Alternatives to Normality
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Alternatives to Normality

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18th May 2011

parallel_rose2:49pm: Psyche Corp. at Steampunk World's Fair this weekend
Psyche Corp. performs at Steampunk World's Fair this weekend in Somerset, NJ. Come by!

FRIDAY- Courtyard Stage @11:30pm-12:30am
SATURDAY- Courtyard Stage @9pm-10pm

more infoCollapse )

4th March 2011

parallel_rose9:02pm: Psyche Corporation at Alt Living Expo in Philly Tomorrow and Sunday
Psyche Corporation is performing at The Alternative Living Expo in Philly tomorrow evening, March 5th, at 7:45pm. Also on Sunday midday at 12:30pm. Hope to see you there!

Photo of Psyche Corporation by Tina Brunner. Larger version below cut along with more info..

more infoCollapse )

15th February 2011

parallel_rose11:45am: Psyche Corporation at Wicked Faire this weekend

Later this week, Psyche Corporation performs at Wicked Faire Friday through Sunday in Somerset, NJ.
Come by and say hi! We may debut a preview of a new song..while covered in eyeballs.

more infoCollapse )

30th January 2011

parallel_rose4:52pm: Psyche Corp. at TempleCon next SUNDAY, Feb 6
Psyche Corporation is performing at TempleCon in Warwick, RI next weekend on SUNDAY afternoon, Feb 6.

Gen of Psyche Corp. at a show at Dorian's Parlor in Philly.

On Saturday, Feb 5, Gen will also be giving a talk on cyborg science at TempleCon.

Come by and say hi!

Location: The Crowne Plaza Hotel Providence-Warwick
801 Greenwich Avenue
Warwick, RI 02886
(401) 732-6000

Time: Sunday February 6th, around 3pm.. Details TBA on the FB event and/or at

FB event:

More info..

Psyche Corp. is a cybersteam music conglomerate seeking to combine art, fashion, dance, and science within the framework of a technomythological world of life-extension and virtual reality servers full of wonderful nightmares. Specializing in an unique genre often described as dark Victorian fairytale science fiction, the band itself is named after a dream manufacture group from the future where widespread neural implants have allowed people to jack their nerve endings directly into the internet and download dreams. As a performance group, Psyche Corporation has at various times incorporated robot exhibitions, steel origami cranes, contortion, corsets, flashlights, and old radios. The music spans genres; a recent song has mixed tribal singing with classical piano while embedding the DNA of deadly polio virus into its percussion.

To get an idea of how our music sounds, here's one of our songs, Institute, behind the cutCollapse )

8th January 2011

parallel_rose10:55pm: Psyche Corp. at Arisia next SUNDAY, Jan. 16
Psyche Corporation is performing at Arisia in Boston next weekend on SUNDAY evening, Jan 16, at 7pm.

Gen of Psyche Corp. at our most recent show at The Anachronism at Webster Hall in NYC. Photo by BabetteKD.

Earlier the same day, Gen will also be on Arisia's Our Weird Biology science panel at 5pm.

Come by and say hi!

Location: Grand Ballroom C of the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel
425 Summer Street, Boston MA 02210

Time: 7pm-8pm

FB event:

More info..

Psyche Corp. is a cybersteam music conglomerate seeking to combine art, fashion, dance, and science within the framework of a technomythological world of life-extension and virtual reality servers full of wonderful nightmares. Specializing in an unique genre often described as dark Victorian fairytale science fiction, the band itself is named after a dream manufacture group from the future where widespread neural implants have allowed people to jack their nerve endings directly into the internet and download dreams. As a performance group, Psyche Corporation has at various times incorporated robot exhibitions, steel origami cranes, contortion, corsets, flashlights, and old radios. The music spans genres; a recent song has mixed tribal singing with classical piano while embedding the DNA of deadly polio virus into its percussion.

To get an idea of how our music sounds, here's one of our songs, "Institute."

19th December 2010

parallel_rose2:03pm: Psyche Corporation Steampunk Jewelry for the holidays
Psyche Corporation now has limited edition steampunk jewelry available on Etsy!

Psyche Corp. is a cybersteam music conglomerate seeking to combine art, fashion, dance, and science within the framework of a technomythological world of life-extension and virtual reality servers full of wonderful nightmares. Specializing in an unique genre often described as dark Victorian fairytale science fiction, the band itself is named after a dream manufacture group from the future where widespread neural implants have allowed people to jack their nerve endings directly into the internet and download dreams.

