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Aboriginal art practices are part of a global economy and the recent collaboration between fashion designers Rodarte and the late Papunya Tula artist Benny Tjangala is testament to the international scope and universal appeal of... more
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      Art HistoryIndigenous StudiesFashion designFashion History
Dalam menjalankan sistem operasi terutamanya BackTrack kita tentunya harus memiliki pengetahuan dasar menggunakannya, berikut ini saya akan beritahukan perintah-perintah dasar dalam penggunaan BackTrack. Cekidott
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• Istilah manajemen, terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia hingga saat ini belum ada keseragaman.Selanjutnya, bila kita mempelajari literatur manajemen, maka akan ditemukan bahwa istilahmanajemen mengandung tiga pengertian yaitu:
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Augúrios de um teatro artificial, os monstros protagonizam um teatro anatómico, um ponto de vista sobre o interior do corpo, sobre as partes desirmanadas e a encenação da sensibilidade.

in Textos e Pretextos #8, 2006
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      TeatroArtes Performativas
A personagem intermédia (João Brites) é uma presença recorrente nas diversas personagens desempenhadas pelo actor, um modo que lhe é particular enquanto pessoa e enquanto actor. Assim, a personagem é intermédia porque já não é quotidiana... more
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      TeatroArtes Performativas
Em "Salário dos Poetas", O Bando reencontra a força
criativa e crítica da linguagem folclórica, ao mesmo tempo
que dá continuidade a uma série de pressupostos estéticos
e políticos que tem vindo a assumir.

in Sinais de Cena 5, 2006
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      TeatroArtes Performativas
In ‘Absent audiences: Circuit-bending the feedback loop’, Pedro Manuel proposes to observe contemporary performances where the agency and physical presence of an audience is questioned, destabilizing a stable process of feedback loop... more
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      Performance StudiesIntermedialitySpectatorship
As this lecture is happening under the module of ‘discursive practices’ of the Master of Theatre Practices, I was led to reflect about discursive practices associated with theatre without actors, namely from the part of the artists. How... more
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    • Performance Studies
Ao substituir o actor por projecções video, o ciclo Fanstamagories Technologiques problematiza não só as efeitos da utilização de imagens em cena, mas a forma como as imagens são documentadas ou se tornam, elas próprias, documentação.... more
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      TeatroArtes Performativas
The article departs from considering how, in contemporary performances without performers, there is a rethinking of relations of co-presence between humans and nonhumans. In this framework, human acting is challenged and the agency of... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesHaunting and SpectralityRomeo Castellucci