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It has been argued in the historical martial arts community that the British game of Singlestick was so popular around the turn of the 20th century that President Roosevelt himself was a loyal adherent to the practice, and that it was... more
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      American HistoryMartial ArtsHistory of European Martial ArtsHistorical European Martial Arts
This thesis explores the the concept of combat sports and games as examples of cultural heritage. More precisely it examines the different processes in which a combat practice becomes a symbol of cultural heritage, or in the opposite... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageCombat SportsMartial Arts
The history of kenjutsu and kendo has been fairly well documented in Japan, but outside of it there has been very little research. Many people are aware of the relatively recent history of kendo in their city or state, but anything before... more
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      Sports HistoryMartial ArtsKendo
L’escrime est un art martial qui a connu de nombreux bouleversements en France. Son association avec la culture du duel lui a toujours valu une réputation pour le moins mitigée, poussant les autorités à parfois la réprimer. Tour à tour... more
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      French HistoryNapoleonic WarsFrench Revolution and NapoleonNapoleonic Europe
Analysis of viral genome sequences from two calves persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus revealed a quasispecies distribution. The sequences encoding the glycoprotein E2 were variable, translating to a number of changes... more
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      Kinship (Anthropology)Kinship and Relatedness (Anthropology)
The immune response induced by a DNA construct expressing the E2 envelope glycoprotein of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was studied in cattle. Four groups of five calves, were immunised by intradermal injection with a total of 1 mg... more
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      Immune responseVeterinaryBiological SciencesDNA
The effect of cytokine adjuvancy on a bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) DNA vaccine expressing the major glycoprotein E2 was investigated in mice. Murine interleukin-2 (IL-2) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)... more
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      Immune responseBiological SciencesMiceP-glycoprotein
Analysis of viral genome sequences from two calves persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus revealed a quasispecies distribution. The sequences encoding the glycoprotein E2 were variable, translating to a number of changes... more
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      Immune responseKinship (Anthropology)VirologySequence Analysis
The immune response induced by a DNA construct expressing the E2 envelope glycoprotein of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was studied in cattle. Four groups of five calves, were immunised by intradermal injection with a total of 1 mg... more
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      Immune responseVeterinaryBiological SciencesDNA
The effect of cytokine adjuvancy on a bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) DNA vaccine expressing the major glycoprotein E2 was investigated in mice. Murine interleukin-2 (IL-2) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)... more
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      Immune responseBiological SciencesMiceP-glycoprotein
This paper considers how an important instrument of global heritage governance, the World Heritage Convention, became just that—globalised and governing—through an analysis of a material artefact: the UNESCO World Heritage map. The map... more
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      Cultural HeritageGlobal GovernanceUnescoMaps and Society
This special issue of Historic Environment emerged from a symposium by and for emerging heritage researchers at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University, Melbourne, in November 2016. The... more
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    • Environmental Sustainability
ncreasing politicisation of World Heritage processes has been linked to growing interest by emergent states in the Convention processes as a tool for soft power, especially in Asia. It has also been linked to an undermined role for expert... more
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      ExpertiseWorld Cultural HeritageCultural DiplomacyUNESCO world heritage
An important emerging question in World Heritage scholarship is how to locate and give voice to the local expert. This paper explores how this question is linked to the issue of what counts as expertise at the annual transnational World... more
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      ExpertiseCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesWorld Cultural Heritage
The objective of the symposium is to explore the possibilities for heritage to be used in a sustainable and socially just way in our globalised world. Conflict and its aftermath, the rapidly growing tourism industry, and the need to... more
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      Cultural HeritageSocial JusticeEnvironmental Sustainability
This paper considers an aspect of how an important instrument of global heritage governance, the World Heritage Convention, became just that—globalised and governing—through a close analysis of a material artefact: the UNESCO World... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCultural Heritage ManagementHeritage Management
At a time of pressing and unprecedented challenges to global heritage conservation and cultural and environmental governance more broadly, scepticism about claims to expertise have emanated from both vested economic and political... more
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      ExpertiseHistoric PreservationUnescoCultural Diplomacy