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This study investigates and compares the performance of two different types of ultrafiltration (UF) membranes in the recovery of water from secondary treated wastewater. Filtration experiments were carried out on a pilot scale cross-flow... more
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      EngineeringWater ReuseUltrafiltrationDesalination
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      Numerical ModellingMining GeomechanicsCIM
The review of present literature has highlighted that significant effort has been placed in the past into developing pillar design criteria based on empirical relationships that do not account for adverse floor conditions. From research... more
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A numerical assessment of historical, caving induced subsidence at the Kiirunavaara Lake Orebody has been conducted. Established displacement and strain-based criteria have been used to accurately simulate the evolution of ground surface... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
Remnant rib pillars at Castlemaine Goldfields Ltd’s Ballarat Gold Project have been sterilised by the placement of loose rockfill in production stopes. The application of selectively injecting low viscosity grout into the backfilled... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
Anisotropic and foliated rock masses, the behaviour of which are dominated by closely spaced planes of weakness, present particular difficulties in the assessment of pit slope stability. Various numerical modelling techniques are... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
Microseismic monitoring, the engineering application of earthquake seismology, provides an insight into the location and extent of fracturing induced by the caving process. The spatial characteristics of the observed microseismicity... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
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    • Mining Geomechanics
Cave mining methods allow for the bulk extraction of large, low grade ore bodies in a cost effective manner. The fundamental mechanics of caving involves the self-propagating yield (failure) of an in situ rock mass in response to... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
The Grace Mine, located in southeast Pennsylvania USA, was owned and operated by Bethlehem Steel Corporation from 1951 to 1977. During this time, iron ore was extracted using the underground panel caving mining method that has resulted in... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
The accurate assessment of cave initiation and propagation is of critical importance to the planning of any new caving operation. For this reason, the use of numerical models for simulation of the undercutting, draw, propagation and... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
A technique termed Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) modeling has been developed to study the strength and deformation behavior of jointed rock in three-dimensions. It uses PFC3D to represent the intact rock as an assembly of bonded particles and... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
The transition from surface to underground mining presents a series of technical and operational challenges, in particular those arising from the interaction between the cave and the overlying pit. Seismic monitoring provides a unique... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
Traditional approaches to cave analysis do not provide a means for the robust examination of how key inputs such as fracture orientation and fracture persistence impact rock mass strength and its response to caving. A ubiquitous jointed... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
Some of the most challenging aspects of design in moderately to heavily jointed rock masses relate to the impacts of in-situ joint fabric on rock mass behavior. Preferred joint orientations can induce a marked anisotropy in modulus,... more
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    • Mining Geomechanics
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    • Caving Mechanics
Highly skilled engineers drive many Australian industries including mining – a crucial Australian industry - in their pursuit of economic returns around the globe. Understanding the globalised context of Australian mining highlights the... more
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    • Women and Gender Studies
The established (industry standard) practice to design stable stope spans in jointed rock is to use empirical methods. Experience at a number of open stoping operations has shown that empirical methods can produce unreliable and ambiguous... more
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      Discrete fracture networkStope Stability Analysis
The capacity of ground support components which have been affected by corrosion is reduced and may ultimately lead to failure of the component and the strata. In order to maintain an effective, long-term ground support system, significant... more
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      CorrosionGround Support Systems
Anisotropic and foliated rock masses present particular difficulties in the assessment of pit slope stability. Although many attempts have been made to describe the strength of rock masses that exhibit a preferred orientation of weakness,... more
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      Numerical ModellingAnisotropic Rock Mass Strength