Papers by Danuta Kurasiak-Popowska

Molecules, 2022
Problems related with biological contamination of plant origin raw materials have a considerable ... more Problems related with biological contamination of plant origin raw materials have a considerable effect on prevention systems at each stage of food production. Concerning the antimicrobial action of phenolic acids, studies were undertaken to investigate antibacterial properties against bacterial strains of Escherichia coli (EC), Pseudomonas fluorescence (PF), Micrococcus luteus (ML) and Proteus mirabilis (PM), as well as antifungal properties targeting microscopic fungi Fusarium spp., extracts of phenolic compounds coming from inoculated grain from various genotypes of cereals. This study evaluated the antimicrobial action of phenolic acids extracts obtained from both naturally infested and inoculated with microorganisms. For this purpose a total of 24 cereal cultivars were selected, including 9 winter and 15 spring cultivars. The analyses showed a bactericidal effect in the case of 4 extracts against Micrococcus luteus (ML), 14 extracts against Pseudomonas fluorescence (PF), 17 ext...

A field experiment with 66 spring biotypes and 9 winter biotypes of Camelina sativa was conducted... more A field experiment with 66 spring biotypes and 9 winter biotypes of Camelina sativa was conducted in Poland in a two-year cycle (2016–2017). The quantitative profile of 8 flavonoid aglycones, 12 phenolic acids and the fatty acid profile were analysed. There were no significant differences in the concentration of total flavonoids, phenolic acids and fatty acids in the camelina seeds during the research years, but there were differences between the spring and winter cultivars. The total concentration of flavonoids in the spring forms amounted from 404 ± 38.5 to 429.9 ± 13.8 mg/kg; in the winter ones from 507.3 ± 51.4 to 526.4 ± 10.4 mg/kg. Similarly with phenolic acids, the concentration ranged from 2043.6 ± 62.5 to 2174.0 ± 145.2 mg/kg in the spring forms and from 3936.0 ± 210.8 to 3704.7 ± 195.4 mg/kg in the winter forms. The linoleic acid comprised 14% of total fatty acid content in spring biotypes and 16% in winter ones, while α-linolenic acid had similar content (37–38%). Camelin...

The aim of this study was to compare the effect of 4 DNA isolation methods on the results of anal... more The aim of this study was to compare the effect of 4 DNA isolation methods on the results of analyses using molecular markers of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA – Polymerase Chain Reaction (RAPDPCR) in winter wheat lines. DNA was isolated using the method proposed by Thomson and Henry, the column method with a Quiagen DNeasy Plant Kit, a Genomic Mini AX Plant Kit by A&A Biotechnology and the Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant DNA Kit by Promega. After isolation RAPD-PCR analyses were carried out. The molecular study was an evaluation indicator of the DNA isolation methods. The best isolation method was that using the Quiagen DNeasy Plant Kit. Isolation using this kit provided the best DNA quality and the greatest legibility of electropherograms. However, it is the most timeand cost-intensive method of DNA isolation, which limits its applicability at a large number of tested genotypes. In terms of electrophoretic image quality good DNA isolation was provided by the method using a Genomic Mini AX...

Biotechnologia. Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology, 2012
Diseases caused by fungi from the genus Fusarium constitute a serious problem in spring wheat cul... more Diseases caused by fungi from the genus Fusarium constitute a serious problem in spring wheat cultivation. Ear infestation leads reduced yield and plant contamination with mycotoxins. Therefore it is essential to introduce resistance genes to high-yielding cultivars. The generation of double haploid (DH) lines makes it possible to shorten the time required to select favourable genotypes. The aim of this study was to analyze the capacity of plants to regenerate in anther cultures and to generate DH of spring wheat genotypes that potentially constitute germplasm material for resistance breeding, directed against fungi from the genus Fusarium. The plant material comprised wheat cultivars with increased resistance to Fusarium: Sumai 3, Ning 8331, Norin 52, Frontana, as well as line 8475-59 and high-yielding Polish cultivars: Łagwa, Waluta and Zadra. Spikes were subjected to a thermal shock at 4EC. Anthers were placed on the C17 inducing medium. Two combinations of growth regulators, i.e...

