Top Scroller plugin allows the visitor to easily scroll back to the top of the page, with fully customizable options. Top Scroller plugin has the following features.
- Displays a button when user scrolls down the page.
- Compatible with all WordPress themes.
- It is user friendly and very easy to install.
- Zero coding skills required to set up this plugin.
- Scrolls the page back to top with animation.
- Customizable options via the admin panel
- You can change background color.
- You can change hover color.
- You can set icon size.
- You can change icon color.
- You can change icon color when hover.
- Create Font Awesome icon button.
- Pages/Posts filter.
- Search for Top Scroller through ‚Plugins > Add New‘ interface.
- Find the plugin box of Top Scroller and click on the ‚Install Now‘ button.
- Then activate Top Scroller plugin.
- Download the .zip package.
- Unzip into the subdirectory ‚top-scroller‘ within your local WordPress plugins directory.
- Refresh plugin page and activate plugin.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
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- Initial release