Damons Disciples
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Johnny Damon Super Star

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[16 Jan 2006|02:09pm]

[ mood | discontent ]

Johnny Damon, upsets me to the maximum.

I can't believe he is with the Yankees now.
There goes my love! And now I have to figure out what
to do with my room... it's all Damon pictures with the
Red Sox and everything....gaaah

4 s| Grow Your Hair

[27 Sep 2005|12:32pm]

[ mood | crazy ]

Name: Christina
Age: 16
Location: Boston, MA
Whats your favourtie MLB team: Red Sox
Favourite player:Johnny Damon
Favourite pitcher: Bronson Arroyo
Favourite Baseball Memory: getting Bronsons CD
How many games do you attend a year: 1 to 20
Howd you find us: Random
What do you like best about Johnny: His long hair and his faithfulness to the sox

Grow Your Hair

[03 Sep 2005|03:16pm]

Name: Sara
Age: 17
Location: Michigan
Whats your favourtie MLB team: Bo Sox
Favourite player: Kevin Millar
Favourite pitcher: Curt Schilling and Wakey
Favourite Baseball Memory: Going to Fenway for the first time
How many games do you attend a year: 30 or so.
Howd you find us: Random searches
What do you like best about Johnny: I love his fight and desire. I love that he's a team player and does what needs to be done =)
Grow Your Hair

Hi! [08 Aug 2005|06:32pm]

[ mood | content ]

Name: Jennifer
Age: 23
Location: Connecticut
Whats your favourtie MLB team: I'd go out on a limb here and say BOSTON RED SOX
Favourite player: Johnny Damon, Jason Varitek, Manny Ramierez
Favourite pitcher: Curt Schilling and Bronson Arroyo
Favourite Baseball Memory: Sox sweeping the series, tied with my first time at Fenway
How many games do you attend a year: usually around 10
Howd you find us: through a Boston Red Sox Community
What do you like best about Johnny: Team spirt, great community relations, hot as hell and he fucking puts up the numbers each year.

Grow Your Hair

[02 Aug 2005|03:34pm]

Grow Your Hair

[01 Aug 2005|08:02pm]
Join redsoxbaseball
Grow Your Hair

[24 May 2005|06:35pm]

You scored as Johnny Damon. You are Johnny Damon!! You are very down-to-earth and like to joke around a lot. This is apparent through your appearance. You are known for looking unkempt, perhaps even caveman-like, but everyone loves you for it. Oh yea... Johnny is my homeboy!


Johnny Damon


Curt Schilling


Manny Ramirez


David Ortiz


Kevin Millar


Jason Varitek


Theo Epstein


Mark Bellhorn


Which Red Sox Player Are You?
created with

Hah amazing... didn't even like try just answered honestly all the way through... love it!!
Grow Your Hair

[02 May 2005|07:48pm]
Name: Colleen
Age: 19
Location: Pennsylvania
Whats your favourtie MLB team: Red Sox
Favourite player: Johnny, VTek, and Nixon
Favourite pitcher: Arroyo
Favourite Baseball Memory: Last year's ALCS or watching Schilling pitch on my birthday last year
How many games do you attend a year: None, since I moved away...
Howd you find us: Looking around..
What do you like best about Johnny: The hair...well, actually everything
1 | Grow Your Hair

[01 May 2005|06:42pm]

I really dont know why I started this community.
I never liked Johnny, so I guess it was on a whim, but I'm going to give it up to one of you, if anyone wants it, that is....

Just fill this out if you want the community, and in about a week, Ill get around to turning it over to someone....

