial relations issue. Although more sophisticated measures have been developed to test and monitor drug use in the workplace, and despite tacit... more
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      Industrial RelationsHuman ResourceApplied EconomicsDrug Use
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The mostly private sector literature on call centre work suggests two distinct images: electronic sweatshops and customer focus . In the public sector, call centres have become widespread as governments import private sector management... more
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      Public sectorNew Public ManagementCall CentreBusiness and Management
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      MarketingBusiness and Management
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ISSN: 0155 6223 ISBN: 0 908557 78 7 This research paper was reviewed using a double blind peer review process that meets DEEWR requirements. Two reviewers were appointed on the basis of their independence, expertise and experience and... more
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