Videos by Mozammel Bin Motalab
Jul 21, 2022
Global Reach 2022: Mozammel Bin Motalab, DAL
Day 2: Environmental Science and Engi... more Jul 21, 2022
Global Reach 2022: Mozammel Bin Motalab, DAL
Day 2: Environmental Science and Engineering
About Global Reach, 2022: Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture brought together their international partner universities from China, India, and Ethiopia in a virtual symposium to explore innovative research solutions to agricultural problems. This was the third event in what they hope will continue to be an annual Global Reach Symposium. It serves as an important networking opportunity while showcasing graduate student research.
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Papers by Mozammel Bin Motalab
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - ParisTech, Dec 13, 2019
In this paper we are going to discuss and analysis the formal application of game theory which re... more In this paper we are going to discuss and analysis the formal application of game theory which require the identity of independent actors, their preferences, their knowledge, strategic acts they are allowed to make. Each independent actor is assumed to be coherent. This game theory is not limited to case analysis rather psychology, tag of war, business, economy etc.

The goal of this paper intended to develop a compact SMS (Short Message Service) based automated ... more The goal of this paper intended to develop a compact SMS (Short Message Service) based automated hardware controlling system. This is a low cost and ubiquitous automated System. It can be divided into three major parts, namely (1) Hardware controlling device, (2) Server connected with a Wireless Modem and (3) SMS Receiver and Controller of the system. At first Hardware controlling device attached with a server. Server programmer will be started by user and continuously running in the server machine. A GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) interface also attached with our server. The user will send an SMS containing the information of hardware controlling. This SMS will be received at the GSM modem attached with the server, then processed by the server and related instruction will be generated for hardware controlling system attached with the server through parallel port. The instruction will be sent to different circuits, which are specially designed for specific events for e...
Non Functional Requirement
Software requirements are specification of what should be implemented; they are descriptions of h... more Software requirements are specification of what should be implemented; they are descriptions of how the system should behave, a system property or attribute, or they may be a constraint on the development process of the system. Requirements are specifications of the services that the system should provide, the constraints on the system and the background information that is necessary to developing the system. Finally, a requirement is a singular documented need of what a particular product or service should perform. The latter definition is applicable in system engineering and software engineering. One can notice that the previous definitions are defining software requirements as specifications that cover system’s behavior, attribute, capability, characteristic, or quality of a system for a user to utilize and benefit from, satisfying planned or expected objectives.

International Journal of Computing Academic Research (IJCAR), Jun 22, 2014
The goal of this paper intended to develop a compact SMS (Short Message Service) based automated ... more The goal of this paper intended to develop a compact SMS (Short Message Service) based automated hardware controlling system. This is a low cost and ubiquitous automated System. It can be divided into three major parts, namely (1) Hardware controlling device, (2) Server connected with a Wireless Modem and (3) SMS Receiver and Controller of the system. At first Hardware controlling device attached with a server. Server programmer will be started by user and continuously running in the server machine. A GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) interface also attached with our server. The user will send an SMS containing the information of hardware controlling. This SMS will be received at the GSM modem attached with the server, then processed by the server and related instruction will be generated for hardware controlling system attached with the server through parallel port. The instruction will be sent to different circuits, which are specially designed for specific events for example main power switch, door lock system attached to the emergency exit or water pump etc.
A Cloud Computing system is intended to improve and automate the controlling single point operati... more A Cloud Computing system is intended to improve and automate the controlling single point operations. By using a single point of control, this goal is accomplished through the elimination of duplicate entry and the contribution of data integrity, detailed drilldown, simple training, manageable support, minimal IT maintenance, easy upgrades and reduced costs. Overall, the advantages of cloud computing usage fulfill the original intentions of business as it allows process manufacturers to manage their business as simply and efficiently as possible. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is designed to improve and auto-mate business processes operations. However, there are many unnecessary administrative, procedural costs and delays often associated with this practice. Examples include duplicate data entry, data corruption, increased training, complicated supplier relations, greater IT support and software incompatibilities. Purpose of this system is Single Point of Control, Duplicate Entry Elimination, Data Integrity, Detail Drill Down, Basic Training, Manage Support, Security, Minimal IT Maintenance, Easy Upgrades, and Reduce Costs etc.

