Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Nova's Gallery


Nova’s Gallery places your photos from social networks into your website. This saves hosting space and bandwidth. You can also use the media library built into WordPress. With its simple interface and minimalism it is one of the most easy photo gallery to setup. You can view a demo of the plugin on my Portfolio Site


  • Social network feeds load all photos by albums and displays the photos as thumbnails
  • View of opened album
  • Larger images
  • The admin page is simple and easy to use


  1. Place in wp-content/plugin
  2. Add photos to local gallery or create social media feed
  3. Add shortcode to a blank page or post.


  1. Enter the unique url for your page.
  2. Select Facebook from the list of source types.
  3. Type in the position of the albums you don’t want to show. The last album on the Facebook page is album #1. Separate all albums with a comma and put a comma after the album.
  4. Copy the shortcode into a page.

Media Library

  1. Click add images.
  2. Select the image from the media library. Ctrl+click to select multiple images.
  3. Click chose images. Wait on page for all images to show up on the page.
  4. Add the shortcode to a page.
  5. To remove a photo click remove at the top of the photo. This does not delete it from the media library.


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  • Initial release
  • Ability to use Facebook feeds


  • Added the ability to create a gallery from media library


  • Added uninstall hook that remove plugin tables from the database


  • Patched to work with Facebook Graph API 2.0


  • Changed admin panel to use AJAX to send changes to server


  • Changed admin panel to allow selecting multiple media library images


  • Added the correct admin.js which included multiple file insert functionality


  • Improved server response time in admin page
  • Added confirm to delete feeds
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing new local photos from disapearing after being removed from.


  • Improved CSS: Stops full size images from getting too tall


  • Changed Facebook feed album exclusion to use album position number instead of album name.
  • Added links to Faq’s and Installation pages.