Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Mobile Ad for WordPress by AdsOptimal


Mobile Ad for WordPress by AdsOptimal

AdsOptimal offers innovative ad unit, designed and optimized for mobile sites. We make the ad load faster and make it easier on various smart devices. We also offers desktop ad unit that can be enabled by just simple clicks.


  • Choose from 4 different ad experiences, such as banner, interstitial, topinline, and more.
  • Control how frequent user can see the ad. You can make sure you don’t bug user too many times.
  • Select to show the ad only when user finish reading your content.
  • Take only minutes to install. See your revenue in real time.
  • Receive a payout via Paypal or Check.

Additional Info

About AdsOptimal (company profile)

Visit us at AdsOptimal website
Contact us at [email protected]


  • Seamless integration within minutes.
  • Enable desktop ad unit at your fingertips.
  • Preview of our mobile ad. TOPINLINE format.
  • Innovation Ad Unit. Responsive Design.


  1. Download this repository in zip file and add it to your WordPress plugin
  2. Activate plugin
  3. Log in or sign up with your AdsOptimal account
  4. (optional) Customize your ad experience from plugin setting

Now your WordPress site is ready to promote the ad and make money for you.


How is AdsOptimal different from other ad solutions?

Traditional ad solutions are designed for desktop web. In contrast, AdsOptimal is designed for mobile from the ground up. AdsOptimal delivers better mobile experience. For example, we optimize ad display to fit screen size and device orientation. We leverage touch experience and are specialized in running mobile campaigns. That makes you earn more money on your mobile traffic.

What will happen if my WordPress template is currently not mobile optimized?

AdsOptimal displays perfect mobile ad no matter you have a mobile template or not. You can be sure that the your mobile revenue is maximized regardless to your template.

Will AdsOptimal impact my WordPress site on desktop?

No, AdsOptimal leave your desktop site untouched. So, you can keep existing desktop revenue and get extra revenues from mobile.

When will I get paid?

We offers payout via Paypal and Check. Please let us know if you have restriction in receving Payout. You can always request a payout anytime when your balance reach the minimum requirement.

What is the cost?

There is no cost to sign up. In fact, we offer a promotion first time user to try out. If you do not like the solution, you can turn off the account anytime. No string attached.

More questions?

Send us email at [email protected]. We are happy to answer your questions.


6. Jänner 2017 1 reply
I have installed your plugin and gotten the code from your site, however it gets stuck in Wordpress when i try to connect my account at the „Retrieving Your Account..“
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