v3.2.9 [February 20, 2025 ]
- Fixed the issue where the background image was not dark.
- Fixed PHP error
v3.2.1 [September 23, 2024]
- Added: Dark Mode Support for Login/Registration page.
- Added: Dark Mode Support for Gutenberg/Site editor.
- Improved: Enhanced UI/UX on settings page.
- Updated: AJAX implementation for seamless settings changes without page reload.
- Added: Customization for Dynamic Dark Mode.
- Improved: The UI/UX of the settings page has been improved.
- Fixed: OS Aware Dark Mode issue
- Improved: The performance of the plugin has been upgraded.
- Revised: Several minor issues have been resolved.
- Enhanced: The plugin’s performance has been optimized.
- Added: Dynamic dark mode
- Added: Functionality for exclude a specific background overlay from any background images
- Added: Functionality to add background overlay to all background images
- Revised: Several minor issues have been resolved.
- Enhanced: The plugin’s performance has been optimized.
- IMPORTANT: This is a major release, and we strongly recommend testing it in your staging environment before implementing it on your live site.
- Improved: The backend UI has been enhanced to provide a better user experience.
- Improved: The core functionality of Darklup has been improved to work seamlessly with complex designs.
- New: The free version now includes a new feature called ‘Time Based Dark Mode.’
- New: Another new feature called ‘Display Switch in Menu’ has also been added to the free version.
- New: Users can now customize different switches for mobile devices and the switch in the menu.
- New: The free version now includes several image effects, such as Sepia, Opacity, Contrast, Brightness, and Grayscale.
- New: Users can also set ‘Dark Mode as Default’ in the free version.
- New: The plugin offers customization options for individual colors in color presets.
- Tweak: General settings options have been moved to the advanced settings section for better organization.
- Tweak: Style related settings have been reorganized and moved to different sections, such as Desktop, Mobile, Menu, and Advance Settings.
- Refactor: Removed jQuery dependency from darklup functionality
- Fixed: Time based dark mode issue has been fixed.
- Fixed: dark mode floating button overlay issues.
- Added: Dark mode switch visibility option on desktop & mobile screen.
1. New 3 floating switch added
2.Floating Switch Preview on Plugin Back-end
3. Floating Switch can be scaled to increase or decrease size maintaining the aspect ratio
4.Exclude Element feature is way more developed with better Class & ID detection
5. Floating Switch position can be customized using window Percent along with existing Pixel Custom CSS Code will be saved on multi-line rather than a single line.
1. Default Dark Mode
2. Floating Switch Customization
3. Fully Customizable Icon, background, and pallet Color for Switches
4. Text Color match to any theme
5. Switch Tooltip Settings
1. New Color Presets for Both Frontend and Backend
2. New Accessibility Switch Added
3. WooCommerce Compatibility Added
4. Triggering Dark Mode between Pages, Posts, and Categories
5. Exclude WooCommerce products & categories (Exclude specific categories or products)
- Improved: The performance of the plugin has been improved
- Improved: WordPress 5.8 Compatible
- Improved: Dark mode switch updated with better quality
- Improved: Plugin size reduced for faster load time
1. Fixed conflict on Plugins Page natural design
2. Removed slow transition on dark/light mode
3. Fixed image change issue on Dark Mode
- Fixed Custom CSS Issue
- Fixed Issue of OS Enabled Dark mode
- Fixed: Issue of OS Enabled Dark mode
- Fixed Blank screen On Front End Dark Mode Off
- Compatible with Premium Plugin Installation
- Hidden if Premium Plugin Activated
1. Add Re-positioning floating switch option
2. Add selector Exclude option
3. Fixed OS Dark Mode settings not work issue
4. Fixed floating switch broken issue
5. Fixed some CSS issue
- Fixed CSS Issues
- Add Re-positioning floating switch option
- Fixed OS Dark Mode settings not work issue
- Fixed some CSS issue
- Fixed some CSS issue
- Fixed DarklupLite Settings page design issue
Fixed Switch CSS issue
- Fixed WooCommere add product field hide issue
- Fixed Elementor edit page darkmode css issue
- Fixed Gutenberg darkmode switch issue
- Fixed some other issue
Initial Release