BuddyPress Groups CSV Import is a plugin which is used for adding multiple groups to your BuddyPress group components.
We created this plugin as we wanted to automate this process for faster operations. This plugin is easy-to-use and available for free.
You just need to upload the CSV file which should be according to the sample.csv and all your groups will be imported.
The format of sample.csv:
[Group-Name], [Group-Description], [Group-Status], [Group-Invite-Status]
- Find the plugin in the plugins directory by the name \“BuddyPress Groups CSV Import\“
- Install and Activate the plugin
- Go to Settings link OR Go to Tools menu->BP Groups CSV Import
After installation:-
1. Go to Tools menu->BP Groups CSV Import
2. Browse your .csv file
3. Click on Start Import
4. You can check your imported groups in the Groups menu component of BuddyPress
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„BuddyPress Groups CSV Import“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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Initial Release
Link of sample file at dashboard
Issue fixed of seven users registered
Skip the existing groups and create new groups
Update according to the latest version of WordPress and BuddyPress
Update according to the latest version of WordPress and BuddyPress