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Hey! I love your music! I added it as BGM to my game SLIME.boot.

It looks great! :) The only problem is the text is really small and I can barely read it, haha.

I definitely get that! Next build is going to add more to the Settings.exe, including font sizing and changing font. I have the same issue but so so much to do.

I used your music Portal to Underworld in my game:

Thank you for the nice music!

It looks pretty good :) I'm glad my pack was useful to you."

Thanks for the pack! I just used some of them for a jam!

Hi, your music is awesome I used it in a beat'em:

Hi! I made a game with your Music!

cool :D

More Synth its amazing)

Me encanta tu música!! Siempre que estoy probando algo en Godot y necesito música termino checkeando tu perfil, son de muy buena calidad.

Las canciones 2 y 4 de este pack las usé en mi proyecto Ignis Fatuus.

Está genial, muy desafiante y entretenido jajaja, me he pegado un buen rato

Me ha costado entender como poner más de una luz, pero por lo demás está genial :)

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Me alegra que te haya gustado! :D No soy muy bueno haciendo tutoriales XD, así voy a pensar un poco a ver cómo puedo mejorar eso.

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Hey first of all great music,  we used it for our synthwave jam game! 
We added a link to your page on the credits I hope that is good enough :)

If you want to check it out here's the link:

Hi! Thanks for the comment :)

Wonderful aesthetic and game!

Btw, I can see my name in the credits but it's misspelled. The correct spelling is DavidKBD

(Here's a mnemonic device to help you remember how to spell my name: KeyBoarD)

Have a nice day and good luck with your game!

OH WOW! I do not know where I got the cbk from! As soon as the voting ends we will update the game to correct this error.

thanks :)

Harley Quinn Goes Retrowave 


Beautiful set. I'm working on a 1-bit game, 80s style and I emulate for the music a Yamaha chip, I don't use MP3. I know. I like trouble. Is there any chance to purchase this in midi format so I can convert it to VGM?

Hi! I think your project sounds interesting. I love the FM sound, but the polyphony of these are too high for most Yamaha chips.

Many thanks for your reply!

5 Dollars worth spend for these quality songs. More of that please!

Thanks for support :)


Hey David. First of all thanks for making such good music for people to use. I think they are really great and catchy. I made two mini-games now using music from this music pack.

Again, thank you so much and I’d be happy to listen to new music of yours in the future :D

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Hi there! Thank you so much for your kind words and for using my music in your mini-games. I'm delighted to hear that you find the music catchy and enjoyable. Your support means a lot :)

Ooohhh just what I was in need for.
I would like to use it on "Lois de Fazouro: SYNTHWAVE", like its an 11/10 fit OST. Obviously I will give proper credit as the license is CC 4.0.

Thank you very much for your work! <3

aupa ahi Lois! :D, me alegro de que te haya sido útil.

Gracias por el apoyo, saludos!

is this an ok way add you to credits,

there is 2 credits page, first one will show my team, then there is a button called "Assets from other sources" inside credits page, when button is clicked it will show assets i got from other sources.

clicking the button directly send player to this page.

when i looked at the comment i see the typo in the button, i seem to use upper case instead of using space, force of habit.


Hi. Ey! thanks for use my music.

The credits info is perfect! have a nice day

Hello! That's a good music here ;) I've used that in my video game! 

FSR when i downloaded this wonderful music it came as a .oga instead of ogg , heads up all you have to do is rename it.  

Hi. I can't find any .oga file in the pack. Is it happening with any particular song?

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I am unsure why but it was only the first time I attempted to download.   Now it does .Ogg   it still works I just rename them.   I can't repeat the issue so I guess it was me.   sorry.

Could have been the bulk rename utility I use accidentally doing it...  I use multiple mass data altering techniques.

I have no idea what could have happened to you, but thank you anyway for letting me know. I'm glad you were able to solve it :)

Have a nice day

no problemo thanks for checking and keep rocking out these sweet tracks !

Love these, May use some for my next game and will let you know if I do.

I'm glad you like it :)

Yes, please send me a message if you want me to see how it looks.

Have a nice day!

I've used Lost Spaceship's Signal in a small game jam game, but I plan on using some more tracks in a faster paced project I have in the works.  thanks for these though.

Im so in love with this

dude I'm currently vibin to track no 4

I'm glad you like my music, thanks for comment!

wow nice music tho 

Thanks! :D

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WOOOOOW! 💜_💜 I’m speechless! just… like… idk what to comment, this pack is probably the best synthwave I’ve heard during my life!


Thanks for your words! I will continue trying to get the best possible results :)

Really really good tunes! Well done and thanks for sharing.

I'm glad you like it. Thanks for support!



Thanks! :D

Beautiful pack of music :)


Hi! I'm glad you like it :)

It is a pleasure to receive comments like yours, thank you!

Hi David :)  ( I should have said this earlier hehe )


don't worry!