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Journal created:
on 24 November 2002 (#788510)
on 21 March 2006
~~Daughters_of_Ra Healing Community Journal~~
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

A Kemetic Journal devoted to all areas of health management and healing

The daughters of Ra (Re) are:

Sekhmet, Het~Hert, Bastet and Serqet(aka Selket).

**Aset**,daughter of Nut and Geb,

according to some has also been called his child
and so by virtue of this ~highly debated~ designation,is for the purposes of this community journal also called a daughter of Ra and has been added into the company of the other Names.

All the daughters of Ra have a great interest in
healing, nurturing and maintence of health. While
none of the four Names (Aspects of Netjer) are interested in the same sphere of healing and medical practices, all are interested in one or more spheres (of healing and medicine.)

In Kemet, the priests of these Ladies would work
with individuals to regain or maintain health.

In Present time, this community has been formed to both celebrate these Names among Netjer and to discuss all practices of medicine that have
been under their domain. If it has anything to do with either Sekhmet, Serqet, Het~Hert or Ast,
it is most relevant here.

~Ankh, Udja, Seneb~

5 bodies, acupuncture, allopathic medicine, altered states of consciousness, alternative medicine, anatomy and physiology, ancient egypt, aset, assemblage point, auto suggestion, ba, bast, bastet, behavioural modification, botany, brujas, brujos, cancer, carlos castaneda, caroline myss ph.d, chris griscom, clinical hypnotherapy, colour therapy, curanderos, daughters of ra, death, death defiers, depak chopra m.d., devin starlanyl m.d., disease states, doing, doing and not doing, don juan, don juan matus, dream states, dreaming, drug interactions, durk pearson, ebbers medical papyrii, egypt, elixirs, emergency medicine, energy configuration, ericksonian clinical hypnotherapy, essential oils, expressive arts therapies, extracts, folk medicine, four pronged nagual, grey's anatomy, health issues, heka, herbalism, herbs, het-hert, hethert, hmos, holistic medicine, homeopathy, huna, hydrotherapy, indigenous tribal ways, infinity, institute of light, isep, isis, joys way, ka, kemet, kemetic medicine, kemeticism, kemetics, ken eaglefeather, life extensions, longevity, lucid dreaming, m.d., ma'at, medical papyri, mental health, merilyn tunneshende, merk manual, morita zen psychotherapy, nagualism, naturopathy, near death experiences, netjer, netjeri, netjeru, neural linguistic programming, nl, nlp, norman cousins, norman shealy m.d., nutrition, obe, omens, oracles, oriental medicine, out of body experiences, past life therapies, pathology, pharmacology, physical therapy, physicians desk reference, plants, post operative care, power spots, psychoneurophysiology, ra, re, rehabiliation and sports medicine, reiki, robert masters, sandy shaw, second attention, sekhem, sekhmet, selket, sensei, serge kahili king ph.d., serqet, shamanism, sorcerer's crossings, sorcerer's passes, sorcerers, sorcery, stalking, sun bear, surgery, taber's medical dictionary, tensegrity, the, the eagle, the five bodies, the nagual, the rule, the sorcerer's party, the tenant, three pronged nagual, toltecs, tony robbins, toxic states of being, transegrity, undoing, urban shaman, w. brughe joy m.d., worthy opponent
