Books by Ruoff Jeffrey
Journal Issues Edited by Ruoff Jeffrey
Visual Anthropology, v. 15, n. 1, Jan 1, 2002
Book Chapters by Ruoff Jeffrey
Ton. Texte zur Akustik im Dokumentarfilm [“Sound: Texts on Acoustics in Documentary Film”]. Eds. Volko Kamensky and Julian Rohrhuber. Berlin: Vorwerk 8 and Filmbüro NW, 137-158., Jan 1, 2013
Coming Soon to a Festival Near You: Programming Film Festivals. Ed. Jeffrey Ruoff. St. Andrews: St Andrews Film Studies, pp. 1-21., Jun 1, 2012
Coming Soon to a Festival Near You: Programming Film Festivals. Ed. Jeffrey Ruoff. St. Andrews: St Andrews Film Studies, pp. 135-154., Jun 1, 2012
Cinéma et voyage. Ed. René Gardiès. Paris: Harmattan, pp. 145-154. , Jan 1, 2007
Virtual Voyages: Cinema and Travel. Ed. Jeffrey Ruoff. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 1-24. , Jan 1, 2006
Virtual Voyages: Cinema and Travel Ed. Jeffrey Ruoff. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 217-37. , Jan 1, 2006
Documenting the Documentary. Eds. Barry Keith Grant and Jeannette Sloniowski. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, pp. 286-301, Jan 1, 1998
The Construction of the Viewer: Media Ethnography and the Anthropology of Audiences. Eds. Peter Ian Crawford and Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson. Denmark: Intervention Press in association with the Nordic Anthropological Film Association, pp. 270-96., Jan 1, 1996
Le film de famille: usage privé, usage public. Ed. Roger Odin. Paris: Editions Méridiens Klincksieck, pp. 79-96. , Jan 1, 1995
Sound Theory/Sound Practice. Ed. Rick Altman. New York: Routledge, Chapman, and Hall, pp. 217-234. , Jan 1, 1992
To Free the Cinema: Jonas Mekas and the New York Underground. Ed. David James. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 294-312. , Jan 1, 1992
Articles by Ruoff Jeffrey
Abbas Fahdel's Homeland (Iraq Year Zero) is the most significant work of art to come out of the I... more Abbas Fahdel's Homeland (Iraq Year Zero) is the most significant work of art to come out of the Iraq war.
Born in Venice in 1932, film festivals have exploded worldwide in recent decades. Every significa... more Born in Venice in 1932, film festivals have exploded worldwide in recent decades. Every significant international metropolis, up-and-coming city or hamlet now has one of its own.
Books by Ruoff Jeffrey
Journal Issues Edited by Ruoff Jeffrey
Book Chapters by Ruoff Jeffrey
Articles by Ruoff Jeffrey
"Contrary to tough-guy Jeb Bush, I would not leave the door open to torture, not even for use against those U.S. officials who, post 9/11, secretly conceived and implemented torture in our foreign policy. Experts now agree that torture does not produce credible intelligence. It is also immoral and illegal. Torture defiles those who undertake it and taints all Americans in whose names it has been committed."
Outright homophobia has mostly moved from the mainstream of public discourse to its margins. For this, we can thank pioneers like Lance Loud of An American Family.
"Contrary to tough-guy Jeb Bush, I would not leave the door open to torture, not even for use against those U.S. officials who, post 9/11, secretly conceived and implemented torture in our foreign policy. Experts now agree that torture does not produce credible intelligence. It is also immoral and illegal. Torture defiles those who undertake it and taints all Americans in whose names it has been committed."
Outright homophobia has mostly moved from the mainstream of public discourse to its margins. For this, we can thank pioneers like Lance Loud of An American Family.
As print profits continue to plummet and some of the more traditional media outlets turn away from ambitious investigative journalism, documentary filmmakers are picking up the slack.
"This special issue on ‘Film festivals: origins and trajectories’ aims to bring histor- ical concerns to the center of lm festivals studies. Foregrounding the global dimensions of festivals, this issue brings together a number of in-depth historical studies of practices that have developed in vastly di erent parts of the world in the course of this almost century-long phenomenon. While shining light on lesser-known ‘peripheries’ of the festival circuit, this issue also outlines new approaches and methodologies for unearthing and discussing them. By bringing these case studies together, we seek to encourage a comparative exploration of the diversity of the festival phenomenon within distinct historical periods and sociopolitical systems."