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A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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(Sophie: La fille de la zone)

I am French and I am making a visual novel. This is my first project of this kind and I hope you will enjoy it. The game is in French, English, Spanish and German. I care a lot about this project. I spend between 4 to 12 hours on it every day!

Why did I start this visual novel?
It's simple, I searched a lot for visual novels on the internet, but none really resonated with me; they were too 'tame,' the stories were too 'simple.' Not intricate enough. I like complex stories, having to think, I like not understanding everything at the beginning, I like it when the creator plays with us. In short, I found no visual novel up to my expectations! So I thought to myself, 'Why not create my own visual novel?' I know how to code, so all that's left is to learn 3D! And that's how it started! And I must say, I'm rather proud of it :p

I am French, married, and have a child. I am dyslexic and have Asperger's syndrome (a mild form of autism). Creating scenarios and films has always been my dream, but it is not easy when you are dyslexic and autistic. That's why this project is very important to me :) As an autistic person, I don't have many hobbies; there aren't many things that excite me. I have a specific interest in films; I've seen more than 2,396 different ones, yes, I count them But also in creating this game, which is like an outlet for me.


- Playing time: ~7.30 hours.
- Choice: ~431
- Images: ~10534
- Videos: 160
- Language: French, English (automatic translation with proofreading), Spanish(automatic translation with proofreading), German (automatic translation), Russian (automatic translation)
- Beginning of the project : November 2022
- Game status : In development v1|3.4

Tags (all erotic scenes are avoidable.):

  • Adventure
  • Anal sex
  • Animated
  • Big ass
  • Big tits
  • Creampie
  • Futa/trans (optional)
  • Horror
  • Graphic violence
  • Lesbian
  • Male protagonist
  • Masturbation
  • Multiple penetration
  • Romance
  • Sci-fi
  • Vaginal sex
  • Voyeurism


  • Emotion system.
  • Devil/angel system.
  •  Gallery of unlockable images/videos.
  • Guide to unlock gallery images.
  • Summary of all your choices.
  • Explanation guide.
  • Save system.
  • Dyslexic font.

Donation, Contribution:

My Patreon:
My Subscribestar:
Site Web:


"A mysterious virus has spread, transforming infected people into zombies. The world as we knew it no longer exists. As each person fights for their own survival, whom can you trust? You live your quiet life with two friends in a place called 'the zone.' And one day, you meet this girl... You will start to question your reality...
What if your world was just a hallucination?
What if you were simply crazy?
In that case, how do you know what is real?
And you, are you really who you think you are?"


In this road movie, you will journey through a post-apocalyptic world infested with zombies and dangers. In your quest for answers, you will encounter beautiful women as well as psychopathic madmen.

Be careful, each of your choices will have consequences in the more or less long term and more or less serious on the story.  Story of your choice, romantic relationship, sexy, adventure, gore, zombie, post-apocalypse, drawing, 3D,  virus, survival, science fiction, humor, erotic, horror.



A little word from 'me' before we begin :
I aim to convey a crucial message: at the core of this project lies a captivating story, far beyond a mere game with erotic undertones. While eroticism is present, it remains secondary. My aim is to shape this tale much like a film, inviting players to abandon the notion of selecting a specific heroine to guide their journey. Instead, I hope they allow themselves to be carried by the narrative thread, immersing themselves in every twist and turn. I am well aware that the majority of visual novels do not tread this path, but my desire is to tell a complex and nuanced story that goes far beyond romantic interactions with certain characters.

For those seeking a purely erotic experience, this visual novel will not meet their expectations. Personally, I have little interest in crafting a story solely for its erotic aspect.

This work is characterized by violent, macabre elements, and at times, unsettling occurrences, borrowing traits from cinematic films. If I were to paint a portrait of the plot, it would be a blend of "Game of Thrones," where the unpredictable reigns, "Shutter Island," for madness, while also adding a touch of "Inception". The entire narrative unfolds in a dystopian world where aggressiveness prevails among the majority.