Why do you want the community:
2 s| Grow Your Hair

[01 May 2005|05:19pm]

Name: Gina
Age: 15
Location: New Hampshire
Whats your favourtie MLB team: Red Sox all the way!!!
Favourite player: Johnny Damon...(David O., Jason V., Trot N.)
Favourite pitcher: Curt Schilling
Favourite Baseball Memory: Come back in 2004 against the yanks, when we were down 0-3 and won 4 games straight in a row...
How many games do you attend a year: Not enough..
Howd you find us: Johnny Damon search
What do you like best about Johnny: Johnny Damon is God, that's enough said right?!... :P Everything, he is the man...
Grow Your Hair

[22 Apr 2005|08:58am]

Name: Shelby
Age: 13
Location: Mass.
Whats your favourtie MLB team: Red Sox!!
Favourite player: Johnny Damon!! Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz.
Favourite pitcher: Schilling and Broson.
Favourite Baseball Memory: World Series Win!!!!!!!!
How many games do you attend a year: 3 or 4
Howd you find us: Searched "Johnny Damon"!
What do you like best about Johnny: I LOVE everything about him.
Grow Your Hair

[05 Apr 2005|08:11pm]

[ mood | pissed off ]

Ok, so as you know, Johnny's book is out (I've yet to get it), and there are excerpts all over the internet. I know players personal lives are none of my business but when they put shit out in the open, it is free to talk about

Frankly, I am fucking repulsed by Johnny right now. Who the hell cheats on their wife WHILE she is pregnant. Because you didn'y get enough attention? Jesus! Johnny David Damon, she was carrying your beautiful children inside of her and they were probably her top priority and seriously dude she probably felt like shit. You should have been a man and told Angie you were cheating on her in '99 (or '01, whichever!), not wait 4 years only to be married 11 mos. after the divorce. Let me tell you, Angie is/was/will be a better wife, mother and above all person than Michelle. Sure Michelle is gorgeous, but she lacks substance. I mean come on, she was a stripper. I hope when Jackson and Maddy are old enough, they'll know what you did Johnny, and I hope you pay for it.

that says it all.

6 s| Grow Your Hair

[24 Mar 2005|08:43pm]

omg the red sox trophy is comming to my school on monday! sweet!
Grow Your Hair

hi everyone! [18 Mar 2005|06:08pm]

Name: Morgan
Age: 13
Location: Ayer, Ma
Whats your favourtie MLB team: Red Sox of course
Favourite player: Johnny, Millar, Varitek, Manny, Papi - but that's not all
Favourite pitcher: Schilling - How'd u know?
Favourite Baseball Memory: Walking on beloved Fenway dirt
* Worst Memory(s): Thinking I'd never go to Fenway again and the horrid end of season of 2003
How many games do you attend a year: not nearly enough - one when i can afford it.
Howd you find us: im on the other community too.
What do you like best about Johnny: personality tops my list. of course the hair is great and he looks like a great guy with his kids.
Grow Your Hair

How great is this? :) [26 Feb 2005|07:51pm]

Johnny Damon, deemed by some as a Jesus Christ look-alike, walks on water on his way to the cages.
Washed-out workout
Johnny Damon, deemed by some as a Jesus Christ look-alike, walks on water on his way to the cages.
(Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis)
3 s| Grow Your Hair

[24 Feb 2005|01:08pm]

Everyone go pick up the latest issue of Boston magazine feating our beloved Johhny as it's coverboy! It has a great interview and some cute pics.

3 s| Grow Your Hair

[22 Feb 2005|02:14pm]

[ mood | chipper ]

Name: Sara


Location: Providence

Whats your favorite MLB team: My beloved Boston Red Sox

Favourite player: Johnny Damon, obviously

Favourite pitcher: Curt Schilling/Keith Foulke

Favourite Baseball Memory: Walking into Fenway Park for the first time. It was the greatest day of my life.

How many games do you attend a year: Not enough! They sell out too quickly, and I'm too poor to pay ticket agency prices

Howd you find us: Johnny Damon search

What do you like best about Johnny: He hustles! And I love how his hair flies when he runs. Oh man, and he is so cute. He's a solid hitter too, and great in the outfield.

Grow Your Hair

[23 Jan 2005|08:30pm]

[ mood | happy ]

hes so dreamyCollapse )

3 s| Grow Your Hair

[12 Jan 2005|09:57pm]

3 s| Grow Your Hair

marriage? [04 Jan 2005|11:05am]

Well... It's official. Johnny Damon is now a husband. He got married right near me too, how frieken wierd is that. Right in Orlando. Too bad.
6 s| Grow Your Hair

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