Summary Results of the genetic distance between two cultivars and seven lines of spring wheat are... more Summary Results of the genetic distance between two cultivars and seven lines of spring wheat are presented. Another objective of the presented paper was to fi nd an amplifi cation product that could be a marker of a faster growth stage and of the type of fl owering. Random amplifi ed polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used in the studies. Forty selected primers were tested. Fourteen primers were used to develop a dendrogram presenting similarities among the cultivars and lines. Numerical analysis showed two similarity groups. Th e fi rst group included KOH 5560, KOH 5637, KOH 5674, KOH 5884, KOH 5930 as well as ‚Nawara’ and ‚Zadra’. Th e second group consisted of: KOH 5561 and KOH 5718. Results showed the presence of some specifi c amplifi cation products: OPA 09f, OPF 13k, OPF 14j, OPC 11k in wheat lines KOH 5884 and partially in KOH 5561 which indicate a fast rate of growth and chasmogamic type of fl owering.

The use of semi-dwarfing genes resulted in a significant improvement in wheat breeding. Of the 21... more The use of semi-dwarfing genes resulted in a significant improvement in wheat breeding. Of the 21 genes that condition straw shortening described in literature, Rht8 is one of the most widely used in wheat breeding programmes. This gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 2D within 0.6 cM from locus 261 Xgwm. Its presence can be identified only with the use of molecular methods, which include, among others, the SSR technique (Single Sequence Repeat). This technique makes it possible to generate products with the length of 165 bp, 174 bp, and 192 bp. Their presence indicates the occurrence of the gene Rht8 in the analyzed genotypes. The product of 192 bp in length is the most strongly associated with the reduction of wheat plant height and decreases height by about 7-8 cm. The aim of the work was to identify the semi-dwarfing genes for the presence of marker WMS 261, 192 bp in length, linked with Rht8, of wheat of different origin. Plant material consisted of 27 cultivars and n...

Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias, 2016
One of the most significant factors affecting resistance to fungal diseases in winter wheat genot... more One of the most significant factors affecting resistance to fungal diseases in winter wheat genotypes is the content of phenolic compounds. A total of 100 winter wheat cultivars were investigated. The contents of five phenolic acids: ferulic, vanillic, syringic, vanillin, p-coumaricand free phenolic acids (FPA) were determined. Considerable variation was found both within tested cultivars. Among the investigated acids the greatest amounts were recorded for ferulic acid and its mean concentration was 975 µg g -1 , p-coumaric acid was characterised by a lower mean concentration (52 µg g -1 ), while the lowest concentration was recorded for vanillin, amounting to 5 µg g -1 . Ferulic acid state 92.4% of total phenolic acids. Significant differences in content of ferulic acids between genotypes were observed. The group of winter wheats coming from different European countries was characterized by high variation in the contents of ferulic acid, ranging from 320 to 3103 µg g -1 . No signif...
Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias, 2016
One of the most significant factors affecting resistance to fungal diseases in winter wheat genot... more One of the most significant factors affecting resistance to fungal diseases in winter wheat genotypes is the content of phenolic compounds. A total of 100 wi...

Agronomy, 2021
Solid-stemmed wheat genotypes are better protected from damage caused by wheat stem sawfly (Cephu... more Solid-stemmed wheat genotypes are better protected from damage caused by wheat stem sawfly (Cephus pygmaeus L.) larvae and at lower risk of lodging, as they are additionally strengthened. The aim of the study was to analyse the stem-solidness of fifty spring wheat cultivars with pith. A field experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station Dłoń, Poland in the years 2012–2014. The method recommended by the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) and the methodology described by DePauw and Read were used to analyse the stem-solidness. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the stems of the wheat cultivars differed in their, therefore, they were divided into seven classes. There were nine Polish cultivars, two genotypes from Canada (BW 597 and AC Elsa) and one Portuguese genotype (I 836) with hollow stems. There were only nine solid-stemmed cultivars. Both methodologies were used to assess the filling of the stem in the whole ...

