Papers by Emma Febriyanti

Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Visi Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) adalah menjadi universitas terkemuka dan berdaya saing s... more Visi Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) adalah menjadi universitas terkemuka dan berdaya saing serta sebagai center of excellence di lingkungan lahan basah pada tahun 2027. Oleh karena itu, semua kegiatan pengajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat harus terkait dengan lahan basah. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, pembelajar muda atau anak-anak yang merupakan generasi penerus Kalimantan Selatan khususnya, juga perlu mengenal lahan basah. Oleh karena itu, memperkenalkan lahan basah melalui Bahasa Inggris sangat diperlukan anak-anak karena mereka berada dalam masa keemasan perkembangan bahasa. Salah satu cara untuk memperkenalkan Bahasa Inggris dan lahan basah pada saat yang bersamaan adalah melalui buku cerita anak-anak dengan metode bercerita atau storytelling. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana Bahasa Inggris dan lahan basah diperkenalkan kepada anak TK melalui storytelling. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di TK Prumnas Kayu Tangi Banjarmasin denga...

Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education
Stories encourage young learners to understand concepts and vocabulary while expanding their back... more Stories encourage young learners to understand concepts and vocabulary while expanding their background knowledge about their surroundings. Therefore, providing young learners with a variety of storybooks to develop their understanding of their environment is important to be done by considering their interests and the content of the books. Based on this view, this research aimed to design a picture storybook written in English and with a wetlands environment. Simultaneously this research and development (R&D) referred to development procedures by Borg and Gall (2007) that simplified the process to only seven procedures: prelim approach methods data collection, research planning, early product development, expert validation, revision, field testing, and the last is disseminating and implementing the final product. The instruments used to collect data were a questionnaire, an interview with 15 kindergarten teachers on the need analysis stage and field testing stage, and two validation...
This study was conducted to find out the factors that contribute to EFL students’ anxiety by impl... more This study was conducted to find out the factors that contribute to EFL students’ anxiety by implementing the descriptive-qualitative method. The subjects were three classes of Basic Speaking Course of English Language Education Study Program in the academic year 2018/2019. The data was collected through questionnaires, observation, and interviews. The result showed several factors that contribute to EFL students’ language anxiety in the three of Basic Speaking Class. They are frightened of making mistakes, frightened of negative evaluation, kinds of tasks, deficiency of confidence, deficiency of speaking practice, and self-perception. The anxiety occurred in forms of having quite many pauses, going blank, making unnecessary body movements, playing with objects, and avoiding eye contact

Journal on English as a Foreign Language, 2020
This study tried to reveal the potential use of LINE application in developing students’ writing ... more This study tried to reveal the potential use of LINE application in developing students’ writing abilities through blended learning. It employed a quasi-experimental design which involved thirty-nine students of the advanced writing course. The experimental group was taught by using process and product approach combined with LINE application with teacher’s and classmates’ feedbacks while the control group was taught by using a conventional method without LINE application. The data were the result of students’ writings collected by using a writing test and scoring rubric as the instruments. The analysis of the students’ scores was carried out by employing the independent sample t-test. The finding showed that there was a significant effect of the use of LINE application on the students’ writing abilities. Furthermore, the differences were found in the components of vocabulary, grammar, organization, content, and mechanics. The study concluded that LINE application was a potential too...

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences Education - "Multicultural Transformation in Education, Social Sciences and Wetland Environment" (ICSSE 2017), 2018
Multiculturalism is an umbrella term that makes people from various cultures in a community share... more Multiculturalism is an umbrella term that makes people from various cultures in a community share equal respect and acceptable for each other. Multiculturalism should be introduced earlier for children since they are living in globalization era where one cultural identity may disappear easily and this can be learned in many ways. However, if it is related to children, it should be taught in fun ways in order to have more meaningful significance for them. One way that can be used by parents or any educators to encourage multicultural education is by using film animations that are closely related to children's environment, such as Adit and Sopo Jarwo animation series produced by Indonesian's talented people. This animated series represents culture of Indonesia and brings multicultural messages shown by the characters through the language spoken, the setting, and the narration. This article explains how Adit and Sopo Jarwo animation series give examples of multiculturalism as people from different ethnic backgrounds are at one place and live harmoniously together as one community. It is expected that children can appreciate differences or similarities that are shared by the people around them and make them becoming persons who are able to function effectively in the multicultural society of Indonesia.

