A downloadable game

This game is available for the same price on the River Rad website

Classification: mini game


Year 1935

A stray dog is kidnapped by the evil Japanese scientist Hiro Takaramanana.

The dog is recognized by his identification as Pako, which is replaced by Pac.

The dog undergoes several experimental surgeries

removing its limbs, ears and changing the pigmentation of its skin. also managing to give it a certain painful immortality.

When it is no longer useful to science, the dog is sent for destruction.

Before being destroyed, he is rescued by a secret corporation where he is assigned different suicide missions. placing electromechanical prostheses depending on each mission.

There is a record of his missions until 1986. In that same year his problems with drinking began.

Year 2212


human colonies are being devastated by native peoples.

The stations are isolated and without communication.

Agent Pac hic has the mission of bringing the plans to wipe out the Martians once and for all to the central station, but his path will be full of enemies.


Año 1935

un perro callejero es raptado por el malévolo científico japones hiro takaramanana.

el perro es reconocido por su identificación como Pako, el cual es sustituido por Pac.

El perro es sometido a varias cirugías experimentales

quitándole sus extremidades, orejas y cambiándole la pigmentación de la piel. también logrando darle una cierta inmortalidad dolorosa.

cuando dejo de ser útil para la ciencia el perro es enviado para su destrucción.

antes de ser destruido es rescatado por una corporación secreta donde se le asignan diferentes misiones suicidas. colocándole prótesis electromecánicas dependiendo de cada misión.

se tiene registro de sus misiones hasta el año de 1986.En ese mismo año comienzan sus problemas con la bebida.

Año 2212


las colonias humanas están siendo desbastadas por los pueblos originarios.

las estaciones están aisladas y sin comunicación.

El agente Pac hic tiene la misión de llevar los planes para acabar de una vez por todas con los marcianos a la estación central, pero su camino estará plagado de enemigos.

About the game

The game is available in 128K

This is an arcade, easy arcade

You need a zx emulator if Use Windows or android


All keys are re-definable. Default keys:

Q ----- Jump

M ----- Fire

N ----- Fire Up


Also supports Kempston & Sinclair Joysticks 

Also gluten Free

thanks to 

Ramón Ameijeiras for colaborate in the special load that converted MPAGD in a tool for real game of  zx 128k

and colaborate developing a lot of things in assembler.

POE, Roolando & Hicks for helping me come up with new ideas and improvements and being excellent consultants.

Credence, Piazzola and other musicians who inspired me to create music

This game is made with the MPAGD engine and my development in assembler that allows scrolling at 4 px


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Hi, very enjoyable, 48k version possible? Thnaks!

Thanx Rafa, 48k is possible but I used 128 k to add music AY, 2 screen and Sprites, a total of 48k . I thought that the Game Will be the Game without music and the Game over and final screen. Sorry

Great game


Good new game, I added it to my new video along with other recently released ZX Spectrum games.

thanx Dino, I like the format where in a side u show the lore of the games, great video.

Thank you for this - here is my tribute.

Thanks u very much My friend

Awesome game!

Thanx friend