Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Disk Space Usage



Disk Space Usage is a visual tool developed for easy tracking of the Server’s Disk, CPU and Memory usage.
The plugins facilitates:
Monitor Servers Disk Space Usage
Monitor Servers CPU Usage
Monitor Servers Memory Usage



🔸 Easy Installation and Detailed Documentation
🔸 Easy to use interface
🔸 Widget to display the usage on WordPress Dashboard
🔸 Fully responsive and customizable
🔸 Dedicated support

Monitor Servers Disk Space Usage

🔸 View current server disk space usage
🔸 Set email trigger to send email in case disk space usage exceeds
🔸 Set the trigger limit as per your needs
🔸 Set the email frequency as per your needs

Monitor Servers CPU Usage

🔸 View current CPU usage
🔸 Set email trigger to send email in case CPU usage exceeds
🔸 Set the trigger limit as per your needs
🔸 Set the email frequency as per your needs

Monitor Servers Memory Usage

🔸 View current Memory usage
🔸 Set email trigger to send email in case Memory usage exceeds
🔸 Set the trigger limit as per your needs
🔸 Set the email frequency as per your needs


🔸 Widget to display the Disk Space Usage on WordPress Dashboard


✅ View usage of Server’s Disk, CPU & Memory
✅ Set email trigger to send email in case usage exceeds
✅ Set the trigger limit
✅ Set the email frequency

Download the premium version of the plugin here


  • Widget on Wordpress dashboard that displays run time usage
  • Plugin dashboard that display the summary of all settings
  • Manage disk space usage settings
  • Manage CPU usage settings
  • Manage memory usage settings


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Thats it! you can now configure the plugin.


17. Oktober 2024
This plugin is completely useless. It does nothing of real value and only displays disk usage, which can already be checked at the server level. Adding this simple label to the dashboard widget serves no purpose.
3. Juli 2024
The dashboard widget is not useful. I already know total file size on my server. Looking for details per directory so I can find large files and folders. If the premium version had directory statistics that would be useful, but the base version is not.
8. Mai 2024
Shows disk usage in beautiful and simple visual form that’s easy to fine large files. I found my site was backing up all the video files, and keeping 15 copies on the server, which was monopolizing my hosting disk space. Fixed that and it resolved the issue. This plugin made the process super simple, thanks!
13. Juli 2023
All this plugin does is showing the total amount of disk spac usage on your Wordpress dashboard with a button „buy premium plugin“.
Alle 5 Rezensionen lesen

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  • Tested OK with WordPress 6.4.1.


  • Tested OK with WordPress 6.2.


  • Tested OK with WordPress 6.1.


  • Tested OK with WordPress 6.0.


  • Tested OK with WordPress 5.9.2.


  • Tested OK with WordPress 5.7.


Initial release.