This story does not target a broad audience; rather, it represents an intimate connection between my creativity and the power of text. Expect painful losses, uncertain initial comprehension of the tale, but I assure you that each element will find its place, ultimately giving profound meaning to the entirety.



I have designed several purchase options to meet the needs and preferences of every player. Here's how you can enjoy my game:

1. Free Demo
It only includes one scene from the game, but it allows you to discover my universe and get familiar with the gameplay without any financial commitment.

2. Current Update Purchase (ONLY THIS UPDATE)
You can choose to buy only the current update of the game. Each update costs between $4.50 and $10, depending on its specific content. This option gives you access to all the new features and additions of the current update. (This option may disappear soon, I advise you to purchase the "Ultimate Edition" version)

3. Full Game Purchase (Ultimate Edition)
For those who want a complete and continuous experience, I offer the full game purchase. By opting for this solution, you will not only get all the current chapters but also the ability to download all future updates for free. This is ideal for those who want everything from the start and wish to have unlimited access to all future improvements without additional costs.


CHANGELOG V1|3.4:   
- New way to meet Sophie
- A short scene if you don't want to open the cabin door when being chased by dogs
- On the big ship, the option not to follow Vicky into her cabin
- In the zone, the option to check out the restroom
- **Recommended route – Boat / Clémence's place at night:** Added a scene to meet Clémence's mother
- Added a video in the white room
- Added a video in the zone's restroom
- Added a video in Vicky's cabin (big ship)
- Added 7 videos in the "Clémence's Mother" scene
- Added 2 videos of Eva at Sanctuary at night
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Video of Glen committing suicide
- **Recommended route – Boat / Clémence's place:** Added a video if you choose to crush Clémence's father
- Added 2 videos in the "Follow the Forest Girl" scene (Alison's bunker)
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Added a video in the "Flee with Flo after Finding Linda" scene
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Added 2 videos in the shower scene with Vicky at Fiona's
- **Alternative route – Boat or Change the Story:** Added a video at night with Vicky
- **Alternative route – Boat:** Added a video on the boat departing from Jessica's island: In Eva's cabin
- Added a video at Linda's with Margaux at night in the river
- Added a video in the cabin with Becky
- Added a video with the transsexual whore
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Scenes on the big ship (Sophie and Lisa get shot)
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Scene entering the big house where infected lurk behind the door at the top of the stairs
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Escape scene from the big house
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Scene discovering the trapdoor
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Awakening after the dead woman in the car
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Arrival at Fiona's
- White room
- **Recommended route – Boat:** The cabin's cellar with Linda and Vicky
- Video overhaul for the Mother/Daughter segment
- Video overhaul for Mixy in her bar
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Scene of awakening on Nia's bus
- Scene: Find Julie hanging and rescue her
- Arrival on the big ship with Sophie, Eva, and Lisa
- On the big ship, Vicky's cabin scene
- On the big ship, Vicky's shower scene
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Scene with Vicky and Ginko by the fire
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Glen's scene
- **Recommended route – Boat:** Flee with Flo after finding Linda
- Scene at Eva's at Sanctuary, at night
- Motel room scene with Clémence
- Scene: "Finding Lisa at the Gas Station"
- Intro scene
- In the options menu: Added a button to reset all game data
- In the options menu: Added a button to reset the gallery and encounters (does not delete save files)
- Automatic translation into Russian
- Automatic translation into Simplified Chinese (Not finished yet – In progress)
- Added and modified many images in the encounters gallery
- Added more sound effects
- Added encounter character: FLO (with 2 visuals to unlock)
- Added encounter character: Abby (with 2 visuals to unlock)
- In the gallery, added the method to view Jessica's childbirth when you are at Smacks
- In the encounters menu: Added a "search by name" filter (Only Pc, MacOs)
- Modified images and videos in the gallery
- Added new images and videos in the gallery (to be unlocked)
- Li arrow removed if there are not more than two images
- Sorting of choices
- Fixed a bug with Sophie's paper item at the beginning of the story
- Fixed a major bug in awarding points for Aiko and Nora if you didn't attend the free party
- Fixed translation errors for certain names in the encounters list
- Fixed a script error in the translations where the `%` symbol was miswritten in the code