Ten leading wheat cultivars originating from the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute (IH... more Ten leading wheat cultivars originating from the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute (IHAR) - National Research Institute (Poland) and the Department of Gene Bank (Czech Republic) were used to establish a field experiment in 2017 and 2018 at the Dłoń Experimental Farm. The analyzed wheat genotypes were characterized by diversified field resistance to leaf rust. Jubilatka, Thatcher and Sparta were the most resistant cultivars in field conditions in both 2017 and 2018. The aim of the work was to identify the Lr11, L13, Lr16 and Lr26 genes encoding resistance to leaf rust using molecular SSR markers (wmc24, wmc261, Xgwm630, Xwmc764 and P6M12) and to develop multiplex PCR conditions to accelerate identification of these genes. Markers of three leaf rust resistance genes have been identified simultaneously in these cultivars. Jubilatka, Thatcher and Sparta cultivars may serve as a good source of the analyzed leaf rust resistance genes. In addition, multiplex PCR conditions have ...
Kosmos, Apr 16, 2019
Numer 1 (322) Strony 161-166 zbilansowana dieta. Wśród tych czynników jednym z najważniejszych je... more Numer 1 (322) Strony 161-166 zbilansowana dieta. Wśród tych czynników jednym z najważniejszych jest oddziaływanie na organizm wolnych rodników, które zaburzają jego prawidłowe funkcjonowanie. Czynnikiem przeciwdziałającym tego rodzaju niepożądanym reakcjom w organizmie ludzkim są tzw. antyoksydanty (Ryc. 1). Organizm człowieka narażony jest na działanie niekorzystnych czynników stresogennych takich jak: zanieczyszczenia środowiska (np. spaliny samochodowe, zanieczyszczenia przemysłowe, dym tytoniowy), intensywny wysisłek fizyczny, infekcje, nadużywanie leków, alkoholu oraz niewłaściwie

Progress in Plant Protection, 2018
The effective resistance genes of leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in Europe that were identified i... more The effective resistance genes of leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in Europe that were identified in the experiment, which included 46 wheat cultivars (13 Polish and 33 foreign) are: Lr11, Lr13 and Lr16. DNA isolation was performed using a DNA isolation kit from Genomic Mini AX PLANT plants. Four specific markers were used to determine the presence of Lr genes: Xwmc261 and Xwmc24 for the Lr11 gene, Xgwm630 for the Lr13 gene and Xwmc764 for the Lr16 gene. The analyses of common wheat cultivars for the presence of markers for leaf rust resistance genes Lr11, Lr13 and Lr16, showed their presence in the following 12 tested cultivars (3 Polish and 9 foreign), Opcja, Astoria, Mewa, Bonanza, Janosch, Artist, KWS Kiran, KWS Livius, Franz, Leandrus, Platin and Rotax. Two genes were found in various combinations among 20 cultivars and fourteen cultivars had only one of the identified genes.
Progress in Plant Protection, 2015
Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici is one of the most important diseases of w... more Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici is one of the most important diseases of wheat. Introduction of resistance genes is the best way to protect plants against diseases. Due to the appearance of new races of the pathogen the stability of plant resistance can be obtained by introducing and accumulating new resistance genes. So far Lr50 gene had been used in a small scale in Polish wheat breeding. The aim of this study was to verify the effectiveness of the marker Xgdm87 in winter wheat reference genotypes obtained from the National Small Grains Collection from the United States and then to test the 13 Polish winter wheat varieties for the presence of the gene Lr50. Xgdm87 marker linked to the gene Lr50 was identified in the reference materials, and then in 2 varieties of winter wheat: Arkadia and Astoria.

Cereal Research Communications, 2016
The aim of this study was to determine the profile of fungal metabolites and antioxidant substanc... more The aim of this study was to determine the profile of fungal metabolites and antioxidant substances from plants on a representative population of wheat cultivars grown in Poland. Tests were conducted on grain of 23 wheat cultivars in three experimental variants: natural infection (control), chemical crop protection, and artificial inoculation with the fungi F. graminearum and F. culmorum. Grains were analysed in terms of infection rate, mycotoxin, ergosterol, free and bound phenolic acid content, as well as antioxidant capacity. Calculated Fusarium head blight index (FHB index) ranged from 0% to 24% in the control, from 0% to 95% after inoculation and from 0 to 3% following chemical crop protection treatments. The highest concentration of ergosterol was detected in seeds from inoculated plots, with a mean value of 26.69 mg/kg. The highest mean concentration calculated for total toxin content was recorded after inoculation (7.833 mg/kg). The mean value for ferulic acid for inoculated samples resulted 2574 mg/kg, while for chemically protected samples 1158 mg/kg was obtained. Based on of discriminant analysis genotypes can be separated for inoculation 100%, for chemical crop protection 95%, and for natural infection 90%. Amongst 12 analysed phenolic acids the highest discrimination power was found for gallic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and vanillic acid.