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Language, Literature, and Arts (ICELLA 2021), 2021
Writing argumentative essays is not only challenging because the writers must have adequate knowl... more Writing argumentative essays is not only challenging because the writers must have adequate knowledge on the topic but also, they must provide strong arguments to convince the readers. This study analyzes the argumentation skills of advanced level students in writing the content of an argumentative essay. The design of the research was descriptive quantitative involving 60 argumentative essays written by 30 students of the Academic Writing course. The data were analyzed by using a scoring guide referring to Toulmin's model of argumentation. The analysis found that the mean score is 14.29 which is considered as good. However, further analysis on the argumentation elements of students' essays shows that the use of opposition and refutation is low as there are 40% of students in the first writing and 20% of students in the second writing did not propose any opposing argument. Furthermore, 46.66% of the students in the first writing and 50% students in the second writing did not give any refutation in their essays. Referring to the findings, it is suggested that more practices should be given to develop students' argumentation skills. Further research is also recommended to investigate argumentation skills by involving more subjects and different methods of analysis to reveal more comprehensive findings.

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Language, Literature, and Arts (ICELLA 2021), 2021
Nowadays, translation has become one of the centers of human interaction. In the translation proc... more Nowadays, translation has become one of the centers of human interaction. In the translation process, translators ask to translate words or sentences considering the elements and meanings of the source language (SL) to the target language (TL). In translation, there are two ideologies, namely Domestication and Foreignization, which can use as references in translation to convey appropriately. This research aims to find out students' ideology in translating narrative text entitled "Malin Kundang" by English Language Education students' batch 2018 of Lambung Mangkurat University. In this research, the researcher analyzed the ideology used by students using a quantitative approach. The data is taking from the translation of the narrative text of twenty students who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The results show that Domestication used 173 times, the frequency is 86,5%, whereas Foreignization used 27 times, the frequency is 13,5%. After conducting interviews with students who have worked on translated texts, it is concluded that by using Domestication ideology in translation, readers will find it easier to understand the meaning of the text, whereas, by using the Foreignization ideology in translation, readers can learn the elements and cultural meanings contained in the source language.

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Language, Literature, and Arts (ICELLA 2021), 2021
Writing in a foreign language is not easy because students have to consider not only the content ... more Writing in a foreign language is not easy because students have to consider not only the content but also the vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics. This study aimed to investigate the problems that English students have in writing argumentative essays. The subjects of this research were 55 students who were enrolled in Advanced Writing course at English Language Education Study Program of FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. A descriptive design within mixed method approaches was applied. A questionnaire was distributed and an open-ended interview was carried out to reveal problems that students face in writing argumentative essays. Moreover, an analysis on students' argumentative essays was employed to confirm the findings from the questionnaire and interview. The results indicated that the students had problems in writing argumentative essays pertaining to cognitive aspects (lack of knowledge on the key features of an argumentative essay), linguistic aspects (content, grammar, organization, vocabulary, claim, and evidence), and psychology aspects (fear of making mistakes, lack of self-esteem, and low motivation) that affected them in writing. These findings demand attention from the lecturers of Advanced Writing course particularly on the needs of more explicit instruction on writing claims and providing evidence in argumentative essays. The findings also suggest that more effective approach of teaching argumentative writing is needed to overcome students' problems.

