Deakin University
Deakin Learning Futures
Many studies suggest that young people, including commencing undergraduates are increasingly ‘Net-savvy’ and sophisticated users of information and communication technologies devices and techniques, including their ability to find... more
This paper examines pedagogical benefits of an electronic student portfolio to critically reflect on formal learning and life experiences that enhance employability skills. Goals of the approach are to 1) provide a framework for... more
An institutional electronic portfolio called the iPortfolio had over 17,000 subscribers one year after its introduction at an Australian university. This paper reports on a study to determine how students use these iPortfolio accounts,... more
with Bethel, P., Fernandez, J. M., Harrison, J., & Breit, R. - Abstract: Benchmarking is commonly perceived as a key part of quality assurance and enhancement, and universities have had limited success to date in benchmarking, nationally... more
Assuring standards of academic achievement is central to current policy initiatives within and beyond Australia. There is no one validated way of assuring standards, and institutions are likely to use a range (and probably combinations)... more
ePortfolios are playing an increasingly important role in both university and employment contexts. This paper provides background on iPortfolio, Curtin‘s bespoke ePortfolio system and a discussion of three case studies chosen to... more
Problem-based learning (PBL) continues to challenge educational institutions in terms of demonstrating its effectiveness. Prior studies have offered insight into the methods, application, and experiences of teaching using PBL. However,... more
Problem based learning (PBL) is a group learning environment that involves a radical change in the way students learn and the role that academic staff play in facilitating learning. The PBL approach claims to build extended technological... more
The study reported in this paper investigated the disciplinary and cross-disciplinary learning by students in problem-based learning (PBL). Fifty students in eight PBL teams in a first year undergraduate engineering course participated in... more
Large scale curriculum renewal projects in universities present particular challenges for academic course leaders, teaching staff and central academic developers. While acknowledging the difficulties that mandated projects bring to the... more
Despite decades of dependence on sessional teaching staff, universities in Australia and internationally still find it difficult to support the teaching work of this large, casual workforce. A significant consequence of casually-employed... more
- by julia savage
In the field of technology-enhanced learning design, the rise of Web 2.0 has been the filip needed to accelerate the emergence of socially-connected global learners. These highly social learners now use the web to engage with knowledge... more
- by julia savage
In Australia, a significant number of students enrol in first-year university biology without the benefit of high school biology. In order to help students support each other, the authors of this paper (a central unit academic developer... more
This study evaluated how the pairing of sessional teaching staff in a large first-year undergraduate science subject provided context-specific professional development for sessional teaching staff. We used a likert-scale questionnaire to... more
The authors of this paper are academic developers in an Australian university. In thispaper, we discuss the outcomes of a small pilot study about value tensions; completed toinform a larger research project about the possibilities of... more
The purpose of this study was to identify effective teaching practices that will assist international students to achieve better learning outcomes while studying first year architecture at an Australian university. This study identified... more