Papers by Darren M. McDonald
Research Papers, Mar 1, 2006
In this paper, I build a framework from literature to trace the development of the concept of &#x... more In this paper, I build a framework from literature to trace the development of the concept of 'Diversity Management' in the USA. It is a framework that articulates linkages between broader social contexts and managerial responses, initiatives and motives. Emerging from this ...
Research Papers, 2008
The purpose of this paper is to briefly outline the preliminar y approach used in research to und... more The purpose of this paper is to briefly outline the preliminar y approach used in research to understand how diversity managers in Japan conceptualize diversity and diversity management to form a basis to investigate how this conceptualization is being implemented in the company and the outcomes of such efforts. The description of this 'research framework' focuses specifically on the first stages in using Grounded Theory to gather and analyze data sets made up of interview transcripts with Japanese managers responsible for diversity management in their company and is based on a social constructionism research philosophy and inductive research approach. Examples of the Grounded Theory analysis in action are provided and one of the first preliminary findings described.

This paper outlines recent and projected critical shifts in the Japanese business environment to ... more This paper outlines recent and projected critical shifts in the Japanese business environment to formulate a new proactive model of human resource management (HRM) (Figure 1 – A Strategic Model of HRM) that strategically aligns HRM functions with corporate goals and harnesses corporate culture. Drawing from both management literature/mass media and survey data, current and forecast critical factors influencing change in the business environment have been determined to include: (1) an aging society, (2) ever widening forms of workforce diversity (particularly employment patterns, generational and gender based), (3) the “Information Technology (IT) revolution,” and (4) globalization. Links between these environmental factors and HRM systems form the framework within which to develop a new strategic model of HRM, and the building of a uniquely individual corporate culture, for companies in Japan. Characteristic of this model is (1) interaction of environmental factors with (2) the cont...

In this paper, I build a framework to understand the experiences of diversity managers in Japan i... more In this paper, I build a framework to understand the experiences of diversity managers in Japan in their attempts to grasp what diversity management means. In seeking some answers, diversity managers are turning to literature that comes largely from the West, especially the USA. Thus, the first part of this paper examines this literature, recognizing the importance of the US context by showing linkages with broader social contexts and managerial motives behind the emergence of the concept of diversity management. Following this is an exploration of how Japanese diversity managers are re-conceptualizing Western notions of diversity in relation to their own life history and the circumstances of their company. It is a presentation of my own preliminary findings from a larger study. In conclusion, I briefly outline some themes that have risen as a result of the longitudinal nature of my study with the purpose of considering these themes when I reenter the field. Keywords: diversity mana...

This paper examines the existing literature into the diversity manager to understand who they are... more This paper examines the existing literature into the diversity manager to understand who they are and what they do. Three main themes found in the literature are discussed; " locating the diversity manager " (where the diversity managers are in the company and what characterizes their post), " the journey of the diversity manager " (the paths the diversity managers took to end up in their position and the learning and professional experience they gained before becoming diversity managers) and " the competencies of the diversity manager " (the skills and attitudes the diversity managers have or need to have that enables them to be successful in their work). These three themes are drawn together in a dynamic model of the diversity manager as a guide for future studies in studying the diversity manager. The paper concludes with a discussion about how a study into the first diversity managers in Japan can bring a more universal understanding and new insights into the work and role of the diversity manager.

Research Papers, Institute of Business Research, Daito Bunka University, 2010
In this paper, I build a framework from literature to trace the development of the concept of ‘Di... more In this paper, I build a framework from literature to trace the development of the concept of ‘Diversity Management’ in the USA. It is a framework that articulates linkages between broader social contexts and managerial responses, initiatives and motives. Emerging from this framework is a mapping of the various theoretical approaches pertinent to each stage of development. Looking at both the social and managerial forces and motives and the underlying theoretical developments articulates a split between concepts based in grounded experience and those directed towards change, or ‘should-be’ propositions. The final part of the paper takes a step back to ‘problemize’ current notions of ‘Diversity Management’ in recognition of the importance that these(largely ‘should-be’)notions have on the lives of employees when enacted by company management. This problematization of ‘Diversity Management’ is seen as part of a growing field of ‘Critical Diversity Management Studies’ projecting from philosophical inquiry, discrimination and identity politics and attempts to counter neo-liberalism.
Keywords: Diversity Management, Managing Diversity, Affirmative Action, AA, Equal Employment Opportunity, EEO, USA, Literature Review, Concept of Diversity, Evolution, Critical Diversity Management

