The earliest memory I have of playing video games growing up was playing Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega when I was five. I graduated to Super Nintendo and then N64 before branching out into my Playstation and Xbox eras.
When I was in the eighth grade, my parents grounded me for six months. I wasn't allowed to go outside or play video games. I spent most of my time browsing the internet. It was then when I discovered a website with a computer program that would change my life forever.
I cannot recall how I stumbled upon OHRRPGCE. It was a free program that allowed you to make your own video games. My parents had banned me from playing video games, but they had not banned me from making my own.
I really had a poor understanding of graphic design and programming but can proudly claim I started designing my first game before I was even in high school.
During my second year in high school, I created my first serious game based on a comic book a friend and I drew in class. The comic book was about two stoner friends who traveled to a fantasy world by smoking weed out of a magical bong. A decade later I would return to this game as the inspiration for my most popular project Kush Quest.