Authored & Edited Books by Christine Macy
[Series: The Classical Tradition in Architecture] 318 pp, 2007
[Series: Norton / Library of Congress Visual Sourcebooks in Architecture, Design and Engineering] 460 pp, 2010
[Alice Davis Hitchcock Award, Society of Architectural Historians, 2006], 2003
[Series: Canadian Design Research Network] 69 pp, 2007

This book documents a series of immersive and responsive architectural environments created by Ph... more This book documents a series of immersive and responsive architectural environments created by Philip Beesley and collaborators between 1995 and 2006. A series of essays by Christine Macy, Robert Pepperell, Charles Stankievech, Michael Stacey are included, together with detailed drawings and photography documenting the installations and sculptures.
These compositions have tended to concentrate on vital, seething qualities built up from intensive repetition of miniature parts. The work tends to be dominated by practical technology while at the same time poetic cadences are latent: blood, soil. The large-scale field structures offerbodily immersion and wide-flung dispersal of perception.The textiles in these installations have recently taken the form of interlinking matrices of mechanical components and arrays of sensors and actuators that respond to occupants moving within the environment. Lightweight lattice and geodesic organizations form a structural core,employing digitally fabricated lightweight scaffolds that contain distributed networks of sensors and actuators. The structures are designed at multiple scales including custom components, intermediate tessellations composed of component arrays, and general structural systems. The current work focuses on integrating control systems with decentralized responsive intelligence. The work is based on gradual development moving toward applied architectural environments that include manufactured fi ltering and shading systems.
Papers by Christine Macy
With thanks to Jon Cummings, Graphic Designer of FutureWood, for templates.
Arguing that "the elimination of the human, of the very body, is the elimination of content ... more Arguing that "the elimination of the human, of the very body, is the elimination of content in the name of pure form", McElroy studies the work of six American and Canadian artists and architects. Artist's statements. Biographical notes on artists and curator. 9 bibl.ref.

In New York City, large parades like Macy 's Thanksgiving Day and the Sa int Patrick's Da... more In New York City, large parades like Macy 's Thanksgiving Day and the Sa int Patrick's Day parade descend the avenues, re-inscribing the major routes and monuments of the city. The Greenwich Village Halloween Parade however, from its earliest yea rs, cut across the grain of the city, beginning at the artists colony of West Beth on the Hudson ri ver, and following the meandering streets of eighteenth century Manhattan to · culminate in Washington Square, a site long associated with civic resistance. Traversing the heart of Greenwich Village, this event quickly ga ined a fo llow ing in the pos t-Stonewall gay community, w hich contributed enthusiastic and flamboyant paraders and audience. This paper proposes that the cross-town rou ting, and its a ttendant interruption of avenue traffic, was a highly visible manifestation of gay identity in opposition to mainstrea m sexual and politica l culture. Weaving its way through the gay mecca of the Village, apartment balconies and sto...
... A Language of Power" (Chapter 5), Steven Heller illuminates the comm... more ... A Language of Power" (Chapter 5), Steven Heller illuminates the commercial modernism present in ... work of the TVA; in "Almost Fully Modern: The TVA's Visual Art Campaign" (Chapter ... program, progressive ideology meets pop-ular effectiveness in a well-tempered compromise. ...
Macy, C. and Bonnemaison, S., “Flows as agents of transformation — Benton MacKaye und die Tennessee Valley Authority”, in Nierhaus, I., Hoenes, J., and Urban, A. (eds), Landschaftlichkeit: zwischen Kunst, Architektur und Theorie, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 241-251
Authored & Edited Books by Christine Macy
These compositions have tended to concentrate on vital, seething qualities built up from intensive repetition of miniature parts. The work tends to be dominated by practical technology while at the same time poetic cadences are latent: blood, soil. The large-scale field structures offerbodily immersion and wide-flung dispersal of perception.The textiles in these installations have recently taken the form of interlinking matrices of mechanical components and arrays of sensors and actuators that respond to occupants moving within the environment. Lightweight lattice and geodesic organizations form a structural core,employing digitally fabricated lightweight scaffolds that contain distributed networks of sensors and actuators. The structures are designed at multiple scales including custom components, intermediate tessellations composed of component arrays, and general structural systems. The current work focuses on integrating control systems with decentralized responsive intelligence. The work is based on gradual development moving toward applied architectural environments that include manufactured fi ltering and shading systems.
Papers by Christine Macy
These compositions have tended to concentrate on vital, seething qualities built up from intensive repetition of miniature parts. The work tends to be dominated by practical technology while at the same time poetic cadences are latent: blood, soil. The large-scale field structures offerbodily immersion and wide-flung dispersal of perception.The textiles in these installations have recently taken the form of interlinking matrices of mechanical components and arrays of sensors and actuators that respond to occupants moving within the environment. Lightweight lattice and geodesic organizations form a structural core,employing digitally fabricated lightweight scaffolds that contain distributed networks of sensors and actuators. The structures are designed at multiple scales including custom components, intermediate tessellations composed of component arrays, and general structural systems. The current work focuses on integrating control systems with decentralized responsive intelligence. The work is based on gradual development moving toward applied architectural environments that include manufactured fi ltering and shading systems.