Vidya Karya, 2018
English is a compulsory subject that must be taken by every students of FKIP Lambung Mangkurat Un... more English is a compulsory subject that must be taken by every students of FKIP Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM). Clear reference on what material should be given to the students must be clear enough so that they can get benefit from this subject. To find out the correct reference, needs analysis is urged to be done in order to obtain information about what the students really need to support their learning process at the present time or in the future. This study is aimed at identifying and analyzing the needs of these English learners. This study was conducted by using qualitative approach and descriptive method. The population of this study were students from 5 deparments who are currently taking English subject and the sampling technique used was purposive random sampling. Meanwhile, a questionnaire as the instrument for this study was arranged in closed-ended form. Technical data analysis applied in this study was descriptive analysis in the form of number and percentage. The study revealed that the needs of non-English Department students on English subject are very diverse and it can be concluded that they need English not only for their current needs as they can read various English literature that support their education in their field of study, but also for their professional future occupation. It is therefore recommended that ESP English teachers or other related parties should accommodate the needs of these students. In addition, it is suggested to always perform needs analysis since the needs of ESP learners are constantly changing.

International Journal of Language Education, 2018
Teaching is a lifelong learning process and even if a teacher may have years of experience in tea... more Teaching is a lifelong learning process and even if a teacher may have years of experience in teaching English as a foreign language, one might not know whether he/she has become a good teacher or not. The perceptions about a "good" English language teacher have been varied among the language learners and the teachers themselves. However, it is important to find out what kind of a "good" English language teacher based on learners' perceptions in order to discover what they believe and what they expect from their English teachers when they are learning the language. This present study aims at investigating and describing the qualities or the characteristics of a good English teacher based on the learners perceptions. The population for this study are the students of English Department of FKIP LambungMangkurat University Banjarmasin in three batches (batch 2015, 2016, and 2017), and when the time data collected they were at the sixth, the fourth and the second semester. The questionnaire given is in the form of close-ended questions and analysed quantitatively. The findings of this study are expected to help teachers to reflect or evaluate themselves and refresh their teaching practice when necessary, as well as for their own improvement and further professional development.
Jurnal Bahasa Sastra Dan Pembelajarannya, Oct 1, 2011

JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature)
Having English for all non-English department students as a compulsory course in the institution ... more Having English for all non-English department students as a compulsory course in the institution is worthwhile for the improvement of students’ ability in using foreign language; however, practically, the students and the lecturers deal with a lot of issues regarding the implementation of the subject itself. Every English class of non-English department is a large class consisting of more than 50 and even 100 students. Handling large classes constitutes a real challenge to every lecturer that it may hinder greater academic achievement and favorable attitudes toward learning. This study aims to find out how NovoLearning program can be the alternative to cope with large class problems of non-English language students. NovoLearning program is an artificial intelligence-based mobile learning that provides a fully integrated training solution, allowing focused English language instruction, communication preparation and integrated skills training. This study employed descriptive qualitati...

This research was carried out to analyze and to classify the types of errors ofstudent’s grammati... more This research was carried out to analyze and to classify the types of errors ofstudent’s grammatical errors in writing descriptive and narrative texts. The errorscollected were classified based on Corder’s theory. Besides, this research aimedto find out the kind of errors and the most frequent errors found in the descriptivetexts and narrative texts written by English Department Students Batch 2017 ofFKIP Lambung Mangkurat University of Banjarmasin. The methods used in thisresearch were quantitative and descriptive methods. The subjects of this researchwere English Department students’ batch 2017 of FKIP Lambung MangkuratUniversity of Banjarmasin in the academic year of 2018/2019. The researchertook 60 students as the sample. The data were collected through tests. Thestudents were asked to write descriptive texts and narrative texts consist of 150words within 80 minutes. Based from the result, the researcher concluded thatthere were four types of errors in descriptive texts and narr...

AbstractBased on the 2013 Curriculum and Syllabus, reading is required to comprehend and find out... more AbstractBased on the 2013 Curriculum and Syllabus, reading is required to comprehend and find out the text's information. In teaching reading, using appropriate media is one of the keys to success. Besides, it could make students reading comprehension get an increase in the teaching and learning process. One of the media is a picture storybook, as visual media has a good influence on understanding the text. Therefore, this research aims to describe the use of picture storybooks in teaching reading comprehension of recount text to eighth-grade students' of SMPN 15 Banjarbaru. The method was descriptive qualitative research. The subjects were eighth-grade students of VIIC consisting of 31 students. Interviews and observations were used to collect the data. Data triangulation was used to analyze the data. The results of this research were 1) the teaching process of using picture storybook in reading comprehension of recount text at eighth-grade students' at SMPN 15 Banjarba...

