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2005, Sustainable design education: teaching, learning and assessment in collaborative group design projects, in Fabricating sustainability : unofficial ABSTRACT: Changes in the funding of tertiary education resulting in less one-to-one... more
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      Teaching and LearningArchitectureHigher EducationArchitectural Education
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    • Architecture
In 2002 the State Government of Victoria, in partnership with the City of Greater Geelong and Deakin University, initiated an Urban Design Framework to explore development opportunities of a series of redundant industrial sites adjacent... more
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      Civil EngineeringConstruction ManagementConstructionUrban Design
In the following paper, ratios which correlate aged care places with physical infrastructure requirements are developed for the regional Victorian Local Government Area of Greater Bendigo, by analysing its existing aged care facilities.... more
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      Built EnvironmentPopulation AgingPopulation Ageing
Changes in the funding of tertiary education resulting in less one-to-one staff/student contact time mean that we cannot continue to teach as we have historically been taught. If design schools are unable to implement strategies that... more
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      Teaching and LearningHigher EducationArchitectural EducationSustainable Design
As information expands and comprehension becomes more complex, so the need increases to develop focused areas of knowledge and skill acquisition. However, as the number of specialty areas increases so the languages that defi ne each... more
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The advent of sustainable approaches to managing an increase of population in our urban centres, such as the Melbourne 2030 planning policy, has led to questions regarding their successful implementation at local government level. Issues... more
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      MelbourneCity of Port Phillip GrowthMapping Projections
As population change places pressure on expanding regional and metropolitan urban boundaries, so the threat of bushfire at the rural/urban interface increases. This paper presents a range of 2D and 3D 1:40 and full scale modelling... more
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2013, Working with 'housing variance' to model urban growth futures with inner metropolitan Melbourne, in SOAC Abstract: Continued population growth in Melbourne over the past decade has led to the development of a range of strategies and... more
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    • Population Growth
Ratios which correlate aged care places with Land-use requirements are developed by analysing the existing aged care facilities in the regional Victorian Local Government Areas of Greater Bendigo and Warrnambool. These ratios are used in... more
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implications and tradc.-offs against time and quality factors can be investigated at frequent intervals during the construction period. The possibilities are endless. These scenarios are explained incrementally over the teaching semester... more
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2005, Sustainable design education: teaching, learning and assessment in collaborative group design projects, in Fabricating sustainability : unofficial ABSTRACT: Changes in the funding of tertiary education resulting in less one-to-one... more
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      Teaching and LearningArchitectureHigher EducationArchitectural Education
The question of whether or not design can be considered research has perplexed schools of architecture ever since they were fi rst introduced into universities. It was at the center of the Oxbridge union debates in the early 1900s. It... more
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      Strategic PlanningPopulation Change
Once upon a time, Australia was a terrific country. I remember being particularly fond of it in the mid-1990s when, as a nation, we were rocketing towards a number of quite spectacular milestones in our history and, indeed, in global... more
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