"Un mystérieux virus s'est répandu, transformant les gens infectés en morts-vivants. Le monde tel que nous le connaissions n'existe plus. Alors que chaque personne lutte pour sa propre survie, à qui faire confiance ? Tu vis ta petite vie tranquille avec deux amis, dans un endroit appelé "la zone". Et un jour, tu rencontres cette fille...
Tu vas commencer à remettre en question ta réalité...
Et si ton monde n'était qu'une hallucination ?
Et si tu étais simplement fou ?
Dans ce cas, comment savoir ce qui est réel ?
Et toi, es-tu bien qui tu crois être ?" 


Dans ce road movie, tu vas parcourir un monde post-apocalyptique infesté de zombies et de dangers. Dans ta quête de réponses, tu vas rencontrer de magnifiques femmes, mais aussi des fous psychopathes.

Attention, chacun de vos choix aura des conséquences à plus ou moins long terme et plus ou moins grave sur l'histoire.


Je suis Français, je suis marié et j'ai un enfant. Je suis dyslexique et j'ai un syndrome d'Asperger (une forme légère d’autisme). Créer des scénarios et des films a toujours été mon rêve, mais ce n'est pas facile quand on est dyslexique et autiste. C'est pour ça que ce projet est très important pour moi :) En tant qu'autiste, je n'ai pas vraiment de loisirs, il n'y a pas grand-chose qui me fasse vibrer. J'ai un intérêt spécifique pour les films, j'en ai vu plus de 2396 différents, oui, je les compte ! :D Mais aussi pour la création de ce jeu, qui est pour moi comme un exutoire.

Je tiens énormément à ce projet. J'y passe entre 4 à 12 heures par jour !
Pourquoi avoir commencé ce visual novel ?
C'est simple, j'ai pas mal cherché de visual novels sur internet, mais aucun ne m'a vraiment fait vibrer, c'était trop "sage", les histoires étaient trop "simples". Pas assez recherchées, j'aime les histoires compliquées, devoir réfléchir, j'aime ne pas tout comprendre au début, j'aime que le réalisateur joue avec nous. Bref, je n'ai trouvé aucun visual novel à la hauteur de mes espérances ! Alors je me suis dit "Pourquoi ne pas faire mon propre visual novel ?" Je sais coder, donc il ne me reste plus qu'à apprendre la 3D ! Et voilà comment ça a commencé ! Et je dois dire que j'en suis plutôt fière :p

Un mot de «moi»: Je désire véhiculer un message essentiel : au cœur de ce projet, il y a avant tout une histoire captivante, bien au-delà d'un simple jeu à connotation érotique. L'érotisme, bien que présent, demeure secondaire. Mon objectif est de façonner cette histoire de la même manière qu'un film, invitant les joueurs à abandonner l'idée de sélectionner une héroïne spécifique pour mener leur parcours. Au lieu de cela, je souhaite qu'ils se laissent porter par le fil narratif, s'imprégnant de chaque tournant et de chaque développement. Je suis parfaitement conscient(e) que la majorité des visual novels ne suivent pas cette voie, mais mon désir est de raconter une histoire complexe et nuancée, allant bien au-delà des interactions amoureuses avec certaines protagonistes.

Pour ceux en quête d'une expérience purement érotique, ce visual novel ne répondra pas à leurs attentes. Pour ma part, je ne m'intéresse guère à concevoir une histoire uniquement pour son côté érotique.

Cet opus se caractérise par des éléments violents, macabres et par moments troublants, empruntant ainsi les traits d'un film cinématographique. Si je devais dresser un portrait de l'intrigue, elle serait un mélange entre "Game of Thrones", où l'imprévisible règne, "Shutter Island" pour la folie, tout en ajoutant une touche «d'Inception". L'ensemble se déroule dans un monde dystopique où l'agressivité prédomine chez la majorité des individus.

