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The conflict between classical and prehistoric archaeologists in Germany has its roots in the nineteenth century but became bitter with the event of National Socialism. The German Archaeological Institute struggled with the Amt Rosenberg... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory of ArchaeologyOstrogothsNationalsocialism
Nell'agosto del 1984, davanti alla Villa Doria Pamphilj sulla Via Aurelia Antica a Roma, venne scoperto un colombario con una ricca decorazione musiva e pittorica, soprannominato da allora "di C. Scribonius Menophilus", in riferimento... more
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      Roman NecropolisRoman Wall Painting
id., 'Il nido cogli Amorini su tre dipinti pompeiani', BullInst 1866, 191 s. 2 Helbig, Wandgemälde. -id., Wandmalerei. 3 Per i dati biografici vd. H. blancK, 'Helbig, Wolfgang', in DBI 61 (2003) 670-673. 4 W. Helbig, Quaestiones... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory of ArchaeologyRoman Wall Painting
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie.
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      ArchaeologyHistory of ArchaeologyGerman Archaeological Institute
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      Roman ReligionPompeii (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman ArtRoman Domestic Religion
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      History of ArcheologyRomaDeutsches Archäologisches Institut
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Roman ArchitectureRoman Archaeology
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Roman Wall Painting
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      WinckelmannHistory of Archaeology
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      Graeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsAncient Rome
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      Digital ArchivesHistory of ArchaeologyDeutsches Archäologisches InstitutOnline books
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Graeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall Paintings
The project carried out since 2007 by a team of Italian and German researchers aims to explore the outset and the development of the urban structure and the public and private spaces of the colony Fabrateria Nova, founded by the Romans in... more
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      Roman TemplesRoman colonisationRoman Architecture
si sono svolte due campagne di scavo 2 presso la loc. La Civita, all'interno dell'area urbana di Fabrateria Nova. La città fu fondata nel 124 a.C. (VELL. PAT., I, 15, 4), dopo la distruzione di Fregellae avvenuta nel 125 3 ; la fondazione... more
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    • Ancient Topography (Archaeology)
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Roman IconographyRoman Wall Painting
The “Great Columbarium” and the “Columbarium of C. Scribonius Menophilus” are located in a nekropolis on the southern side of the Via Aurelia Antica in the western suburb of ancient Rome. They seem to be the earliest examples in the small... more
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Death and Burial (Archaeology)Ancient RomeRoman Mosaics
Die Untersuchung von Stadtwerdungsprozessen ist eines der zentralen Anliegen sowohl der mitteleuropäischen Ur-und Frühgeschichte als auch der klassischen Archäologie der antiken mediterranen Kulturen. Häufig wurde eine Vorbildfunktion... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyUrbanism (Archaeology)Archaeological Method & Theory
Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere memorizzata, fotocopiata o comunque riprodotta senza le dovute autorizzazioni.
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      Roman TemplesLazio meridionaleRoman ArchaeologyFabrateria nova
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryAncient Greek and Roman ArtHistory of Archaeology