The conflict between classical and prehistoric archaeologists in Germany has its roots in the nineteenth century but became bitter with the event of National Socialism. The German Archaeological Institute struggled with the Amt Rosenberg... more
Nell'agosto del 1984, davanti alla Villa Doria Pamphilj sulla Via Aurelia Antica a Roma, venne scoperto un colombario con una ricca decorazione musiva e pittorica, soprannominato da allora "di C. Scribonius Menophilus", in riferimento... more
id., 'Il nido cogli Amorini su tre dipinti pompeiani', BullInst 1866, 191 s. 2 Helbig, Wandgemälde. -id., Wandmalerei. 3 Per i dati biografici vd. H. blancK, 'Helbig, Wolfgang', in DBI 61 (2003) 670-673. 4 W. Helbig, Quaestiones... more
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The project carried out since 2007 by a team of Italian and German researchers aims to explore the outset and the development of the urban structure and the public and private spaces of the colony Fabrateria Nova, founded by the Romans in... more