Acta Agrobotanica, 2016
The field experiment was carried out in 2010-2012 at the Dłoń Agricultural Research Station, the ... more The field experiment was carried out in 2010-2012 at the Dłoń Agricultural Research Station, the Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland. The study was designed to evaluate the degree of infection by powdery mildew, brown rust, and septoria leaf blotch in 61 spring wheat genotypes differing in their resistance to Fusarium ssp. The vast majority of spring wheat genotypes in the collection of gene resources in the USA defined as resistant to Fusarium ssp. confirmed their resistance under Polish climatic conditions. The B .graminis infection rate of genotypes that are considered to be resistant to Fusarium head blight was high. The resistance ranged from 7 for Sumai 3 (PL2) up to 8.8 for Ning 8331 (in a 9-point scale). Most of the genotypes (56.5%) were infected by Puccinia recondita at a level of 1-3 (in a 9-point scale). The genotypes of Sumai 3 exhibited high resistance to septoria leaf blotch, amounting to 1-2 in a 9-point scale; the resistance of Frontana ranged from 1 to 3.5, while the genotypes of Ning were infected by Mycosphaerella graminicola at 5-6.
Progress in Plant Protection, 2014
The study was designed to evaluate the degree of infection by powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) ... more The study was designed to evaluate the degree of infection by powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) on 25 winter wheat genotypes characterized by high and varied resistance to Fusarium. On average, the lowest infection by powdery mildew, amounting to 4 degrees in a 9-degree scale was observed on the two registered Polish varieties (Ostroga and Natula), 4 genotypes from Austria, 2 from Hungary and one from Sweden, while the highest infection in the case of two Polish varieties -Muszelka and Sukces. Low FHB (Fusarium head blight) index was characterized by certain genotypes considered as resistant and three Polish varieties: Fregata, Sukces and Ostroga. Wheat genotypes poorly infected by Fusarium with the average or low susceptibility to powdery mildew were: Ertus, Fregata, 20816, Poros, Ostroga and Kubanskaya 122.
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 2011
Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks., is a common and widespread disease of wheat (Trit... more Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks., is a common and widespread disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Egypt. Host resistance is the most economical, effective, and ecologically sustainable method of controlling the disease. Molecular markers help to determine leaf rust resistance genes (Lr genes). The objective of this study was to identify Lr genes in fifteen wheat cultivars from Egypt. Ten genes,

Journal of Applied Genetics, 2021
Camelina sativa L. Crantz (Brassicaceae family), known as camelina, has gained new attention as a... more Camelina sativa L. Crantz (Brassicaceae family), known as camelina, has gained new attention as a re-emerging oil seed crop. With a unique seed oil profile, with the majority of the fatty acids consisting of linolenic (C18:3), oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), and eicosenoic (C20:1), camelina oil is reported to be useful as a food oil and biofuel. However, there are still many unknown factors about the structure and genetic variability of this crop. Chromosomal localization of ribosomal DNA was performed using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 5S rDNA and 25S rDNA sequences as molecular probes on mitotic chromosomes of enzymatically digested root-tip meristematic cells. Here, we present for the first time a comparative analysis of selected genotypes (cultivars, breeding lines and mutants) of C. sativa with the use of cytogenetic techniques. The main aim of the study was to determine the intraspecific and interspecific polymorphisms in the structure of chromosomes of selected accessions using conserved 5S and 25S rDNA repetitive sequences as molecular probes. The results were compared with C. microcarpa (closely related to C. sativa) rDNA gene loci distribution. The presence of minor rDNA sites was discussed and compared with other Brassicaceae species. In addition, demonstration karyograms of C. sativa and C. microcarpa mapped with rDNA probes were prepared based on the cv. "Przybrodzka" and GE2011-02 genotype, respectively. The use of 5S and 25S rDNA probes provided an insight on the genome structure of C. sativa at the cytogenetic level and can help to understand the genome organization of this crop. The putative role of cytogenetic markers in phylogenetic analyses of camelina was discussed, as well.
Papers by Danuta Kurasiak-Popowska