Multipurpose Techup
Hinweis: Dieses Theme wurde seit mehr als 2 Jahren nicht aktualisiert! Es könnte daher nicht mehr unterstützt werden und zudem Kompatibilitätsprobleme bereiten, wenn es mit aktuellen WordPress-Versionen eingesetzt wird.

Dies ist ein Child-Theme von Techup.
Multipurpose Techup Theme. This is a child theme of Techup a Free WordPress Theme useful for Business, corporate and agency and Trade Institutional based websites. Theme has a full screen option. Theme is developed with creative design having multiple sections on Home Page. Theme has powerful features that let you write articles and blog posts with ease. It uses the best clean Construction practices, responsive HTML5, and on top of that, it is fast, simple, and easy to use. Use the Customizer to add your own background, page layout, site width and more. Theme is useful in NGO, Architecture, Builder, Construction, Technology, Health & Science, Religion, Property dealing and any kind of website. Theme has Slider, feature, callout, services, portfolio, testimonial, Team section. Theme support unlimited colors options too. You can customize logo and can add unlimited pages. Theme is responsive and supports all major plugins of WordPress.
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