International Journal of Computer Applications, Jan 1, 2011
IP TV is the short form of Internet protocol television. It’s the technology that allows us to ge... more IP TV is the short form of Internet protocol television. It’s the technology that allows us to get television services via internet protocol over the computer networks instead of traditional cable TV medium. The multicasting technology is used in IPTV to send one packet that is being originated from one station to multiple stations at a time, is referred as broadcasting of internet version [16]. This paper describes the functionality of IPTV protocol and Multicasting with a short background of its. We also have studied on various compression techniques of audio and video file and format. Our main intention was to observed how various protocols works with IPTV services like Protocol independent module (PIM), Internet group messages protocol (IGMP), and Cisco group management protocol (CGMP) when packets are interchanged with in router, switch, video server and clients. To observe these, a lab work on IPTV has been conducted and the findings have been discussed.
Books by Mozammel Bin Motalab

ANKAgEng, 2024
Despite its effectiveness in improving yield, uniform spraying has negative impacts on the enviro... more Despite its effectiveness in improving yield, uniform spraying has negative impacts on the environment and the use of resources. In this research project, we plan to contribute to the adaptation of spot spraying by developing electronic and mechanical components that allow boom sprayers of different size scales to adopt this technology. In this paper, we demonstrate the development of machine vision system that uses artificial intelligence to detect Colorado potato beetles based on YOLO v5 models, and the development of a communication to scheme to integrate the machine vision system with an open-source spraying mechanism via Controller Area Network. Using field images taken on-the-go from a camera mounted on a sprayer, the accuracy of detecting beetles reached 64%, which reveals a promising result given the possibility of enhancing image quality and the computation techniques moving forward. Also, the machine vision node, developed to integrate a machine vision system that consist of two neighbouring cameras, was able to flawlessly translate the detection results to a spraying system mounted on boom sprayer to control 6 nozzles individually. These results allow for scaling up the detection and spraying mechanisms to cover full booms which can reach to widths of 36 m. Beside building on the current developments on the detection and communication components, our next steps will include allowing for real-time spraying by introducing modifications on the pumping and nozzle components.
Presentation by Mozammel Bin Motalab

15th International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture – AnkAgEng’2023, 2023
Despite its effectiveness in improving yield, uniform spraying has negative impacts on the enviro... more Despite its effectiveness in improving yield, uniform spraying has negative impacts on the environment and the use of resources. In this research project, we plan to contribute to the adaption of spot spraying by developing electronic and mechanical components that allow boom sprayers of different size scales to adopt this technology. In this paper, we demonstrate the development of a machine vision system that uses artificial intelligence to detect Colorado potato beetles based on YOLO v5 models and the development of a communication scheme to integrate the machine vision system with an open-source spraying mechanism via Controller Area Network. Using field images taken on the go from a camera mounted on a sprayer, the accuracy of detecting beetles reached 64%, which reveals a promising result given the possibility of enhancing image quality and the computation techniques moving forward. Also, the machine vision node, developed to integrate a machine vision system that consists of two neighboring cameras, was able to flawlessly translate the detection results to a spraying system mounted on a boom sprayer to control 6 nozzles individually. These results allow for scaling up the detection and spraying mechanisms to cover full booms which can reach to widths of 36 m. Beside building on the current developments on the detection and communication components, our next steps will include allowing for real-time spraying by introducing modifications on the pumping and nozzle components.
Documentation and Procedure of International Trade and Business of ICT in European Market - Bangl... more Documentation and Procedure of International Trade and Business of ICT in European Market - Bangladesh context
It is important to identify one or multiple base or reference stories against which you would do ... more It is important to identify one or multiple base or reference stories against which you would do a relative sizing of the backlog. Validate that the estimates are internally consistent among stories as you go along.
The definition of elicitation is to draw forth or bring out (something latent or potential) and t... more The definition of elicitation is to draw forth or bring out (something latent or potential) and to call forth or draw out (as information or a response)
These definitions highlight the need to actively engage the stakeholders in defining requirements.
For example, requirements may be elicited in interviews or requirements workshops. Later, when those requirements are used to build and verify model(s), gaps in the requirements may be discovered. This will then require eliciting details of those newly identified requirements.
The Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring defines the tasks associated with the plannin... more The Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring defines the tasks associated with the planning and monitoring of business analysis activities. In addition, this are includes monitoring and reporting on work performed to ensure that the business analysis effort produces the expected outcomes.
Business analysis is the set of tasks and techniques used to work as a liaison amon... more Business analysis is the set of tasks and techniques used to work as a liaison among stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies, and operations of an organization, and to recommend solutions that enable the organization to achieve its goals.
In particular, business analysts often play a central role in aligning the needs of business units with the capabilities delivered by information technology, and may serve as a “translator” between those groups.
Drafts by Mozammel Bin Motalab
This has been a relatively a late entrant in our ICT market. Even today there are only a few firm... more This has been a relatively a late entrant in our ICT market. Even today there are only a few firms that provide dedicated software services and even fewer that have adopted any form of quality standards. However like any learning curve, more and more firms are coming into this fray; systematic procedures and practices are being implemented so that quality software houses are being produced. The basic clientele for the software houses has usually been the corporate houses .i.e. the institutional market. That being so it naturally follows that most of the software are database related.
It is true that the growth of the ICT sector is being hampered by the lack of proper telecommunication infrastructure. Bangladeshi companies continue to make the best out of what is being given to them. With the infrastructure situation improving, the software market is bound to increase.
Thesis Chapters by Mozammel Bin Motalab
This has been a relatively a late entrant in our ICT market. Even today there are only a few firm... more This has been a relatively a late entrant in our ICT market. Even today there are only a few firms that provide dedicated software services and even fewer that have adopted any form of quality standards. However like any learning curve, more and more firms are coming into this fray; systematic procedures and practices are being implemented so that quality software houses are being produced.
The basic clientele for the software houses has usually been the corporate houses .i.e. the institutional market. That being so it naturally follows that most of the software are database related.
Conference Presentations by Mozammel Bin Motalab

