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The design critique process, used to provide expert feedback on a building design concept to students in architecture schools throughout the world, is reinterpreted within the context of an ITbased collaborative virtual environment. IT... more
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This paper describes the development of collaborative virtual environment (CVE) software based on a game engine to support the early stages of design in the context of architectural education. The precedent of narrative drawing technique... more
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      Architectural EducationCollaborative DesignArchitectural DesignReal Time
The University of Auckland has been utilizing a multi-player game engine to develop an application (StringCVE) to coordinate architectural design and critique within a collaborative virtual environment (CVE). The initial emphasis of the... more
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The use of computer technology to simulate architectural designs is well established in the profession and education. However most software interfaces in this field are intricate and require substantial time input, while the hardware... more
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      Environmental ScienceArtArchitectureInformation Visualization
This paper reviews current approaches to design visualization in the built environment and establishes a gap in theory and practice. While it has been acknowledged for some time that the temporal component is an important aspect of... more
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Augmented Reality (AR) technology has the potential to improve visualisation at the early stages of architectural design. The advantages of screen based AR systems over existing head mounted display AR, animation and virtual reality is... more
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We discuss the use of multiple design representations to enhance decision making at the early stages of design. Our interest is how the context in which design decisions are made can be extended by two interrelated approaches: (1) the... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural Computing
The aesthetics of form in motion has been a central preoccupation for the visual arts of the twentieth century, culminating in the establishment of kinetic art as a distinct area of activity in the 1950's. Architecture has traditionally... more
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    • Techniques
Kinetic facades offer new compositional opportunities based on the design of patterns of movement. There is the capacity for novel form, but minimal knowledge in the design of kinetics. As a way forward, this research addresses two... more
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The integration of Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE) into design curricula highlights shortcomings in the existing pedagogy of spatial design teaching. RMIT University's Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL) has... more
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      Design educationSoftware DevelopmentSound DesignArchitectural Design
Introductory Chapter Perspectives on Architectural Design Research is a collection of short essays, projects and edited transcripts that offers current perspectives on design research in architecture and aligned disciplines. Contributors... more
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      ArchitectureDesign educationDesign ResearchArchitectural Theory
The author and associated researchers have in previous projects adapted videogame technology for design in the context of architectural design education. This paper reflects on this body of research: the original motivations and... more
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      Serious GamesParametric Design (Architecture)Building Information ModellingInterdisciplinary Collaboration in Design Fields
Note: I had thought this paper was lost - thanks to ANZASCA to retrieving from the archives! An innovative architectural design studio at the University of Auckland in which virtual reality software developed for commercial computer... more
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      Virtual EnvironmentsSerious GamesArchitectural Design
My first published paper which I thought lost, but resurrected on the ANZASCA site (thanks!). I had recently returned from London , where I was very much influenced by Robin Evans. He tragically passed away and his seminal book THE... more
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      Design ResearchArchitectural HistoryParametric Design (Architecture)Digital Craft
This paper reports on a comparative study that evaluates two approaches to support the learning and use of algorithmic design in architecture, and extrapolates from this to consider applications for the algorithmic design of cities. The... more
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      Design MethodsParametric Design (Architecture)Urban Design
A design project that explores how augmented reality may be incorporated within architecture to embed hybrid ‘info-tectonic’ detail, across a range of scales is documented. The context in which the project is undertaken is the legacy of... more
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      ArchitectureAugmented RealityIndia
Our research revolves around developing applications of augmented reality technologies to support changing temporal contexts in architectural design. In order to ground this research in contemporary professional culture, we first... more
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The use of digital technologies in design continues the trajectory of 20th century modernism where architecture is conceived as an object devoid of context - physical and cultural. Moreover, there are minimal examples where context is... more
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