#Minecraft Club – what it looked like
Nathaniel has done a wonderful job of documenting the work he has done with the young people who participated in our first Minecraft Club in Launceston, which was supported by the QVMAG and Definium and held at the Battery Shed. For an insight into the 6 weeks of fun and exploration, learning with each […]
#Minecraftclub fun fun fun!
The Minecraft Club is well underway and has just finished its 4th session. Nat will be documenting the ins and outs of the program shortly, but I just can’t help but comment – as last night was so much FUN! There is something awesome about a room full of young people who are working together on […]
Distraction can lead to great things #Minecraft
In mid August I attended the Code Club Australia teacher training at East Launceston Primary School. I mentioned in a post that reflected on the day that I was a little distracted. Well I was a lot distracted! But that didn’t mean that I was totally detached from what was going on. Rather, I was […]
Coding… #Minecraft
This week I attended Code Club Australia teacher training, aimed at supporting the development of after school clubs for coding. This is a Scratch based program designed to support teachers set up clubs for students in primary school with the intent for the underpinning concepts of coding to be learnt and understood. It is fairly straight […]
It’s ok to freeze. Really? #Minecraft
Over the last couple of days I have had the opportunity to spend time with educators talking about Minecraft. This has been a wonderful experience and consequently has led to some thinking and reworking perspectives. One of the things I get asked when any discussion occurs around Minecraft is do you use MinecraftEDU. And the […]
Reflections on #MinecraftLA part 1
If you follow me on Twitter or are connected to me via Facebook you will be aware that I attended the #MinecraftLA summit in mid March. It was wonderful to be in a room of educators who have used Minecraft as part of the learning experience they offer. For an insight into the twitter conversation […]
Thoughts about #Minecraft – digital identity
Since attending the #MinecraftLA Educators summit I have been thinking about the notion of identity and citizenship in the digital space. This is obviously something that I have thought about before, but this time I am considering how we allow this to play out in our classes and schools with regard to using Minecraft. It […]
The Big G of Games
A few weeks ago I attended a webinar where James Gee presented on the Big G of games. It is always a pleasure to listen to James Gee and consider the aspects of gaming that he unpacks. He has certainly given me insight into the concept of skills learnt and the literacy associated with game […]
Does everything need to be educational? #Minecraft
I skimmed over The Myth of the Minecraft Curriculum a few days ago and then was reminded about it again this morning due to a friend tweeting it my way. It was also posted in the Minecraft in Education Google+ community and at the time I did not comment on it. However, after my friend tweeted it to me I decided […]
Awesome people doing awesome things!
Recently I had the opportunity to catch up with a past student of mine, one of the key players of ProjectMIST who worked tirelessly to provide opportunity for students at Riverside High School with regard to using Minecraft to support their learning. Nat, who tweets from @natbott42, is now at the end of his first year at Launceston College and […]