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IN THE late 1940s, George Orwell wrote his nightmarish novel 1984, depicting a future world where an all-seeing but unseen tyrant, Big Brother, ruled over his citizens by watching their every move. In this paranoid dystopia, surveillance... more
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      Surveillance (Sociology)Surveillance StudiesSurveillance, personal data, social sorting, privacy, camera surveillance, identification systems, internet surveillance, biometrics
"Knowing history is how a society knows itself. If you just pluck out the pretty elements of the story and ignore the darker side, that’s a perversion of history. There’s a reason why those buildings were built that way, and if we as a... more
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      ArchitectureSpace and PlaceArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Conservation
This paper explores the nexus of superstition and architecture - what I call "spatial magic" - with a focus on multicultural Australia.
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPsychologyFolklore
Melbourne’s famed laneways are becoming contested territory, with the city’s growing number of rough sleepers being depicted as a threat to tourism and business interests. Following the recent evictions of people sleeping in ‘homeless... more
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      HomelessnessUrban StudiesMarginalized IdentitiesUrban Sociology
The Finished People is a thought-provoking, unusual and unsettling film. It follows a group of dispossessed young people struggling to survive on Cabramatta’s tough streets; they are living homelessness in its most raw form, sleeping... more
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      HomelessnessDocumentary Film
In Australia, the AEC is currently looking at how voting can be made more accessible for people experiencing homelessness, and says it plans to consult with the homelessness sector on this issue. It is important to ensure already... more
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      HomelessnessSocio-legal studiesMarginalised communities
The Columbine High School massacre lasted sixteen minutes and left a total of fi fteen people dead. For a stunned America, denied the chance to seek an explanation from the boys who had pulled the trigger, one question resounded in the... more
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      Popular CultureDocumentary FilmGun Violence
In an awkward clash of cliché and fact, I grew up on a sheep farm in New Zealand, in a house owned by a former All Black. In this steep green place, where the melodic peals of bellbirds rang out from ferny valleys and the lambs shat in... more
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      New Zealand LiteratureContemporary PoetryMemory
“More regulation won’t do anything except cause increased hardship,” says Jenny Smith, CEO of the Council of Homeless Persons (CHP). “It won’t help traders, the community or rough sleepers, who will face fines and possible jail, with no... more
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      Human Rights LawHomelessnessSocial JusticeRough Sleeping
Australians go online to access a growing range of education, information, government and community services. But some people are missing out on the benefits of connection. Digital inclusion is based on the premise that everyone should be... more
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      Social JusticeAustraliaInformation and Communication TechnologiesDigital Inclusion
In an abrupt about-face that has shocked homeless services, last Thursday Lord Mayor Robert Doyle proposed new laws making it illegal to sleep on Melbourne's streets. "I welcome any move by police to bring an end to what has become a... more
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      Social PolicyHuman Rights LawHomelessnessSocial Exclusion and Social Inequalities
Just before dawn on Saturday 19 March, two opposing groups will wade into a muddy wetland somewhere in country Victoria to await the official start of duck-shooting season. When the first shot rings out, this peaceful site will transform... more
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      Environmental EthicsEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceAnimal Welfare
Places are both sustained and shaped by the stories we tell about them. In turn, stories of place are influenced by cultural, political, and socioeconomic forces. A form of 'unplanned' urban architecture, over almost two centuries... more
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      NarrativeSpace and PlaceUrban HistoryHomelessness
This paper examines the how of literary wheres. As makers of literary works, creative writers are tasked with evoking place on the page. While the nexus of place and literature is increasingly recognised as fertile scholarly ground, the... more
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      Creative WritingLiterary GeographySense of PlaceCreative Methodologies
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      Animal BehaviorJournalism StudiesCommunication and media StudiesPoint of View
Book chapter/essay published in a New Zealand anthology about the climate crisis. Explores the lived experience of parenting during Australia's Black Summer bushfires from a trans-Tasman perspective, and discusses the broader social and... more
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      Human GeographyClimate ChangeEnvironmental PsychologyPlace Attachment
Places are both sustained and shaped by the stories we tell about them. In turn, stories of place are influenced by cultural, political, and socioeconomic forces. A form of 'unplanned' urban architecture, over almost two centuries... more
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      HistoryNarrativeSpace and PlaceUrban History
This article explores community responses to 'Golden Head', a guerrilla artwork that was installed covertly in a Melbourne park in early 2020 by unknown persons. Focusing on local residents' reactions to this mysterious, unsanctioned... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCommunitySocial and cultural geography
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      Creative WritingSociologyAestheticsNarrative
Telstra ln today's world, being connected is now an integral part of life, and Australians increasingly spend a large proportion of their time online. Yet even as digital technologies play an increasingly central and empowering role in... more
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      BusinessGeographyDigital DivideThe Internet