Cette histoire ne vise pas un large public ; elle constitue une connexion intime entre ma créativité et le pouvoir du texte. Attendez-vous à des pertes douloureuses, à une compréhension initiale incertaine du récit, mais je vous assure que chaque élément trouvera sa place, donnant ainsi un sens profond à l'ensemble. 



J'ai conçu plusieurs options d'achat pour répondre aux besoins et préférences de chaque joueur. Voici comment vous pouvez profiter de mon jeu :

1. Démo Gratuite
Elle ne comprend qu'une scène du jeu, mais vous permet ainsi de découvrir mon univers et de vous familiariser avec le gameplay sans aucun engagement financier.

2. Achat de la Mise à Jour en Cours (ONLY UPDATE)
Vous pouvez choisir d'acheter uniquement la mise à jour actuelle du jeu. Chaque mise à jour coûte entre 4,50 $ et 10$, en fonction de son contenu spécifique. Cette option vous donne accès à toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités et ajouts de la mise à jour en cours. (Cette option est susceptible de disparaître bientôt, je vous conseille d'acheter la version "Ultimate Edition)

3. Achat du Jeu Complet (Ultimate Edition)
Pour ceux qui veulent une expérience complète et continue, je propose l'achat du jeu complet.  En optant pour cette solution, vous obtiendrez non seulement tous les chapitres actuels et le chapitre 3, mais aussi la possibilité de télécharger gratuitement toutes les futures mises à jour. Pour ceux qui veulent tout dès le début et souhaitent un accès illimité à toutes les futures améliorations sans frais supplémentaires.


Une petite contribution est toujours la bienvenue. / A small contribution is always welcome. Donation, Contribution:
My Patreon:
My Subscribestar:
Site Web:
Updated 7 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(48 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Made withRen'Py, Adobe Photoshop
TagsAdult, Erotic, Horror, NSFW, Porn, Ren'Py, Romance, Sci-fi, Story Rich
Average sessionA few hours
LanguagesGerman, English, Spanish; Latin America, French, Russian
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen, Smartphone
LinksSteam, Patreon, Instagram, Subscribestar


Buy Now
On Sale!
20% Off
$8.50 $6.80 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $6.80 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Old Version [v0|3.4] - ANDROID
ULTIMATE EDITION (All Future Updates) - Android [In progress 1.3.4]
if you pay $15.92 USD or more
ULTIMATE EDITION (All Future Updates) - PC [In progress 1.3.4]
if you pay $19.92 USD or more
ULTIMATE EDITION (All Future Updates) - MacOS [In progress 1.3.4]
if you pay $19.92 USD or more

Download demo

Version Demo PC 150 MB
Version Demo MacOs 135 MB
Version Demo ANDROID 152 MB

Development log

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(1 edit)

I am sure if you even made it here, you probably know what you are doing 🤓, but if you have NEVER played this game, I have to say... this may be the BEST games ever made (your opinion may vary). It does start out a little confusing 🤔 but it gets better and better really fast.  As the story goes on, you will realize that the confusing part is intentional 😏. I bought this game twice (a real bargain) but now I just support Davy Croquette since I knew I was always going to want the new version of this game 🤩.

Thank you for your enthusiasm, Merlin! 🤩 It's true that this game can feel a bit unsettling at first, but that's what makes the experience even more captivating over time. It's thanks to players like you that the adventure continues! Thank you for everything, Merlin :)

Do you no the movie knock knock ?


Paid $6.80 and downloaded it only to realise I bought the android update.. Fml



I just did the same is there a link to the PC version

ONLY UPDATE [v0|3.3]" is available exclusively for Android.

Will this be available on pc eventually

(1 edit)

No, only on Android.  Check your email ;)  

Deleted 92 days ago

what’s the cabin 3 digit code


If I tell you, it's not funny. 3 digits that are repeated many times. 

