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DarkThreads - Gothic Sewing Circle's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in DarkThreads - Gothic Sewing Circle's LiveJournal:

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Saturday, January 5th, 2013
2:56 pm
January Sales

Please note that after Jan 31st all prices on brand new items made by Midnight Forge will increase. This will be your last chance to snap up these amazing designs at such a low price. So strike while the iron is hot :D

Selling lots of things, need to make some pennies. Feel free to share with your friends :)

Loads of new items added!!! Please take a peek! In a range of different styles for both guys and gals.

Sizes from UK6 all the way up to UK28 and for feet from UK3.5 up to UK11 and accessories inc hair pieces, dreads, fascinators, bags, belts, scarves and more!
All Offers Welcome, especially for immediate bank transfer payments!!!! Brands include Swears, Transmuters, Plastik Wrap, Cyberdog, Lip Service, Demonia, TUK, Darkus Corpse, Midnight Forge, Squeezy Corsets, Jeannie Nitro and even more.

If you don't like the price please feel free to make me an offer x

Over 600 items can be found in approximately 18 separate photo albums here on my Facebook profile:

Feel free to add me as a friend :)

Posted via

Friday, October 12th, 2012
12:25 pm
Corset Contest
Thought y'all might want to check this out, in celebration of Starkers! 20th Anniversary.
Tuesday, October 18th, 2011
12:27 pm
W▲RLOK TONIGHT (18+, No Cover, Los Angeles)

Tuesday, October 18th - Los Angeles
No Cover All Night
RSVP @ MySpace! RSVP @ Facebook!

Tuesday, November 1st - Los Angeles
No Cover All Night
RSVP @ MySpace! RSVP @ Facebook!

@ La Fonda on Wilshire, Los Angeles
2501 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90057
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Clubs, Events, Community & Photo Galleries!

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011
12:38 pm
Costume prop assistance needed: LotS
 My friends are planning to cosplay Richard and MordSith!Kahlan from Legend of the Seeker (for Dragon*Con), as shown in the picture I have included below the cut.  They are looking for help with the collar and chain.  Anyone here have any ideas?  Thanks!  

(Cross posted)
Pic under cutCollapse )
Tuesday, August 9th, 2011
10:04 am
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011
10:00 am
Ratabelle (shamelessly cross-posted)
In a nod to Victorian Kitsch Taxidermy (such as Mr. Potter's stuffed kitten tea party), I articulated the skeleton of a giant pouched rat and dressed her in a fancy Victorian blouse, skirt, & bustle set.

Ratabelle! 3 picturesCollapse )

Full set:
Wednesday, July 20th, 2011
9:45 pm
It has been a long time since I have posted anything here (or anywhere) but I got excited about this and there's not a lot of other places I could share this, that might actually care. 

For Christmas this year, my husband bought me the old library card filing system (monsterous chest of drawers) I found on the local classifieds site.  Since the thing is very heavy, it did not make it into the house (and up the stairs) until a couple of months ago. 

Now I'm busy organizing all of my sewing notions and knick-knacks into the 72 3X5X20" drawers (several of the bottom ones being off limits for small items because I have curious, small children). Very excited and a bit overwhelmed.

The thing that brought me here to post is that I think I've figured out what to do with some of the bottom drawers ... I can take photos/scans/internet images of my pattern envelopes and file them according to items (I have over 200 patterns and forget many that I have).  Yes this is a lot of work and it will take planning and time of which I have little (aforementioned children).

Also, the folded size of quilting fat-quarters that are available for purchase, also fit perfectly height and widthwise. 
Wednesday, January 5th, 2011
1:47 pm
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010
11:36 am
My own Freaks in Fur
I finally got around to making the jacket I have been contemplating since I found some yardage of the cross print purple velboa velvet Lip Service used for Freaks in Fur. I sewed the fur with the pile upside down so that it is fluffier.

I wish I had made it an inch or so longer, but generally I'm happy with it.

Read more...Collapse )
Tuesday, December 14th, 2010
2:10 pm
gothic lolita???
i was looking for a gothic lolita community but the only two i could find were not even in english... i joined livejournal to meet other lolita's around san diego because there are'nt any lolita's that i know... so if youre reading this and you are a lolita or like the gothic lolita fashion befriend me please.. im not a stalker or anything i just want to talk to people that understand me and my fashion. he i hope this works... its my first post!!

Current Mood: curious
Saturday, September 25th, 2010
9:18 pm
The veterans of Russian industrial-psychedelic rock. The first band to play dark wave music in Russia.