This is an experimental research study for conducting two techniques in teaching writing recount ... more This is an experimental research study for conducting two techniques in teaching writing recount text. As the experiences from the researcher, traditional or lecturing technique did not improve the students’ skill in writing, the researcher then decided to have two different techniques to the classes. Guiding question technique was given to the experimental group and mind mapping technique for the control class. After all steps were done, the result showed as class of experiment got proper score than control. It showed that mean score for class VIII C was 82.87 and for VIII A was 74.71. From the evidence above, the technique of guiding question was more effective than mind mapping which both of them have applied in the subject of classes. With a lot of hopes, for the researcher, English teachers, students and even other researchers, guiding question technique will be the alternative way to teach writing recount text

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Creativity, Innovation and Technology in Education (IC-CITE 2018), 2018
Many approaches, strategies, or techniques can be chosen by teachers to deliver their teaching ma... more Many approaches, strategies, or techniques can be chosen by teachers to deliver their teaching materials. However, not all can be applied in a class especially if the students are coming from various backgrounds, have mixed ability and are at different levels of proficiency. Therefore, the teachers have to determine which that gives most benefits for their students. Mathematics department students who received English subject as one of the compulsory courses may feel difficulties in comprehending English reading materials since English is not their major. Consequently, by understanding all differences, differentiating instructions is necessary to be done for achieving the success in teaching and learning activities. This research is aimed at describing what and how differentiated instruction is done in the classroom to teach English reading comprehension about wetlands. It is expected that the results will give better insights for the teachers as well as the students about the best strategy to teach reading comprehension that can cope with large classes and various needs of the students in teaching and learning English for science students. The findings suggest that differentiated instruction is challenging because the major of the students can determine the tasks that they choose. The differentiated instruction needs more preparation from the teachers because there must be considerations on the students' level of readiness, interest, and learning profile.

Worldwide life requires the need to understand well. In any case, as indicated by the Program for... more Worldwide life requires the need to understand well. In any case, as indicated by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRL) review in 2015 and uncovered at December 6 th 2016, Indonesia just got the poor quality. It was 64th from 72 nations. The Ministry of Education and Culture attempted to fix this issue by making the service job No.23 year 2015. The Indonesian government mingled the School Literacy Movement to class to be applied in class. This exploration aims to examine the usage of the school education development and discover the issues in SMAN 1 Banjarmasin. The methodology of this examination is subjective. The exploration subjects are English instructors and understudies. The information assortment strategies were meet with instructors and understudies. Information examination is utilized with intelligent model by Miles and Huberman, graphic investigation. The subjective examination are finished by information decrease, information show, and end or check. The consequences of this examination are the School Literacy Movement (SLM) actualized by constant, advancement and learning of perusing. The proposal is given to improve the School Literacy Movement (SLM) usage by utilizing the web to discover more the understanding books and improve the vocabularies

The primary goal of learning a foreign language is to be able to communicate in the language, bot... more The primary goal of learning a foreign language is to be able to communicate in the language, both in spoken and written form. This is also the case for Indonesian learners especially learners of English Language Education Program in ULM who learn English as their major. However, most of them believe that without abundant knowledge of grammar, they will not be able to speak or even write in English well. One of the problems they face is that they still doubt or confuse which tense(s) of English they have to use when they speak or write. This study aimed at finding out the learners’ problems batch 2018 in using English tenses by using a multiple choice test and a questionnaire. The study employed a quantitative approach and described the result in descriptive form. The subject of this study was the whole population of English Language Education Program batch 2018, in total 98 students. The findings reveal that most of them have problems with past perfect tense (61%), past perfect con...
Papers by Emma Febriyanti