I love the game Davy could you please put some more content whit smacks in the next update i really love her ps keep up the good work!!!!

Thank you very much for your message! Smacks will be back soon, I promise;) 

why is it only the update link for android?


That's why there's a 20% discount on the full game.

(1 edit) (-1)

Wow wasnt expecting they to die on the boat is it possible to change who it was or did u always want vi to live cause i started to like eva....this game is great for a first evem the english is ok 

Keep playing, if I tell you what's going to happen, I'll spoil it. But don't worry about Eva ;) Thank you so much for your message <3

The root of the story seem nice... zombie and such ... but I was expecting much more life and dead situation than it have rn ... to me it feel like a vacation with zombie theme , well ... this just my own thought , game is still nice afterall  


On vacation!? Wow, you have some strange vacations :D

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review :)

this game is unique and stand out ... since this is your first project and it have solid story and character building is important (which you done well in game) , not just meet and fuck around  ... im already looking forward what future project can provide , Im following you and maybe make purchase on steam ... keep it up


thank you for this great message!

Super travail ! le scénario est top et j'adore les scènes où les possibilités sont multiples quitte à délurer provisoirement le personnage . bravo et continuer comme ça , j'espère vite la prochaine mise à jour 

hey man first of i want to say that the game is amazing, certainly the best nsfw vn if played, but if i may ask one of the requirement for a scene with madee is zero angel point but i kept getting unwanted angel point after saying goodbye to summer

(3 edits)

Is it possible for the game to have a harem route? There were some cool girls who had forced deaths, is it possible that in some routes the protagonist is a villain or something close to that? in many parts the game is very linear, even doing the Devil/Angel routes is the same thing and has no considerable consequences and has several inconsistencies with the characters

How many chapters does the current Ultimate Edition already have?

3 chapters, approximately 5 hours of gameplay.

just purchased and theres no links

For which version?

A priori you paid 4.32 instead of 4.40. So you paid less than the cost of the update. It doesn't matter, I'll send you the link by email.

I just sent you the link by email. Tell me if you received it.

Does each update need to be purchased when it's posted? Or do we buy the game once and get access to future updates without an additional fee? Thanks

you either have update 0.3.1 only for around $5 or all future updates for around $29


Vous avez uniquement la mise à jour 0.3.1, pour environ 5 $. Ou pour environ 29$, ce sont toutes les futures mises à jour.

d’accord! merci!

Deleted post
(1 edit)

Hello thank you very much !! I don't know if I'm going to put the game on Seam, there are a lot of constraints, I'm doing it above all for my pleasure. But I think about it.

(1 edit)

Salut comment vas-tu? Désolé d'envoyer un message ici, mais j'étais très curieux de jouer à votre jeu, alors je voulais savoir. Concernant My New Life : Revamp, quels sont vos projets concernant Netorare (NTR) et le partage (MMF), y a-t-il une chance que cela se produise avec MC, pour l'instant ou dans le futur du jeu ?

Je pose cette question parce que je ne suis pas fan (HATE) d'aucune des choses que j'ai mentionnées et j'aimerais savoir avant de télécharger et de commencer à jouer à votre jeu.

Quant au tag "Pénétration Multiple", qu'est-ce que tu prévois pour elle, des sextoys, futa/trans (je les accepte) ou d'autres hommes (je n'accepte pas), est-ce que ce sera obligatoire ou sera-ce au choix du joueur voir ou ne pas voir ?

Merci pour votre attention


Bonjour. Il n'y a pas de réel partage, et même si un jour il y en avait, ce serait évidemment évitable. Le tag "Pénétration Multiple" est associé avec un sextoy,  il y a une scène Mc+femme+trans femme (évitable) et une scène dans la foret ou tu vois une femme avec deux hommes (evitable aussi). Il y a un contenu trans mais, tu auras le choix à un moment donné, il suffit de choisir une des trois autres options de "fantasme". Le contenu trans concerne uniquement des femmes. Dans l’ensemble, je dirais que 98% des scènes érotiques sont évitables. Il y en a seulement deux qui ne le sont pas pour le bien-être de l'histoire, mais tu n'es pas obligé de les visionner, tu auras le choix de les voir ou non.

