Born from a need to create rotating ads for my own advertisers. This plugin allows the user to create groups of ads based on user-defined images and links. Group image size and duration of each ad are also customizable.
This plugin is openly developed on GitHub – View the Repo! Found a bug? Open an issue!
How to install this plugin?
- Search for „Rotating Ad“ in the Add New Plugin section of your site or download it and upload it manually.
- Install and activate the plugin.
- Create groups of ads in Settings->Rotating Ad.
- Use your groups by adding the Rotating Ad widget in Appearance->Widgets
For best results, use images of the same size that fit the dimensions of the group.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Rotating Ad Plugin“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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Initial Release.