PDF Zip Downloader for Gravity Forms


PDF Zip Downloader for Gravity Forms allows you to export a Gravity Forms entry as a ZIP file that includes:
– A PDF generated from the form data.
– File attachments submitted with the form.

Perfect for organizing and sharing form data in a single compressed file.


  • Select which generated PDF to include in the ZIP from the form settings.
  • Configure the form fields that will compose the ZIP file name.
  • Download file attachments directly into the ZIP.

This plugin uses Gravity PDF to generate the PDFs. Ensure it is installed and configured before using this plugin.


Developed by Martín Arufe.

License Notes

This plugin is licensed under GPLv2 or later. You are free to use and modify it under the terms of this license.


  • Plugin configuration in Gravity Forms.
  • Preview of download button in post list.
  • Example of generated ZIP file.


  1. Download the plugin ZIP file.
  2. Go to the WordPress admin panel and select Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
  3. Upload the ZIP file and click Install Now.
  4. Activate the plugin from the plugin list.
  5. Configure options in Gravity Forms to select PDFs and fields.


Does this plugin generate PDFs by itself?

No, this plugin relies on Gravity PDF to generate the PDFs. Ensure Gravity PDF is installed and configured before using this plugin.

What happens if an entry has no attachments?

If there are no attachments, the ZIP will include only the generated PDF.

How do I customize the ZIP name?

In the Gravity Forms form settings, select the fields whose values will be used to compose the ZIP file name.


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Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„PDF Zip Downloader for Gravity Forms“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:




  • Initial plugin release.
  • ZIP generation with PDF and attachments.
  • Configuration of PDF and fields for ZIP naming.