Et quant à la partie Netorare (NTR), il y en a ou y en aura dans le jeu dans le futur, comme je suis une personne qui déteste ce type de contenu même s'il est évitable, je préfère ne pas jouer s'il a du NTR.

(1 edit) (+1)

Il n'y en a pas pour les personnages principaux. Je ne suis pas fan de ça non plus. 

Can't download, all it says is that it is on an external site.. :(

which version ?

Click download. (red button)
- Either you make a donation
- either you buy the “Unlimited access to all updates” version
- either you click on "No thanks, show me the downloads" (free)


Cliquez sur télécharger. (bouton rouge)
- Soit vous faites un don
- soit vous achetez la version « Accès illimité à toutes les mises à jour »
- soit vous cliquez sur "Non merci, montre-moi les téléchargements" (gratuit)

these are getting huge. there should be a download that just is the updated stuff

I will definitely do this for the next update or the one after that.

hi, great game, but is there a walkthrough somewheerre? With so many options it would be helpful.

Hi ! In the next update I added a guide to unlock gallery images

whats the 3 digit code for that box


This is Linda's hospital room number. or the number of the gas station lock at the start of the game ;)


Its also the name of Vicky in the modern looking world


whiCh is


i dunno if the author would be cool with that. Just save, press new game and skip till ya get to the gas station. Its not hard to find.

127 for anyone that stumbles across this like I did and wants an actual answer


Started again, looking great, Still love it. Don't make me start over again, please! Great job though. Great story.

Thank you for your message, it's nice to hear. Why are you asking me not to make you start the game over again from the beginning? Do you have a problem with the save file?

Everything is fine. Ignore me. bad joke.

I need a new link. Google link doesn't work. Needs an update. Says too many people are viewing etc etc. Not the first time I've seen this and usually the dev will provide another link.


<3 thx

Thanks, new link is working 


Tried to download this game multiple times, but each time google drive tells me there are already to many downloads in the last 24 hours. Perhaps you could add another place to download from

Does it work again?

Thanks! Now it works!


After applying patch for 2.7 English:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 287, in script


ScriptError: could not find label 'start'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "C:\\Lafilledelazone-v0_2.7-pc\renpy\", line 277, in bootstrap


  File "C:\\Lafilledelazone-v0_2.7-pc\renpy\", line 660, in main


  File "C:\\Lafilledelazone-v0_2.7-pc\renpy\", line 146, in run


  File "C:\\Lafilledelazone-v0_2.7-pc\renpy\", line 938, in run_context

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 287, in script


  File "C:\\Lafilledelazone-v0_2.7-pc\renpy\", line 927, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'start'.

Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64


Sat Dec 16 21:07:09 2023

Rolling back to just 2.7 to see if it works. Getting a little frustrated here.
did you simply replace the "screens" file in the "game/tl/english" folder?
(3 edits)

I believe it said to replace the "games" folder:

"Here is a patch attached for the "English and Spanish" versions for PC. It  fixes the display bug in the "Your Choices" menu. Installation: Replace  the "game" folder."

I suppose I may have made a mistake. I will try again. Thanks for the prompt reply.

*I see now. I didn't open the folder when I downloaded it. It just replaces the English/Spanish folders. I think I got it now.

With this one, does it work?

Yes, I think we are good now.. Thank you for the quick responses and being understaning, and the awesome game.



YAY! Update!


(1 edit)

Hmm. Can't load any save game (Windows) except for the last save I made at the end of 2.62 where it tells you to save. I know there are saves in /appdata and locally. Do I need to do something different? When I do load the last save, the game does not continue.

