This plugin solve a problem of communication between client and the ouner where client call to ask the same questions all time.
People like interact with people then a chat bot is better than go to the faqs section in a web.
Docuchat uses artificial inteligence to interact with client and solve that questions.
The more important is that you can train the artificial inteligence send a pdf with the doc that contain all information about your bussiness.
Tech List
vanilla js
Donate link
Git Resource
YouTube Video instalation process
Which data you collect
we collect your email to send a activation code, the ip to know that your site is real, your url to know wich type of bussines interested on
use this tool to get more ideas to build another. -
Which external service use this tool?
We use openAI, such artificial intelligence to use the docs that you submit to train your response.
Which way this tool is maintained?
This tool is made by my love to wordpress, unfortunately consume resource that will can be maintained with your donation.
Whave a error type: you try to write a readonly database?
When delete de data and try do send again, our server can be bussy, the solution could be wait 30 minutes or change the email.
Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.
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