Are you a web design company looking to broadcast your company’s latest news in your client’s Admin Dashboard? This plugin helps to show your latest news in the WordPress Admin Dashboard via an RSS feed.
This plugin is very simple to install and configure. After successful install and activation. just provide this info and you are set:
Your company name:
Your company logo:
Your website:
Your company RSS feed URL:
Set the number of items to show:
Keep your client abreast of what’s happening.
Short Description
This plugin shows latest news in the WordPress Admin Dashboard from the RSS feed URL that you provide.
- Install the plugin in the Admin => Plugins menu => Add New => Upload => Select the zip file => Install Now
- Activate Plugin in the Admin => Plugins Menu
- On the left navigation, please go to Settings and, under that, click on the „Admin RSS Feed“ page.
- Please fill the required information and save the settings.
- Once you are done with the settings, Visit your Dashboard to See the Latest News. Usually, this widget will be at the bottom, simply drag and drop to the top section.
After activating the plugin what should I do?
Please go to the settings screen and enter your settings to get started.
Does this support Feedburner URLs as well?
Yes, this plugin identifies a Feedburner URL and shows the news.
What is the logo size and type to upload?
We suggest 64 pixels wide x 64 pixels high and preferably in .jpg or .png format.
What happens when there is an error in the feed URL?
The plugin identifies an invalid feed URL and shows error message in the Dashboard Widget. When you see that error message, you should go to the settings screen and enter a valid feed URL.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Admin Dashboard RSS Feed“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„Admin Dashboard RSS Feed“ wurde in 1 Sprache übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
Übersetze „Admin Dashboard RSS Feed“ in deine Sprache.
Interessiert an der Entwicklung?
Durchstöbere den Code, sieh dir das SVN Repository an oder abonniere das Entwicklungsprotokoll per RSS.
- Used the latest WordPress inherent image uploader function to upload the company Logo.
- Resolved the image upload JS conflict issue in WordPress media uploader.
- Added delete option for the image upload.
- Resolved appearing apostrophe/single quote issue on feed title
- Used the latest WordPress inherent image uploader function to upload the company Logo.
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.4
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.4.2
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.5.1.
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.6.
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.7.
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.7.2
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.8
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.8
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.8.1
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.8.2
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.8.3
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.9
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.9.1
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.9.2
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 5.9.3
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 6.0
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 6.0.1
- Fixed php warnings
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 6.0.2
- Fixed bugs
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 6.1.1
- Fixed bugs
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 6.4.3
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed php warnings
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with 6.7.2
- Updated the maximum number of posts in settings