I added a lot of scenes at the beginning of the game, as well as choice variables, which causes incompatibility with some saves or shifts the save to another point. Unfortunately, when I modify previous code, there is often this issue. But I have no choice; there are moments when I have to modify the already written code. However, I believe I have found a solution to prevent this from happening again starting from version 0.28.

So, should I start over or wait for the update?

You will have to start over, sorry...

(1 edit)

Love it so far, some isues with translation make dialog a little awkward but thankfully I do know some French so stuff that is not in English I can mostly get. It is well done, and even with some things being awkward in English I can understand what is meant. Anyway, so far, very enjoyable.

Hello, thank you for your feedback. I am constantly striving to improve the English version, hoping that one day it will be perfect.

(1 edit)

Your story is great and I love the artwork. I'm just happy there is even an English version. 

*Edit, just started Chapter 2. You really have something special here. It is really, really good!


So I got a question. Is it supposed to change the MC's name to David after typing Danny? Is the name Danny hated? What did a Danny do wrong?

Love the art so far though.

Bonjour, c'est normal que le nom du MC ne change pas immédiatement, ce n'est pas un bug. Vous verrez par la suite que votre nom Danny s'affichera à un moment opportun.


Hello, it's normal that the MC name doesn't change immediately, it's not a bug. You'll see later that your name Danny will appear at an opportune moment.

I realize that after getting absorbed in the game regardless. A very interesting story you are crafting here. 

I would say the only thing I'm torn on is I really enjoy 3D models but the art style heavily used in the beginning was beautiful. 

To anyone wondering yes you should give this game a shot especially if you appreciate story over sex. You'll find yourself questioning what is happening often and don't let yourself get comfortable with the thinking that you have the answer because you don't. I myself am looking forward to Future updates of this story.


Je suis vraiment touché par votre retour positif sur mon jeu. C'est incroyable de savoir que j'ai pu vous absorber dans l'histoire que j'ai créée et que vous appréciez le style artistique que j'ai utilisé.

Votre commentaire est une source d'inspiration pour moi, et cela me motive encore plus à continuer à travailler sur le jeu et à apporter de futures mises à jour.

Je suis heureux que vous ayez choisi de jouer à mon jeu et que vous appréciiez l'aspect narratif que j'ai privilégié. Votre soutien est précieux, et j'ai hâte de vous surprendre avec ce que je prépare pour l'avenir.

Merci encore pour votre commentaire positif.


I'm truly touched by your positive feedback on my game. It's incredible to know that I've been able to immerse you in the story I've created, and that you appreciate the artistic style I've used.

Your comment is a source of inspiration for me, and it motivates me even more to continue working on the game and bringing future updates.

I'm glad you chose to play my game and that you enjoy the narrative aspect I've focused on. Your support means a lot, and I look forward to surprising you with what I have in store for the future.

Thank you again for your positive comment.

Loving it!, the game started slow, with some weird graphics, i wasn't hoping much after that, but i kept playing to see where the game was going and i was not dissapointed, the graphics got better, the history is really great, very well made, makes you wanna keep playing the game to see what will happen next, the +18 scenes are perfectly timed, not forced, or senseless sex, great characters with their own personalities who are also well made. i cant wait to keep playing it. looking forward for more updates.

Wow! Thank you so much for your message! It means a lot to me and it's very motivating! Thank you! Thank you!

Je me suis inscrit sur le site uniquement pour te dire que ton histoire est juste GENIALE !!! Je kiff grave !! Ça change totalement des autres VN, c'est comme un film, mais en version Visual novel ! Au début, nous sommes un peu déroutés par l'histoire, on ne sais pas trop ou ça va, puis plus ça avance, plus c'est le pied !! J'adore le thème de la folie, et tu l'as particulièrement bien fait pour le moment, tout est très intellectualisé à chaque moment nous nous pausons des questions et ça, c'est génial ! BRAVO !

Merci pour ce jeu et j'attends avec impatience toutes les mises à jour !

HAN ! Merci !! C'est vraiment cool !!! Tu m'as fait ma journée <3

(1 edit)

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Thx :)