Hey, I'm new here. I was hoping to get some advice with one of my dance teachers.
I am not a dancer by any means, but I enjoy dance immensely. Despite my illnesses last year (some very serious ones), I managed to keep up with my dance class. I also took 3 hours (not much, but it was all I could afford) of studio dance. I had taken studio dance previously, but had to quit because of financial/time issues. I started back last year, and decided to enroll in the dance class offered at my school.
Everything went well until December, which is when I became very ill. All of my teachers knew of this, but my dance teacher at school penalized me for my absences. I eventually had to leave my studio because of the health issues, and had to go on a Homebound program in order to complete school. However, because I was enrolled in dance at school, I still had to attend in order to receive a grade for the course.
I told the school dance teacher, to whom I will refer as H, I had been interested in being on her dance team (kind of an unspoken of interest) for a long time, and wanted to audition. I explained this to her, but she never really answered me, just kind of ignored me. One of my friends, who is her minion now, asked her about me, and she told my friend that I could quite easily make her JV team. I auditioned and on application for the team I explained the health situation, and stated that it was no longer an issue, but I had to finish the school year on the Homebound program. My audition was not amazingly fantastic, but I did well enough to make the team. H told me herself that I had scored high enough, but because I was not a freshman I would not be allowed on. She did, however, allow two other girls (both my age) on.
At any rate, I accepted it, and decided it was probably for the best. I took dance at my studio during the summer. Now I am enrolled in two periods of dance at school, but H treats me as though I am a joke.
For example, she asked me why I was in her classroom in between the two dance classes. She did not realize I was in two of her classes… Then, she told me that I would not be allowed to make up any time missed (thus penalizing my grade), no matter what the reason. Excused or unexcused, my grade will suffer. I came in late three times (two were excused). I have missed more of one class than the other, but because more students miss the same class that I missed, she gave me a higher grade than in the other class. More students are on time and present in the other class, so because of statistics, she has given me a lower grade. I’ve dressed out and done all of my work, doing more than required stretching and so forth, but she still gives me a lower grade. I don’t get it.
Then I asked her how I could improve my grand jetés because I cannot seem to straighten my back leg. She said I was ‘slapping’ the floor. I must admit, that I know no other way to get up into the air other than to use the ground. I was a trained gymnast, and that is how I was taught to do jumps/etc.
Then she made me go to the barre and do battements, which I can do to waist level. She did not say much, but walked up to me and said to go into passé, then attitude devant (also waist level). She then chuckled and shook her head, and told me, “This is your problem.” She grabbed my foot (still in attitude devant) and practically shoved it in my face, causing me to lose my balance. Her advice was that because I could not do an attitude devant or an extension to my face, I could not do a grand jeté.
I enjoy dance, but she treats me as though I am a joke. I am not talented, but I do work hard. It is too late to get out of the classes, but I enjoy the flexibility and daily dance I get from the course. How should I deal with her from now until next May?
Thanks for any advice.