This study describes the ‘lived experience’ of a Japanese diversity manager in Japan- the very fi... more This study describes the ‘lived experience’ of a Japanese diversity manager in Japan- the very first diversity manager in her company’s history- as she conceptualizes, frames and implements diversity management in her company (i.e. ‘actualizes’ diversity management). This ‘lived experience’ is categorized into three major spheres: (1) a life history continuum that especially focuses on the manager’s career path and her journey through the stages of pre-awareness of diversity and sensitizing of discrimination, formulation of an understanding of diversity and realization as a diversity manager, (2) conceptualization of the mechanism of diversity management extending from an individual with a strong sense of confidence, identity and professionalism and based on the job role and (3) the implementation of diversity management that targets both the tacit and explicit levels of individual employees and is supported by an ‘enabling’ corporate environment (‘enabling ba’). The interview procedure that provides the data for this study follows constructivist grounded theory research methods. In providing a rich understanding of the concepts covered, the Japanese context and lexicon are described borrowing from Japanese scholars and philosophers. I then shift to preliminary critical analysis to raise issues pertinent to Ms. Sato and diversity managers in Japan in general. In conclusion, some of the concepts described by the diversity manager are considered in a broader corporate and social context namely with regards to ‘competition’ verses ‘cooperation’ and ‘individualism’ verses ‘a group of individuals’.
Keywords: Diversity Management, Diversity Manager, Japan, Grounded Theory
The purpose of this paper is to briefly outline the preliminary approach used in research to unde... more The purpose of this paper is to briefly outline the preliminary approach used in research to understand how diversity managers in Japan conceptualize diversity and diversity management to form a basis to investigate how this conceptualization is being implemented in the company and the outcomes of such efforts. The description of this ‘research framework’ focuses specifically on the first stages in using Grounded Theory to gather and analyze data sets made up of interview transcripts with Japanese managers responsible for diversity management in their company and is based on a social constructionism research philosophy and inductive research approach. Examples of the Grounded Theory analysis in action are provided and one of the first preliminary findings described.
Keywords: Diversity Management, Japan, Grounded Theory, Business Research Methodology, Qualitative Methods

This paper outlines an exploratory research framework used to study Human Resource Management (HR... more This paper outlines an exploratory research framework used to study Human Resource Management (HRM) systems, practices and issues in Venture Companies (start-up companies) in Japan. After clarifying the terminology used, which in turn determines the scope of research, and reviewing the Japanese literature, the paper attempts to position HRM in the context of Venture Companies in Japan. A longitudinal case study based on qualitative research approaches suggested for the research framework focuses on the need to appreciate the processes of HRM within the context of each individual Venture Company as well as enable new understandings to emerge in data grounded in the research field. Since the study has already commenced with ongoing analysis as part of the research process, the paper will draw from some preliminary findings to highlight some features of both the research framework and issues surrounding HRM in one of the companies involved in the study.
Keywords: Human Resource Management (HRM), start-up startup companies, Venture Companies, Japan, qualitative research

