DAV University
Time harmonic waves in a swelling porous elastic medium of infinite extent and consisting of solid, liquid and gas phases have been studied. Employing Eringen's theory of swelling porous media, it has been shown that there exist three... more
Recently, Ali et al defined the class $\mathcal{W}_{\beta}(\alpha, \gamma)$ consisting of functions $f$ which satisfy $$\Re e^{i\phi}\left((1-\alpha+2\gamma)\frac{f(z)}{z}+(\alpha-2\gamma)f'(z)+\gamma zf''(z)-\beta\right)>0,$$ for all... more
- by Sarika Verma
We introduce a new class of harmonic univalent functions by using a generalized differential operator and investigate some of its geometric properties, like, coefficient estimates, extreme points and inclusion relations. Finally, we show... more
For α, γ ≥ 0, sufficient conditions are obtained that ensure the normalized analytic functions f satisfying a differential inequality (1 − α + 2γ) f (z) z + (α − 2γ)f (z) + γzf (z) − 1 < λ, to be starlike of order β in the open unit disc.... more