You can also read the story about writing the song and ask Yuri Zvezdniy on his official LJ page
Official page of this video
Download the new retrospective album
Last FM --->
Official site of the band--->
Official Myspace page--->
Monday, January 18th, 2010
5:10 pm
If you were asked to create a "carnival/sideshow freak/horror" costume.. what would you base it off? For both male and female.
I'm having a mind blank, the obvious would be clowns, ring master etc.. but does anyone have other ideas?

X-Posted a bit, sorry.
Thursday, October 22nd, 2009
1:28 pm
Union of the Snake with Crimson Ivy and Die Maschinen on Saturday 11/14/2009
A special evening to unify old/new industrial, goth, 8-bit retro-future, DJ dancing, live music, Santa Cruz, San Jose, and San Francisco Saturday 11/14 at Annie's Social Club. You are invited!

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009
5:19 am

RSVP @ MySpace | Facebook | Going!
(Must RSVP by 7PM on Saturday, October 24th)

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Join our email list for better discounts...


Saturday, October 3rd, 2009
12:31 am
Ascot Issues
I've been wanting to purchase some ascots like these, but I'm not sure how to tie them in that sort of bow. I've looked at a lot of tutorials and played around with some fabric at home, but the closest I have come to the look of this is just tying a regular bow (now a bow tie, just like one would tie a bow with ribbon).

I have searched for just about everything under the sun, too, but I'm not getting a straight answer for what this knot is called. Maybe what I'm looking at isn't exactly period, but I have seen similar knots in paintings, so it shouldn't be too far off. Of course, it doesn't help that there seems to be no agreement on the difference between an ascot and a cravat, so I'm doubling my search with every term I can think of.

At any rate, I was hoping some of you knowledgeable individuals might be able to tell me how to do this, or point me toward the correct terminology. Any hints would be appreciated.
Saturday, September 5th, 2009
10:27 am
Call for Artists and Vendors-Los Angeles, CA

I am looking for artists and vendors for a special event featureing SCUMLOVE on October 15th in Los Angeles.  It would be great if all of the art, music, merchandise, services should compliment the dark lifestyle (goth, industrial, EBM, vampire, emo, etc).  There are no fees for artists and no commission for artists or venders.   Venders can have actual merchandise, samples, such as corsetry, home decor, etc, or offer services such as tarot reading. 

All of the details and submission forms are available on the website.
Tuesday, August 25th, 2009
12:06 pm
Jolly Roger Earrings

Because everyone loves pirates! These danglies are made from recycled plastic that I salvaged from food producers, which otherwise would have went strait into the dreaded landfill. They are not only ecologically friendly, they are an excellent addition to any outfit, though I find myself partial to goth, punk, lolitaish designs on something so deliciously evil, yet amazingly feminine.
Friday, August 21st, 2009
7:41 am
Free Pattern Archive Access

CoPA On-Line, the Commercial Pattern Archive database with over 48,000 vintage pattern records with images of the pattern designs and small scale pattern pieces dating from 1868 - 2000 will be free to everyone for one week starting Wednesday August 19 through Tuesday August 25. To extend the subscription see the forms under Order Now.

To login use the username: guest and the password: pattern. Select Instructions for directions to get started.

You can print any of the vintage patterns from the originals. Check it out!
Friday, August 7th, 2009
9:05 am
Order Order @ RockyTheZombie!

So I have like 4 days off this week.. and I'd love nothing more than to fill those days with sales so that I can sit and paint until my heart content ^_^

There was an add here, but now I've removed it.. mis-read the rules, my so bad..

Love, Rocky X
Wednesday, August 5th, 2009
8:21 pm
Jolly Roger & Sea Stars Earrings
Jolly Roger & Sea StarsThough the origins of this symbol are questionable, today it serves as a symbol for both piracy and poison. Use this double onton to declare your love of the open sea, danger, or just to upset the musical associations!

Likewise, before the days of GPS aps that were readily available, sailors, both pirates and otherwise navigated the seven seas using only the guidance of the stars. The never-changing waves could not provide the guidance that the stars could. Even today, many people believe that the stars hold power over individual lives, so harness that power!

In warm tones, this gem has a distinctively feminine edge, with a touch of danger. It is said that the goddess of the sea becomes jealous of female sailors, so give her something to be jealous about! Perhaps the toxins that were saved by recycling this plastic, rather then deposited in her home, will mellow her out a little. Most plastic in these earrings is actually recycled from packaging, that would have wound up in a dreaded landfill.

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