? ?
danielagger, posts by tag: jff - LiveJournal
Liverpool FC's #5
12th-Dec-2009 05:15 pm - Anybody know what time it is??
...It's celebrating Daniel's birthday Livejournal style time!!

I'm taking Okay dothebadthing's job cuz she's lazy! so all you have to do is comment with anything and everything. That's not too hard, right?

I already got the cake, you guys bring the drinks and the fun!

If you can't read, that says 'Happy Birthday Daniel' but the cake lady is crap at piping...
24th-Oct-2009 01:58 pm - I'M BORED....Dan Picspam
Star: "We Are All Made of Stars"
This is a very lazy Saturday morning and since I didn't want to study thermodynamics I was bored, I've decided to do a Dan picspam.

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More Pretty DanCollapse )
17th-Oct-2009 09:31 pm - do i hear screams?
Hello people of this community.
I just wanted to say..........

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That is all :)
Enjoy the match!

P.S dothebadthingI have no idea what to tag this as!!
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