This study describes the way in which a Japanese manufacturer was able to close the gap between t... more This study describes the way in which a Japanese manufacturer was able to close the gap between the rhetoric and reality of its Human Resource Management (HRM) strategy. By drawing from the studies of Ikujiro Nonaka in tacit/explicit knowledge in Knowledge Management and Ken-ichi Uchiyama in “actuality/reality” in Information Systems, I trace the processes used by Company A to deal with the tacit and explicit dimensions of the individual’s job so that HRM strategy could be re-interpreted and implemented and as a result “actualized.” The study also raises some issues to be considered in HRM, namely; (1) that management needs to target job roles in order to interact with both the tacit and explicit dimensions of the employee and (2) that the process of “accommodation” presents a useful way of managing diversity amongst employees and creating synergy for the company.
Keywords: Human Resource Management Strategy, Human Resource Management, HRM, rhetoric, reality, actuality, tacit, explicit, accommodation, diversity, job role, omoi, ba.

Working Paper, Institute of Business Research, Daito Bunka University, Research Papers E-35, Mar 2004
In this paper, I examine the perspectives held by Japanese top management contained in a Nikkeire... more In this paper, I examine the perspectives held by Japanese top management contained in a Nikkeiren report towards workforce diversity in Japan. Firstly, I briefly discuss the emergence of the concept of workforce diversity in the West and Japan. Secondly, I provide an overview of the management literature on the role of top management in diversity management and initiatives, providing a framework or lens through which to conduct the analysis. Thirdly, I use cognitive mapping to draw out the strategic concepts contained within top management perspectives of diversity in interviews published in the Nikkeiren report. Lastly, I highlight the strategic concepts that emerge from the cognitive maps and consider what implications these concepts have when conducting further studies into workforce diversity in Japan.
Keywords: Diversity Management, Workforce Diversity, Top Management, Perspectives, Japan
Japanese Human Resource Management (HRM) is currently faced with the challenges that have emerged... more Japanese Human Resource Management (HRM) is currently faced with the challenges that have emerged from the increasing diversity amongst employees. This study surveyed five companies (in the food, chemical, trade, and education sectors) focusing on three types of diversity – employment structures, values held by different generations, and gender. Drawing from the survey results, this paper attempts to provide guidelines for formulating contingent pro-active HRM approaches in managing diversity and to harness corporate culture in achieving organizational competitiveness.
Keywords: Japan, Diversity Management, Workforce Diversity, Strategic Human Resource Management, Corporate Culture
Papers by Darren M. McDonald
Keywords: Diversity Management, Managing Diversity, Affirmative Action, AA, Equal Employment Opportunity, EEO, USA, Literature Review, Concept of Diversity, Evolution, Critical Diversity Management
Keywords: Diversity Management, Diversity Manager, Japan, Grounded Theory
Keywords: Diversity Management, Japan, Grounded Theory, Business Research Methodology, Qualitative Methods
Keywords: Human Resource Management (HRM), start-up startup companies, Venture Companies, Japan, qualitative research
Keywords: Human Resource Management Strategy, Human Resource Management, HRM, rhetoric, reality, actuality, tacit, explicit, accommodation, diversity, job role, omoi, ba.
Keywords: Diversity Management, Workforce Diversity, Top Management, Perspectives, Japan
Keywords: Japan, Diversity Management, Workforce Diversity, Strategic Human Resource Management, Corporate Culture
Keywords: Diversity Management, Managing Diversity, Affirmative Action, AA, Equal Employment Opportunity, EEO, USA, Literature Review, Concept of Diversity, Evolution, Critical Diversity Management
Keywords: Diversity Management, Diversity Manager, Japan, Grounded Theory
Keywords: Diversity Management, Japan, Grounded Theory, Business Research Methodology, Qualitative Methods
Keywords: Human Resource Management (HRM), start-up startup companies, Venture Companies, Japan, qualitative research
Keywords: Human Resource Management Strategy, Human Resource Management, HRM, rhetoric, reality, actuality, tacit, explicit, accommodation, diversity, job role, omoi, ba.
Keywords: Diversity Management, Workforce Diversity, Top Management, Perspectives, Japan
Keywords: Japan, Diversity Management, Workforce Diversity, Strategic Human Resource Management, Corporate Culture