Description: Hook into plugin and core upgrader to support SVN driven sites. Now you can freely use the WordPress auto upgrade features without worrying about the Subversion impact. Just upgrade in WordPress and then commit the changes in SVN.
Additionally, this plugin displays the current SVN version in the footer of your admin panel and uses the SVN version to append to your CSS and Javascript embeds so that every time you update from SVN, your media files are cleared form cache.
Requires that your system permissions allow shell_exec() to execute svn commands.
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To Do
- Account for SVN externals
- Test to ensure the plugin is compatible with your server (that you can run exec svn commands)
- Build an auto commit option? Not sure if this is a good idea.
It’s pretty straight forward. When you auto upgrade a plugin or the core, this plugin automatically svn adds and removes files appropriately. That way you can keep your entire WordPress install in SVN.
Install just like any other plugin. That’s it. Done.
- PHP 5.1 or above
- WordPress 3.0 or above
- System permissions allow shell_exec() to execute svn commands
Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.
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- Add theme upgrade support.
- Convert all functions to static functions.
- Add support for displaying current SVN version in admin footer.
- Added bloginfo version override so that CSS / JS is cache busted upon SVN incrementation.
Initial Launch.