Our newest album, "Pretend" (released this year) is also available on CD Baby, AmazonMP3, and iTunes.

To get an idea of our music, here's a song from the "Pretend" album, called Institute.

(It's a no budget video, but much fun was had in the making)
We'll be performing at Arisia in Boston next month and TempleCon in February, more event info on the FB: Psyche Corp. on Facebook

30th March 2010

parallel_rose11:39pm: Psyche Corp. plays this Friday, April 2 at The Haunt in Ithaca
Psyche Corporation is a contorting corset-clad cyberpunk concert torn straight from the thick of a mass-consumed brain-machine-interfaced future where dreams are downloaded from the Internet straight into your brain. We're performing at The Haunt in Ithaca, NY this Friday. Please come by!

Info summary:
Psyche Corporation performs at The Haunt this Friday, 4/2/2010
702 Willow Ave
Ithaca, NY
Doors at 9pm


We'll have copies of our newest CD "Pretend" available for sale at the show:

Click the image to see more info on CD Baby.

While you're at it, check out some of the awesome rock bands we're performing with in the same show!

7th January 2010

parallel_rose6:56am: New fairytale darkwave album "Pretend" on CD Baby

I'm happy to announce that Psyche Corporation's third album, "Pretend" is now available on CD Baby. Psyche Corporation is a fairytale darkwave band on the Gilded Age Records steampunk label, and this newest album is an eclectic collection of spell-binding cyberpunk neomythology with guest world overlaps into Wonderland and Oz. You can hear some of the new songs in streaming form on myspace at

More information on ordering options is available on the psychecorp wordpress blog here. You can also find a free download of the song "Wonderland" if you hunt around the Discography page of our main website at

Thank you and have a lovely day!

6th October 2009

parallel_rose5:10pm: cyberpunk darkwave music video
Hello! Psyche Corporation has its first music video up on youtube now! It's for "Meant to Be", a song from their upcoming third album, scheduled to be released in early 2010.

Hope you enjoy.

8th July 2009

parallel_rose2:23am: Psyche Corporation in Ithaca, NY this Sunday, July 12th
Hello everyone! Psyche Corporation is playing in Ithaca, NY next week on Sunday, 7-12-09. Doors 10pm, $3
Hope to see you there!

Psyche Corporation comes July 12 (Sunday) to
The Haunt
702 Willow Ave
Ithaca, NY.

Doors 10pm. $3.

Psyche Corp. is a fairytale darkwave cyberpunk band powered by robots and the ethereal voice of Psyche Chimere (Genevieve).

7th October 2008

autumnpoet2:09pm: guidance
Can anyone guide me to interesting, textured locations in and around Ithaca? I'm thinking here of abandoned buildings, homes or factories, junkyards, train yards, tire piles.... places with character.

Living currently (and most unfortunately) in Binghamton, I haven't seen nor heard yet about the grittier parts of Ithaca, and I'm itching for some exploring...

6th February 2008

morphclothing1:58pm: Like to shop?
Hey everyone!

My name is Alexandra Olteanu, the PR intern at the Canadian fashion label, Morph Clothing. Since we are conducting extensive in-house research on the best places to shop for edgy clothes, I thought our community is one of the best places to ask about this. Thought you guys would enjoy participating in our project. All you have to do is tell us what are your favorite places to shop in your city and/or around the world!

Looking forward to hear about your likes.

Alexandra Olteanu

27th July 2007

u8my30312:02am: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

14th July 2007

u8my30312:04pm: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
u8my30311:56am: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

3rd July 2007

u8my3033:33pm: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

30th May 2007

u8my3036:46pm: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

27th May 2007

u8my3031:36pm: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

19th April 2007

u8my3036:58pm: THE LOST DOG NOW HAS LIQUOR!!!
no more having to run to the bar next door to do a shot!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

11th April 2007

u8my3033:06pm: This Friday...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

15th February 2007

u8my30312:47pm: The Cruxshadows show tonight is ON!
its fucking cold out,but the roads are pretty much clear,and the sun is actually out =)

the show tonight is on!!!!

doors will be pushed back to 8:30pm

angelspit performance time: 9:15pm
ayria performance time: 10:20pm
the cruxshadows performance time: 11:30pm

plus inbetween & after sets by dj's
wilhelm k & heathen panzer

ONLY $12 @ the door.

7th January 2007

u8my3039:11pm: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

1st January 2007

u8my3036:32pm: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

27th December 2006

u8my3031:12pm: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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