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Entries by tag: pull ups


August 20, 2015
AM Workout:
10 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.72 miles,) 5 circuits (10 pull-ups, 100 jump ropes, 10 box jumps, 15 push-ups,) stair master for 20 minutes (90 floors,) and 5 minutes stretching. 51 minutes for 476 kcal.


June 16, 2015
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.35 miles,) 5 circuits (10 pull-ups, 100 jump ropes, 10 box jumps, 10 push-ups,) 60 sec plank, 60 sec boat, 66 bicycle crunches, and 56 scissor kicks. Then it was off to the stair mast for 12 minutes (suffering with a UTI, so only 40 floors) and 5 minutes stretching. 46 minutes for 430 kcal.


June 6, 2015
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.35 miles,) 25 sec plank, 25 sec boat, 30 bicycle crunches, 20 leg scissors, 20 minutes AMRAP: 20 DB thrusters, 10 pull-ups, 10 DB curls, 20 overhead squats ( I got 6 rounds,) 30 sec plank, 30 sec boat, 36 bicycle crunches, 24 leg scissors. Back to the treadmill for 10 minutes (.72 miles) and 5 minutes stretching. 50 minutes for 432 kcal.


May 2, 2015
AM Workout:
15 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (1 mile,) 5 circuits (10 pull-ups, 100 jump ropes, 10 box jumps, 15 push-ups, 10 calf raises,) and 10 minutes stretching. 45 minutes for 362 kcal.


March 31, 2015
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.35 miles,) 5 circuits (10 pull-ups, 100 jump ropes, 10 push-ups, 20 jumping jacks,) back to the treadmill for hill intervals (36 minutes for 2.25 miles,) and 5 minutes stretching. 60 minutes for 462 kcal.


March 24, 2015
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.35 miles,) 20 minutes AMRAP of 20 DB thrusters, 10 pull-ups, 10 DB curls, 20 overhead squats (I managed 6 rounds.) Then it was back to the treadmill for incline intervals (33 minutes for 2.05 miles) and 5 minutes stretching. 63 minutes for 509 kcal.


March 5, 2015
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.35 miles,) 10/8/6/8/10 hand release push-ups, 10 minutes AMRAP 10 wall balls, 10 burpees, and 10 pull-ups (I got 6 rounds.) Then, I dragged myself to the stair master for 20 minutes (81 floors) and 5 minutes stretching. 49 minutes for 426 kcal.


February 28, 2014
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.35 miles,) 5 x 8 barbell cleans, 15 minutes AMRAP (10 DB jump squats, 10 pull-ups, 10 each DB lunges, 10 push-ups; I did 7 rounds,) 20 minutes on the stair master (81 floors,) and 10 minutes stretching. 60 minutes for 515 kcal.


February 26, 2015
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.35 miles,) RPM class, 4x8 pull-ups, and 5 minutes stretching. 75 minutes for 535 kcal.


February 19, 2015
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.35 miles,) 4 sets of 10 pull-ups, 5 sets of barbell cleans, 8 circuits (10 each mountain climbers, 10 jumping jacks, and 10 push ups.) Then back to the treadmill for 35 minutes of 3,2,1 intervals (2.6 miles) and 5 minutes stretching. 67 minutes for 685 kcal.



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