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Qadhat is the name for a lime mortar in Southern Arabia. Its usage has a long tradition. This work describes physical and mineralogical properties of ancient, historical and new samples, which seem to have been produced the same way. XRD,... more
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‘Yemen alabaster’, a calcareous sinter, is a unique building and ornamental stone of the Sabaean culture (c. 1000 BC to 100 AD). This study characterises the quarries and describes the facies of their stones. Through thin sections,... more
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      ArchaeologyArabian archaeology
The ancient cultures of Southern Arabia are increasingly recognised as playing as major a role in the heritage of mankind as the early cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia or the Indus Valley. The beginning of the widely known Sabaean culture... more
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      GeologyPedologyVolcanic ashIrrigated Agriculture
Archaeopedological analyses in the oasis of Ma'rib (Yemen) yield new information of Neolithic land use, Bronze Age soil formation, and Sabaean irrigation. The AMS radiocarbon age of a Neolithic fireplace buried under Sabaean irrigation... more
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The ancient cultures of Southern Arabia are increasingly recognised as playing as major a role in the heritage of mankind as the early cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia or the Indus Valley. The beginning of the widely known Sabaean culture... more
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      GeologyVolcanic ashIrrigated Agriculture
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Hrsg.): Wasserwirtschaftliche Innovationen im archäologischen Kontext -Von den prähistorischen Anfängen bis zu den Metropolen der Antike. Rahden/Westf.: Leidorf 2012 (Menschen -Kulturen -Traditionen ; ForschungsCluster 2 ; Bd. 5) ISBN... more
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In 2009 the Sanaa Branch of the Orient Department of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) started research work in the two Ethio-Sabaean sites of Yeha and Hawelti in northern Ethiopia, both situated in the highlands of Tigray. Yeha... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesSouth Arabian CultureSouth Arabian ArchaeologyEthiopian History
Yeha and the UNESCO world heritage site Aksum, both situated in the Ethiopian highlands, was the centre of the ancient kingdoms of Di’amat and Aksumite. The ruins of these kingdoms spread all over the Tigray Plateau, show the wealth and... more
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      Archaeological Method & TheoryArchaeological GeophysicsEthiopian archaeologyGeomagnetic field
Die Broschüre "Archäologische Forschungen des DAI in Afrika 2018" informiert auf Deutsch und Englisch über alle aktuellen Projekte von Marokko und Tunesien über Ägypten, Sudan und Äthiopien bis nach Südafrika im Rahmen des TransArea... more
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      ArchaeologyAfrican History