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This article traces the evolution of China's policies aimed at promoting corporate social responsibility and sustainable investments, while assessing the extent to which its regulatory regime has succeeded in influencing the investment... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentChinaChina Going GlobalMining
Despite being the world’s second largest economy, China cannot afford to be isolated by the international community
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      ChinaChinese foreign policyThe Rise of China
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      HumanitarianismEast AsiaSoutheast AsiaChina
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      CambodiaChinaEnvironmental ActivismHydropower
Over the years, China’s Lancang dam cascade has been the target of widespread contestation arising mainly from an evolving network of dam opponents. Operating across borders, these activists play an increasingly prominent role in the... more
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      Social MovementsInternational RelationsCorporate Social ResponsibilitySoutheast Asia
In late 2013, controversy over China’s dams on the upper stretches of the Mekong River—otherwise known as the Lancang Jiang—flared up once again. Disbelief quickly spread among the communities of the Lower Mekong Basin when an acute peak... more
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      ChinaChina Going GlobalHydropowerWater Security
This essay examines China’s approach to non-interventionism in world affairs through the prism of ‘governability’ thought. It argues that Chinese attitudes toward (non-)intervention are not necessarily changing as a result of shifting... more
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      GovernmentalityGlobal governmentalityGlobal GovernanceChina
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      China Going GlobalCivil SocietyMekong Region
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      Chinese PhilosophyInternational Relations TheoryChinese foreign policyChinese Politics
Erratum for the article I published ('China and Disaster Governance') in the Journal of Chinese Political Science in 2016 (complimentary article access here: Extensive errors were made during the production stages of... more
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      Disaster StudiesChinese foreign policyDisaster ManagementResponsibility
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityRegulation And GovernanceForeign Direct Investment
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      Cooperation and ConflictWater resourcesSoutheast AsiaEnvironmental Policy and Governance
China and International Theory: The Balance of Relationships 1st Edition Chih-yu Shih et al. Summary Major IR theories, which stress that actors will inevitably only seek to enhance their own interests, tend to contrive binaries of self... more
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      International Relations TheoryChina studies
Enter the Dragon critiques the proposed Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP), arguing that the rationale for the scheme is based on faulty premises; that the proposed architecture is inadequate; and that... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesChinese foreign policyAustralian foreign policyAustralia in the Asia Pacific
Asia-Pacific Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge University Press) edited by Suzannah Linton, Tim McCormack, and Sandesh Sivakumaran
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      International RelationsEthicsDevelopment StudiesSoutheast Asian Studies
QS VUW Subject Focus Summit on Politics and International Relations "Power Shifts in the Asia-Pacific: Large and Small States Perspectives" Victoria University of Wellington, February 19-21, 2020 This QS summit will bring leading... more
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      International RelationsSoutheast Asian StudiesJapaneseEast Asian Studies