CasePress UpVote – posts and comments rating system.
[upvote post=123 comment=123] – Shortcode return’s upvote buttons for posts or comments, if attributes is blank – ids get’s automaticly.
[upvote_favs type=all | posts | comments ] – Shorcode return’s ids of favorited posts | comments | posts&comments, if attributes is blank – type = all.
- Upload and unzip this into the
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
Q: Сan I configure the plugin?
A: Yes, go into Upvote Setting into admin panel.
Q: Сan I configure plugin styles?
A: Yes, but for it, u need edit styles with specified programm, go into wp-content/plugins/casepress-upvote/styles,
choose styles what u need, go into custom directory and edit!;)
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- Refactoring code
- Adding some new functions
- Adding some new settings
- Initial version