I made an IndieWeb postcard --------- Images in this post: a child with long braids is standing on a floating PC tower, using a floating mouse and keyboard to type 'i heart the web' on the monitor. the color palette is limited to red, orange and yellow mockup of the postcard front and back. the front is the previous illustration, the back is as you'd assume, notably at the bottom left is the Indie Web Camp logo and on the stampo field there is a little smiley Two facts contributed to me making this. Firstly, I realised that I can do whatever I want with the IndieWeb logo, colors and "branding" as a whole. Secondly, I remembered that we talked about post cards and sending HTML in the mail last week at homebrew website club. I think James was the one who mentioned it. I recently got more into designing for fun (rather than profit) and so I thought I'd combine these two facts and my love for illustrating in Adobe Illustrator to make a post card (that ended up being very specific to me). The reason it's specific to me is that the illustration depicts a 10-ish year old me at the computer. Here are the sketches I did: What you have to know about me at 10-ish is that I wore these really old-man Harry Potter round glasses and I had pretty long hair I sometimes wore in two french brains (obviously not that long but yk. pretty long). The illustration ended up looking like this: You might notice there is NO OUTLET anymore, meaning that the technology here runs on artistic freedom. I think the heart shape thing ended up working pretty well! The rest of the postcard design is pretty simple and quick. I added the logo and a little sentence about owning the web. This below is a mockup but I actually ordered a few of these for reals. If you want me to send you one of these in the mail you can ask me via email. I'd use the postcard to send it to you though, so you can't use them anymore for anything but looking at them... This was a pretty fun project! I kind of love the simple illustration because it expresses my love for the IndieWeb and how it reminds me of "simpler times" on the web -- especially of the web as place to have fun. It's easy to be lead to believe something different nowadays, so this is a nice little reminder that the internet is ours and we can have fun here :^) I recently added a few more design things to my /art section, if you wanna check out more. You can also find the print PDF for these there, in case you wanna have them printed too for some reason. Also posted to Indienews because why not. Maybe it'll inspire others to make indieweb stuff too. I remember that Nick Simson made a heavy metal logo for the IndieWeb recently. More like that! Why not? Tags: indieweb, art PS: while illustrating I relistened to this song a lot, which I discovered on my old phone from when I was 15: Category: other