The XX CIGR World Congress 2022, Kyoto, Japan, 2022
This research work aims to develop an electronic control unit (ECU) to integrate a machine vision... more This research work aims to develop an electronic control unit (ECU) to integrate a machine vision system with a boom sprayer to control individual nozzles for precise spraying over pests. The machine vision which consists of one RGB camera and a single board computer will be integrated into a sprayer. The ECU establishes communication between the machine vision system and the boom sprayer through ISO11783 (known also as ISOBUS) to spray on that identified spot. The ECU is built with one Arduino Mega and one Arduino UNO attached to a CAN transceiver to send CAN frames in the CAN. The algorithm on the Arduino Mega reads predefined protocol messages from machine vision through Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) and identifies the regions where the pests are identified from the machine vision camera's Field of View (FOV). This algorithm has an option for users to enter the region number for each camera FOV. This string of regions is then sent to the Arduino UNO. Next, the algorithm in Arduino UNO creates the nozzle turn On or Off CAN frames whose frame includes a 29 Bit identifier and a 64-Bit data field. Later CAN frame is sent over the CAN to control individual nozzles of that identified region. The ECU provides agility to the CAN-enabled boom sprayer to integrate with different machine visions. The ECU is able to read the protocol messages from machine vision and send CAN frames simultaneously to control the specific nozzles immediately.
Videos by Mozammel Bin Motalab
Global Reach 2022: Mozammel Bin Motalab, DAL
Day 2: Environmental Science and Engineering
About Global Reach, 2022: Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture brought together their international partner universities from China, India, and Ethiopia in a virtual symposium to explore innovative research solutions to agricultural problems. This was the third event in what they hope will continue to be an annual Global Reach Symposium. It serves as an important networking opportunity while showcasing graduate student research.
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Papers by Mozammel Bin Motalab
Books by Mozammel Bin Motalab
Presentation by Mozammel Bin Motalab
These definitions highlight the need to actively engage the stakeholders in defining requirements.
For example, requirements may be elicited in interviews or requirements workshops. Later, when those requirements are used to build and verify model(s), gaps in the requirements may be discovered. This will then require eliciting details of those newly identified requirements.
In particular, business analysts often play a central role in aligning the needs of business units with the capabilities delivered by information technology, and may serve as a “translator” between those groups.
Drafts by Mozammel Bin Motalab
It is true that the growth of the ICT sector is being hampered by the lack of proper telecommunication infrastructure. Bangladeshi companies continue to make the best out of what is being given to them. With the infrastructure situation improving, the software market is bound to increase.
Thesis Chapters by Mozammel Bin Motalab
The basic clientele for the software houses has usually been the corporate houses .i.e. the institutional market. That being so it naturally follows that most of the software are database related.
Conference Presentations by Mozammel Bin Motalab
Global Reach 2022: Mozammel Bin Motalab, DAL
Day 2: Environmental Science and Engineering
About Global Reach, 2022: Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture brought together their international partner universities from China, India, and Ethiopia in a virtual symposium to explore innovative research solutions to agricultural problems. This was the third event in what they hope will continue to be an annual Global Reach Symposium. It serves as an important networking opportunity while showcasing graduate student research.
YouTube link:
These definitions highlight the need to actively engage the stakeholders in defining requirements.
For example, requirements may be elicited in interviews or requirements workshops. Later, when those requirements are used to build and verify model(s), gaps in the requirements may be discovered. This will then require eliciting details of those newly identified requirements.
In particular, business analysts often play a central role in aligning the needs of business units with the capabilities delivered by information technology, and may serve as a “translator” between those groups.
It is true that the growth of the ICT sector is being hampered by the lack of proper telecommunication infrastructure. Bangladeshi companies continue to make the best out of what is being given to them. With the infrastructure situation improving, the software market is bound to increase.
The basic clientele for the software houses has usually been the corporate houses .i.e. the institutional market. That being so it naturally follows that most of the software are database related.