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Journal created:
on 2 May 2004 (#3019638)
on 3 November 2009
Daveigh Chase fans
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Fan of Daveigh?

This is the first and only Daveigh Chase community.

1.) BE NICE.

One of the busiest young actresses around, Daveigh Chase has appeared in more than a dozen movies since 1999. She's currently starring with Naomi Watts in "The Ring," one of the most frightening films in years. You'd never know it from her angelic face and sweet little voice, but this actress plays one of the scariest roles to emerge on the big screen since Linda Blair in "The Exorcist."


Did you ever imagine "The Ring" would be so popular?
I was really hoping it would be and it is, so it's so exciting.

"The Ring" was one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. What was it like working on your scenes?
A lot of people think that it might have been scary but because I'm the scary thing, it wasn't. But then when I saw it, it was like totally freaky. I was covering my eyes up on my part. I'm like, "How can I be scared of myself?" but I was. It was real scary. I love scary movies.

How do people react to you after seeing you in "The Ring?"
It's like, "I can't even look at you." They are scared of me now.

On to a movie that's not scary in the least bit - "Lilo & Stitch." Will there be a sequel?
No. I'm not doing "Lilo & Stitch" the movie, but I am doing "Lilo & Stitch" the TV series. That will be really fun. I think it's supposed to start airing on the Disney Channel in January 2003. I'm not sure.

What can fans expect from the "Lilo & Stitch" TV show?
It's the same thing [as the movie] except that now it's like two buddies that are going on adventures. Stitch was Experiment #66, and there's all those other experiments - 1 through 65. They go and find them before the big villain guy, the "big dummy" as Lilo likes to call him, finds them.

What else do you have coming up?
In January, my TV series "Oliver Beene" is going to come out on the Fox network. Then I'm in a movie called "Carolina" that will be out in the movie theatres in spring. It stars Julia Stiles and Shirley MacLaine. Right now I'm working on a movie called "Big Paw," which is basically "Beethoven's 5th," so that's really fun. It's all about me and my dog and I love it!

Are you an animal lover?
Yes. I really want a puppy for Christmas.

Do you have time for a puppy with all this work that you are doing?
I now have a little dog but I want another dog; I love dogs. I have a cat, too, so I love all animals. You know what I want to do that when I'm older? Open an animal shelter. That's what I really want to do.

Films/Shows Daveigh Was In

Boondocks (2004) (TV) (announced) .... Voice

Beethoven's 5th (2003)

Carolina (2003)

R.L. Stine's Haunted Lighthouse (2003)

"2003 MTV Movie Awards: Best Villain" (2003)

"Oliver Beene" (2003) TV

Ring, The (2002)

Rats, The (2002) (TV)

Lilo & Stitch (2002) Voice

Silence (2002)

American Veteran Awards (2002)

"Family Law: Blood & Water" (2002) TV

The Colony (2001)

Donnie Darko (2001)

A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001)

"Touched By an Angel: Heaven's Portal" (2001) TV

"The Practice: Appeal & Denial" (2000) TV

Robbers (2000)

"Charmed: Pardon My Past" (2000) TV Series

Her Married Lover (1999)

"Lot, The: Kids" (1999) (TV)

McDonald's Commercial

Michael Landon: The Father I Knew (1999)

My Married Lover (1999)

Sabrina: Christmas Amnesia (1998) TV Series

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