Sync Products Stock Status


I wanted a simple way to link multiple products together to share the stock status, such as if you change the stock status of one product all the other linked products will be synced to the same stock status.

Do you have multiple WooCommerce products with different titles and prices but shared inventory status? This plugin addresses the common issue of inaccurate stock status displays. Link these products together to synchronize their stock status in real-time. Links are mutual: linking Product A to Product B also links Product B to Product A, ensuring seamless two-way synchronization A simple interface within the product editor makes managing linked products a breeze. Supports both simple and variable products.

Choosing products is really easy, just search for the product name or id.

This plugin aims to fix the issue of having multiple products that were essentially the same product but with different titles and prices, so when one of the products would run out of stock you would not have to remember and manually change the stock status of all the other products too.

Plugins codename is SSBDP – Same Stock But Different Product


  1. Install the Sync Products Stock Status plugin from WordPress
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. That’s it!


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